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Last active June 15, 2016 18:39
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  • Save almccon/3cff844ea76f8fa0edb8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save almccon/3cff844ea76f8fa0edb8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
d3.carto lesson from MaptimeSF
!function(e){if("object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module)module.exports=e();else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define([],e);else{var f;"undefined"!=typeof window?f=window:"undefined"!=typeof global?f=global:"undefined"!=typeof self&&(f=self),(f.d3||(f.d3={})).carto=e()}}(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);throw new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'")}var f=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(f.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},f,f.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
"name": "d3-carto-map",
"version": "0.4.0",
"description": "easy layer-based maps for d3",
"main": "",
"directories": {
"example": "examples"
"scripts": {
"test": "make test"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"keywords": [
"dependencies": {
"d3": "^3.4.10"
"browserify": {
"transform": [
"browserify-shim": {
"d3": "global:d3"
"author": "Elijah Meeks",
"license": "Unlicense",
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"homepage": "",
"devDependencies": {
"browserify": "^4.2.0",
"browserify-shim": "^3.6.0",
"casper-chai": "^0.2.1",
"casperjs": "^1.1.0-beta3",
"chai": "^1.9.1",
"glob": "^4.0.4",
"jshint": "^2.5.2",
"mocha": "^1.20.1",
"mocha-casperjs": "^0.5.0",
"uglify-js": "^2.4.15",
"watchify": "^0.10.2"
"use strict";
module.exports = {
map: _dereq_("./map"),
layer: _dereq_("./layer"),
minimap: _dereq_("./minimap"),
modal: _dereq_("./modal"),
version: _dereq_("../package.json").version
(function (global){
"use strict";
var d3 = (typeof window !== "undefined" ? window.d3 : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global.d3 : null);
var Layer = module.exports = function() {
var layerPath = "";
var layerType = "";
var layerVisibility = true;
var layerActive = true;
var layerRenderMode = "canvas";
var layerClass = "default";
var layerLabel = "unlabeled";
var layerXCoord = function(d) {return d["x"]};
var layerYCoord = function(d) {return d["y"]};
var layerG;
var layerObject;
var layerFeatures;
var layerTileType = "mapbox";
var layerSpecific = "all";
var layerMarkerSize = function() {return 5};
var layerMarkerColor;
var layerStrokeColor;
var layerStrokeWidth;
var layerCluster = false;
var clickableFeatures = false;
var d3Modal;
var layerDataset;
var layerDispatch = d3.dispatch('load','recluster','newmodal');
var layer = function() {
layer.path = function(newPath) {
if (!arguments.length) return layerPath;
layerPath = newPath;
return this;
layer.type = function(newType) {
if (!arguments.length) return layerType;
layerType = newType;
return this;
layer.visibility = function(newVisibility) {
if (!arguments.length) return layerVisibility;
layerVisibility = newVisibility;
return this;
layer.renderMode = function(newMode) {
if (!arguments.length) return layerRenderMode;
layerRenderMode = newMode;
return this;
layer.clickableFeatures = function(newState) {
if (!arguments.length) return clickableFeatures;
clickableFeatures = newState;
return this;
layer.modal = function(newModal) {
if (!arguments.length) return d3Modal;
d3Modal = newModal;
return this;
layer.x = function(newX) {
if (!arguments.length) return layerXCoord;
if (typeof newX == "function") {
layerXCoord = newX;
//A number
else if (typeof newX == "number") {
layerXCoord = function(d) {return newX}
//Otherwise assume a top-level attribute name
else {
layerXCoord = function(d) {return d[newX]}
return this;
layer.y = function(newY) {
if (!arguments.length) return layerYCoord;
if (typeof newY == "function") {
layerYCoord = newY;
//A number
else if (typeof newY == "number") {
layerYCoord = function(d) {return newY}
//Otherwise assume a top-level attribute name
else {
layerYCoord = function(d) {return d[newY]}
return this;
layer.markerSize = function(newSize) {
if (!arguments.length) return layerMarkerSize;
if (typeof newSize == "function") {
layerMarkerSize = newSize;
//A number
else if (typeof newSize == "number") {
layerMarkerSize = function(d) {return newSize}
//Otherwise assume a top-level attribute name
else {
layerMarkerSize = function(d) {return d[newSize]}
return this;
layer.markerColor = function(newColor) {
if (!arguments.length) return layerMarkerColor;
if (typeof newColor == "function") {
layerMarkerColor = newColor;
//Else set color
else {
layerMarkerColor = function(d) {return newColor}
return this;
layer.strokeColor = function(newColor) {
if (!arguments.length) return layerStrokeColor;
if (typeof newColor == "function") {
layerStrokeColor = newColor;
//Else set color
else {
layerStrokeColor = function(d) {return newColor}
return this;
layer.strokeWidth = function(newWidth) {
if (!arguments.length) return layerStrokeWidth;
if (typeof newColor == "function") {
layerStrokeWidth = newWidth;
//Else set color
else {
layerStrokeWidth = function(d) {return newWidth}
return this;
layer.cssClass = function(newClass) {
if (!arguments.length) return layerClass;
layerClass = newClass;
return this;
layer.g = function(newG) {
if (!arguments.length) return layerG;
layerG = newG;
return this;
layer.object = function(newObject) {
if (!arguments.length) return layerObject;
layerObject = newObject;
return this;
layer.features = function(newFeatures) {
if (!arguments.length) return layerFeatures;
layerFeatures = newFeatures;
return this;
layer.tileType = function(newType) {
if (!arguments.length) return layerTileType;
layerTileType = newType;
return this;
layer.label = function(newLabel) {
if (!arguments.length) return layerLabel;
layerLabel = newLabel;
return this;
layer.specificFeature = function(newSpecific) {
if (!arguments.length) return layerSpecific;
layerSpecific = newSpecific;
return this;
layer.dataset = function(newDataset) {
if (!arguments.length) return layerDataset;
layerDataset = newDataset;
return this;
layer.cluster = function(newClusterSetting) {
if (!arguments.length) return layerCluster;
layerCluster = newClusterSetting;
return this;
layer.recluster = function() {
layer.clusterLayer = function() {
return layerObject.qtreeLayer;
d3.rebind(layer, layerDispatch, "on");
return layer;
Layer.topojson = function() {
return Layer().type("topojson");
Layer.geojson = function() {
return Layer().type("geojson");
Layer.csv = function() {
return Layer().type("csv");
Layer.xyArray = function() {
return Layer().type("xyarray");
Layer.featureArray = function() {
return Layer().type("featurearray");
Layer.tile = function() {
return Layer().type("tile");
}).call(this,typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
(function (global){
"use strict";
var d3 = (typeof window !== "undefined" ? window.d3 : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global.d3 : null),
Layer = _dereq_("./layer"),
Modal = _dereq_("./modal");
var Map = module.exports = function() {
var mapSVG;
var reprojectDiv;
var tileSVG;
var mapDiv;
var canvasCanvas;
var layerBox;
var zoomBox;
var panBox;
var mapProjection;
var mapZoom;
var mapCenter = [12,42];
var mapHeight = 10;
var mapWidth = 10;
var rasterReprojecting = false;
var workingDistance = 100;
var mouseOrigin;
var rotateOrigin;
var touchInitialD;
var touchInitialRotate;
var touchInitialLength;
var touchInitialScale;
var quadClusterScale = .1;
var newPointsLayer;
var newFeaturesLayer;
var d3MapZoomed;
var d3MapZoomInitialize;
var d3MapZoomComplete;
var renderCanvas;
var renderTiles;
var d3MapMode = "transform";
var d3MapCanvasG;
var d3MapCanvasImage;
var d3MapAllLayers = [];
var d3MapTileG = [];
var d3MapTileLayer = [];
var d3MapCanvasPointsData = [];
var d3MapSVGPointsG = [];
var d3MapSVGPointsLayer = [];
var d3MapRasterPointsLayer = [];
var d3MapRasterFeatureLayer = [];
var d3MapSVGFeatureG = [];
var d3MapSVGFeatureLayer = [];
var d3MapTile = function(){};
d3MapTile.size = function(){};
if (d3.geo.tile) {
var d3MapTile = d3.geo.tile()
.size([10, 10]);
var d3MapProjection;
var d3MapPath = d3.geo.path();
var d3MapZoom = d3.behavior.zoom();
var tandemMapArray = [];
var tileTypes = {
stamen: {flatPath: "", flatType: "jpg", reprojectPathPrefix: "http://{subdomain}", reprojectPathSuffix: "/{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg"},
mapbox: {flatPath: "", flatType: "png", reprojectPathPrefix: "http://{subdomain}", reprojectPathSuffix: "/{z}/{x}/{y}.png"}
function map(selectedDiv) {
mapDiv = selectedDiv;
reprojectDiv = selectedDiv.append("div").attr("id", "reprojectDiv").style("overflow", "hidden").style("height", "100%").style("width", "100%").style("position", "absolute");
//Multiple SVGs because we draw the tiles underneath and sandwich a canvas layer between the tiles and the interactive SVG layer
tileSVG = selectedDiv.append("svg").style("height", "100%").style("width", "100%").style("position", "absolute").style("z-index", -1).append("g").attr("class","rotateG").attr("id", "d3TileSVG");
canvasCanvas = selectedDiv.append("canvas").attr("id", "d3MapCanvas").style("height", "100%").style("width", "100%").style("pointer-events", "none")
.attr("height", 5).attr("width", 5).style("position", "absolute").style("z-index", 0);
mapSVG = selectedDiv.append("svg").attr("id", "d3MapSVG").style("height", "100%").style("width", "100%")
.style("position", "absolute").style("z-index", 1)
.on("touchstart", touchBegin).on("touchmove", touchUpdate)
.append("g").attr("class", "rotateG");
d3MapCanvasImage = mapSVG.append("g").attr("id","d3MapCanvasG").append("image");
layerBox = selectedDiv.insert("div", "svg").attr("id", "d3MapLayerBox");
layerBox.append("div").attr("id", "layerBoxContent");
zoomBox = selectedDiv.insert("div", "svg").attr("id", "d3MapZoomBox").attr("class", "d3MapControlsBox");
panBox = selectedDiv.insert("div", "svg").attr("id", "d3MapPanBox").attr("class", "d3MapControlsBox");
zoomBox.selectAll("button.zoomcontrol").data(["in", "out"]).enter().append("button").attr("class", "zoomcontrol").attr("id", function(d) {return d})
.on("click", manualZoom).html(function(d) {return d=="in" ? "+" : "-"});
var panSymbols = {"up": "&#8593;","down": "&#8595;","left": "&#8592;","right": "&#8594;"}
panBox.selectAll("button.pancontrol").data(["up","down","left", "right"]).enter().append("button").attr("class", "pancontrol")
.attr("id", function(d) {return d})
.on("click", function(d) {return manualPan(d,.5)}).html(function(d) {return panSymbols[d]});
//TO DO: Change this so that it appends the functionality and doesn't overwrite it
//Or find a viable solution that recognizes <div> resizing
var existingOnResize = d3.functor(window.onresize);
window.onresize = function(event) {
return this;
//Internal Functions
function updateLayers() {"#layerBoxContent").selectAll("*").remove();
var newLines ="#layerBoxContent").append("ul");
.on("click", showHideLayer).attr("id", function(d) {return d.object().id});
.on("click", showHideLayer).attr("id", function(d) {return d.object().id});
newLines.selectAll("li.nothing").data(d3MapRasterPointsLayer.filter(function(d) {return !d.object().mixed})).enter().append("li")
.on("click", showHideLayer).attr("id", function(d) {return d.object().id});
.on("click", showHideLayer).attr("id", function(d) {return d.object().id});
.on("click", showHideLayer).attr("id", function(d) {return d.object().id});
newLines.selectAll("li").append("input").attr("type", "checkbox").property("checked", function(d) {return d.visibility()});
newLines.selectAll("li").append("span").html(function(d) {return d.object().name})
newLines.selectAll("li").filter(function(d) {return d.cluster()}).remove();
function showHideLayer(d,i,sentNode) {
var n = sentNode || this;
var imgUrl = canvasCanvas.node().toDataURL("image/png");
d3MapCanvasImage.attr("xlink:href", imgUrl).style("opacity", 1);
//TO DO: Put transitions back in by adding a transition Canvas Image
if (!d.visibility()) {
if (d.object().mixed) {
d3MapRasterPointsLayer.forEach(function(p) {
if (p.object().id == d.object().mixedupDup) {
renderTiles();"g#" + d.object().id).style("opacity", 0).transition().duration(1000).style("opacity", 1);"input").property("checked", true);
else {"g#" + d.object().id).transition().duration(1000).style("opacity", 0);"input").property("checked", false);
if (d.mixed) {
d3MapRasterPointsLayer.forEach(function(p) {
if (p.object().id == d.object().mixedupDup) {
if (d.type() == "tile") {
d3MapCanvasImage.transition().duration(1000).style("opacity", 0);
function rebuildAttributes() {
for (var x in d3MapSVGPointsLayer) {
.each(function(d) {
if (!d._d3Map) {
var sw = parseFloat("stroke-width")) || 0;
var r = parseFloat("r")) || 0;
var height = parseFloat("height")) || 0;
var width = parseFloat("width")) || 0;
var x = parseFloat("x")) || parseFloat("cx")) || 0;
var y = parseFloat("y")) || parseFloat("cy")) || 0;
var fontSize = parseFloat("font-size")) || 0;
var fontWeight = parseFloat("font-weight")) || 100;
d._d3Map = {};
d._d3Map.strokeWidth = sw;
d._d3Map.height = height;
d._d3Map.width = width;
d._d3Map.dx = x;
d._d3Map.dy = y;
d._d3Map.fontSize = fontSize;
d._d3Map.fontWeight = fontWeight;
function degreeDistance() {
var a = d3MapProjection([1,1]);
var b = d3MapProjection([2,2]);
var s = d3MapZoom.scale();
var aa = [a[0] * s, a[1] * s];
var ba = [b[0] * s, b[1] * s];
var dist = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(aa[0] - ba[0]) + Math.abs(aa[1] - ba[1]));
return dist;
//Projection Zoom
function d3MapZoomedProjection() {
if (d3MapProjection.clipExtent) {
for (var x in d3MapSVGPointsLayer) {
if (d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].object().renderFrequency == "drawAlways" && d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].visibility() && d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].renderMode() == "svg") {
for (var x in d3MapSVGFeatureLayer) {
if (d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].object().renderFrequency == "drawAlways" && d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].visibility() && d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].renderMode() == "svg") {
function d3MapZoomInitializeProjection() {
mouseOrigin = d3MapZoom.translate();
if (d3MapProjection.rotate) {
rotateOrigin = d3MapProjection.rotate();
for (var x in d3MapSVGPointsLayer) {
if ((d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].object().renderFrequency == "drawEnd" || !d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].visibility())) {
d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].g().style("display", "none");
for (var x in d3MapSVGFeatureLayer) {
if ((d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].renderFrequency == "drawEnd" || !d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].visibility())) {
d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].g().style("display", "none");
function d3MapZoomCompleteProjection() {
for (var x in d3MapSVGPointsLayer) {
if ((d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].object().renderFrequency == "drawEnd" || d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].object().renderFrequency == "drawAlways") && d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].visibility() ) {
d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].g().style("display", "block");
for (var x in d3MapSVGFeatureG) {
if ((d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].renderFrequency == "drawEnd" || d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].renderFrequency == "drawAlways") && d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].visibility() ) {
d3MapSVGFeatureG[x].g().style("display", "block");
function renderCanvasProjected(zoomMode) {
var context = canvasCanvas.node().getContext("2d");
for (var x in d3MapRasterFeatureLayer) {
if ((d3MapRasterFeatureLayer[x].object().renderFrequency == "drawAlways" || (d3MapRasterFeatureLayer[x].object().renderFrequency == "drawDuring" && zoomMode == "zoom")) && d3MapRasterFeatureLayer[x].visibility() ) {
renderCanvasFeaturesProjected(x, context);
for (var x in d3MapRasterPointsLayer) {
if ((d3MapRasterPointsLayer[x].object().renderFrequency == "drawAlways" || (d3MapRasterPointsLayer[x].object().renderFrequency == "drawDuring" && zoomMode == "zoom")) && d3MapRasterPointsLayer[x].visibility() ) {
renderCanvasPointsProjected(x, context);
function renderCanvasFeaturesProjected(i,context) {
var _data = d3MapRasterFeatureLayer[i].features()
var canvasPath = d3MapPath;
for (var x in _data) {
context.strokeStyle = d3MapRasterFeatureLayer[i].strokeColor()(_data[x]);
context.fillStyle = d3MapRasterFeatureLayer[i].markerColor()(_data[x]);
context.lineWidth = parseFloat(d3MapRasterFeatureLayer[i].strokeWidth()(_data[x]));
context.beginPath(), canvasPath.context(context)(_data[x]);
if (_data[x]._d3Map.stroke != "none") {
if (_data[x]._d3Map.color != "none") {
function renderCanvasPointsProjected(i,context) {
var _data = d3MapRasterPointsLayer[i].features()
var _layerX = d3MapRasterPointsLayer[i].x();
var _layerY = d3MapRasterPointsLayer[i].y();
var r = [0,0];
var z = 180;
if (d3MapProjection.rotate) {
r = d3MapProjection.rotate();
z = d3MapProjection.clipAngle() || 180;
var a = [-r[0], -r[1]];
var cDist = Math.PI * (z / 180);
for (var y in _data) {
var projectedPoint = d3MapProjection([_layerX(_data[y]),_layerY(_data[y])]);
if (projectedPoint) {
var projX = projectedPoint[0];
var projY = projectedPoint[1];
if (d3.geo.distance([_layerX(_data[y]),_layerY(_data[y])],a) < cDist) {
context.fillStyle = d3MapRasterPointsLayer[i].markerColor()(_data[y]);
context.strokeStyle = d3MapRasterPointsLayer[i].strokeColor()(_data[y]);
context.lineWidth = parseFloat(d3MapRasterPointsLayer[i].strokeWidth()(_data[y]));
// "globe" zoom
function d3MapZoomedRotate() {
var updateClustering = false;
if (Math.abs(degreeDistance() - workingDistance) > .1) {
workingDistance = degreeDistance();
updateClustering = true;
var xRotate = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([1, -1])
.range([-180, 180]);
var yRotate = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([1, -1])
.range([90, -90]);
var d = d3MapZoom.translate();
var s = d3MapZoom.scale();
var p = [(mouseOrigin[0] - d[0]) / s, (mouseOrigin[1] - d[1]) / s];
var r = rotateOrigin;
d3MapProjection.rotate([xRotate(p[0]) + r[0], yRotate(p[1]) + r[1], d3MapProjection.rotate()[2]]);
for (var x in d3MapSVGPointsLayer) {
if (d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].cluster() && updateClustering) {
quadtreeModePoints(d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x], degreeDistance());
else if (d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].object().renderFrequency == "drawAlways" && d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].visibility() && d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].renderMode() == "svg") {
for (var x in d3MapSVGFeatureLayer) {
if (d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].cluster() && updateClustering) {
quadtreeModePoints(d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x], degreeDistance());
else if (d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].object().renderFrequency == "drawAlways" && d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].visibility() && d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].renderMode() == "svg") {
//Transform Zoom
function d3MapZoomedTransform() {
var updateClustering = false;
if (Math.abs(degreeDistance() - workingDistance) > .05) {
workingDistance = degreeDistance();
updateClustering = true;
for (var x in d3MapSVGPointsLayer) {
if (d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].cluster() && updateClustering) {
quadtreeModePoints(d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x], degreeDistance());
else if (d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].object().renderFrequency == "drawAlways" && d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].visibility() && !d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].cluster() && d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].renderMode() == "svg") {
for (var x in d3MapSVGFeatureLayer) {
if (d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].cluster() && updateClustering) {
quadtreeModePoints(d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x], degreeDistance());
else if (d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].object().renderFrequency == "drawAlways" && d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].visibility() ) {
for (var x in tandemMapArray) {
if (tandemMapArray[x].type == "minimap") {
function d3MapZoomInitializeTransform() {
var updateClustering = false;
if (Math.abs(degreeDistance() - workingDistance) > .05) {
workingDistance = degreeDistance();
updateClustering = true;
//TO DO: Split out the rendering into separate functions and call those with renderVector("always") or renderVector("once") and the like
for (var x in d3MapSVGPointsLayer) {
if (d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].object().renderFrequency == "drawEnd" || !d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].visibility() || d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].cluster()) {
d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].g().style("display", "none");
else if (!d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].cluster()) {
d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].g().style("display", "block");
if (d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].cluster() && updateClustering) {
quadtreeModePoints(d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x], degreeDistance());
for (var x in d3MapSVGFeatureLayer) {
if (d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].object().renderFrequency == "drawEnd" || !d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].visibility() || d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].cluster()) {
d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].g().style("display", "none");
else {
d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].g().style("display", "block");
if (d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].cluster() && updateClustering) {
quadtreeModePoints(d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x], degreeDistance());
function d3MapZoomCompleteTransform() {
var updateClustering = false;
if (Math.abs(degreeDistance() - workingDistance) > .05) {
workingDistance = degreeDistance();
updateClustering = true;
for (var x in d3MapSVGPointsLayer) {
if (d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].object().renderFrequency == "drawEnd" || !d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].visibility() || d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].cluster()) {
d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].g().style("display", "none");
else if ((d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].object().renderFrequency == "drawEnd" || d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].object().renderFrequency == "drawAlways") && d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].visibility() && !d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].cluster()) {
d3MapSVGPointsLayer[x].g().style("display", "block");
for (var x in d3MapSVGFeatureLayer) {
if (d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].cluster() && updateClustering) {
quadtreeModePoints(d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x], degreeDistance());
if ((d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].object().renderFrequency == "drawEnd" || d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].object().renderFrequency == "drawAlways") && d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].visibility() && !d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].cluster()) {
d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].g().style("display", "block");
else {
d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[x].g().style("display", "none");
function renderCanvasTransform(zoomMode) {
var context = canvasCanvas.node().getContext("2d");
for (var x in d3MapRasterFeatureLayer) {
if ((d3MapRasterFeatureLayer[x].object().renderFrequency == "drawAlways" || (d3MapRasterFeatureLayer[x].object().renderFrequency == "drawDuring" && zoomMode == "zoom")) && d3MapRasterFeatureLayer[x].visibility() ) {
renderCanvasFeatures(x, context);
for (var x in d3MapRasterPointsLayer) {
if ((d3MapRasterPointsLayer[x].object().renderFrequency == "drawAlways" || (d3MapRasterPointsLayer[x].object().renderFrequency == "drawDuring" && zoomMode == "zoom")) && d3MapRasterPointsLayer[x].visibility() ) {
if ((d3MapRasterPointsLayer[x].features().length > 1000 && zoomMode == "zoomcomplete") || (d3MapRasterPointsLayer[x].features().length < 1000)) {
renderCanvasPoints(x, context);
function renderSVGPoints(i) {
var _pG = d3MapSVGPointsLayer[i].g();
_pG.attr("transform", "translate(" + d3MapZoom.translate() + ")scale(" + d3MapZoom.scale() + ")");
.attr("transform", "scale(" + (1 / d3MapZoom.scale()) + ")");
function renderSVGFeatures(i) {
.attr("transform", "translate(" + d3MapZoom.translate() + ")scale(" + d3MapZoom.scale() + ")");
function renderCanvasFeatures(i,context) {
var _data = d3MapRasterFeatureLayer[i].features();
var canvasProjection = d3.geo.mercator().scale(d3MapProjection.scale() * d3MapZoom.scale()).translate(d3MapZoom.translate());
var canvasPath = d3.geo.path().projection(canvasProjection);
for (var x in _data) {
context.strokeStyle = d3MapRasterFeatureLayer[i].strokeColor()(_data[x]);
context.fillStyle = d3MapRasterFeatureLayer[i].markerColor()(_data[x]);
context.lineWidth = parseFloat(d3MapRasterFeatureLayer[i].strokeWidth()(_data[x]));
context.beginPath(), canvasPath.context(context)(_data[x]);
if (_data[x]._d3Map.stroke != "none") {
if (_data[x]._d3Map.color != "none") {
function renderCanvasPoints(i,context) {
var _data = d3MapRasterPointsLayer[i].features();
var _layerX = d3MapRasterPointsLayer[i].x();
var _layerY = d3MapRasterPointsLayer[i].y();
for (var y in _data) {
var projectedPoint = d3MapProjection([_layerX(_data[y]),_layerY(_data[y])])
var projX = projectedPoint[0] * d3MapZoom.scale() + d3MapZoom.translate()[0];
var projY = projectedPoint[1] * d3MapZoom.scale() + d3MapZoom.translate()[1];
//Transform fill and opacity to rgba
var rgbMarker = d3.rgb(_data[y]._d3Map.color)
var rgbaMarker = "rgba(" + rgbMarker.r + "," + rgbMarker.g + "," + rgbMarker.b + "," + _data[y]._d3Map.opacity + ")";
context.fillStyle = d3MapRasterPointsLayer[i].markerColor()(_data[y]);
context.strokeStyle = d3MapRasterPointsLayer[i].strokeColor()(_data[y]);
context.lineWidth = parseFloat(d3MapRasterPointsLayer[i].strokeWidth()(_data[y]));
function renderTilesTransform() {
//Tile drawing needs to only draw the topmost baselayer, or designate base layers through the layer control dialogue
if (d3MapTileLayer.length == 0) {
var tiles = d3MapTile
for (var x in d3MapTileLayer) {
if (d3MapTileLayer[x].visibility()) {
var image = d3MapTileLayer[x].g()
.attr("transform", "scale(" + tiles.scale + ")translate(" + tiles.translate + ")")
.data(tiles, function(d) { return d; });
.attr("xlink:href", function(d) { return "http://" + ["a", "b", "c", "d"][Math.random() * 4 | 0] + "." + tileTypes[d3MapTileLayer[x].object().type].flatPath + "/"+d3MapTileLayer[x].object().path+"/" + d[2] + "/" + d[0] + "/" + d[1] + "." + tileTypes[d3MapTileLayer[x].object().type].flatType; })
.attr("width", 1)
.attr("height", 1)
.attr("x", function(d) { return d[0]; })
.attr("y", function(d) { return d[1]; });
function renderSVGPointsProjected(i) {
var _data = d3MapSVGPointsLayer[i].g();
var _layerX = d3MapSVGPointsLayer[i].x();
var _layerY = d3MapSVGPointsLayer[i].y();
var r = d3MapProjection.rotate();
var z = d3MapProjection.clipAngle() || 180;
var a = [-r[0], -r[1]];
var cDist = Math.PI * (z / 180);
.attr("transform", "translate(0,0)scale(1)");
_data.selectAll("g.pointG").attr("transform", function(d) {return "translate(" + d3MapProjection([_layerX(d),_layerY(d)])+")"})
.style("display", function(d) {return d3.geo.distance([_layerX(d),_layerY(d)],a) > 1.7 ? "none" : "block"})
.attr("transform", "scale(1)");
function renderSVGFeaturesProjected(i) {
var _data = d3MapSVGFeatureLayer[i].g();
.attr("transform", "translate(0,0) scale(1)");
.attr("d", d3MapPath)
function renderTilesProjected() {
if (d3MapTileLayer.length == 0) {
rasterReprojecting = true;
for (var x in d3MapTileLayer) {
if (d3MapTileLayer[x].visibility()) {"#reprojectDiv").selectAll("div").remove();
var layer ="#reprojectDiv")
.style("width", mapWidth + "px")
.style("height", mapHeight + "px")
.style("position", "absolute")
.style(prefix + "transform-origin", "0 0 0")
.url("//{subdomain}." + tileTypes[d3MapTileLayer[x].object().type].flatPath + "/"+ d3MapTileLayer[x].object().path +"/{z}/{x}/{y}." + tileTypes[d3MapTileLayer[x].object().type].flatType)
.on("reprojectcomplete", function() {console.log("reprojectComplete");}));
function manualZoom(zoomDirection) {
if (zoomDirection == "in") {
if (d3MapZoom.scale() >= d3MapZoom.scaleExtent()[1]) {
var newZoom = d3MapZoom.scale() * 1.5;
var newX = ((d3MapZoom.translate()[0] - (mapWidth / 2)) * 1.5) + mapWidth / 2;
var newY = ((d3MapZoom.translate()[1] - (mapHeight / 2)) * 1.5) + mapHeight / 2;
else {
if (d3MapZoom.scale() <= d3MapZoom.scaleExtent()[0]) {
var newZoom = d3MapZoom.scale() * .75;
var newX = ((d3MapZoom.translate()[0] - (mapWidth / 2)) * .75) + mapWidth / 2;
var newY = ((d3MapZoom.translate()[1] - (mapHeight / 2)) * .75) + mapHeight / 2;
function manualPan(panDirection, panAmount) {
var newX = ((d3MapZoom.translate()[0] - (mapWidth / 2))) + mapWidth / 2;
var newY = ((d3MapZoom.translate()[1] - (mapHeight / 2))) + mapHeight / 2;
switch (panDirection) {
case "left":
newX = newX + (mapWidth * panAmount);
case "right":
newX = newX - (mapWidth * panAmount);
case "up":
newY = newY + (mapHeight * panAmount);
case "down":
newY = newY - (mapHeight * panAmount);
return false;
return true;
function scaled(incomingNumber) {
return parseFloat(incomingNumber) / d3MapZoom.scale();
function cssFromClass(incomingClass) {
var marker = {};
var dummyMarker = mapSVG.append("circle").attr("class", incomingClass);
marker.markerStroke ="stroke") || "black";
marker.markerStrokeWidth ="stroke-width") || 1;
marker.markerFill ="fill") || "white";
marker.markerOpacity ="opacity") || 1;
marker.fontSize ="font-size") || 1;
marker.fontWeight ="font-weight") || 1;
return marker;
function processFeatures(featureData, featureLayerName, featureLayerClass, renderType, renderFrequency,cartoLayer) {
var marker = cssFromClass(featureLayerClass);
var qtree = d3.geom.quadtree();
if (!cartoLayer) {
cartoLayer = Layer()
.on("newmodal", function() {d3MapSetModal(cartoLayer)});
qtree.x(function(d) {return d3.geo.centroid(d)[0]}).y(function(d) {return d3.geo.centroid(d)[1]});
var featureQuad = qtree(featureData);
featureQuad.visit(function(node, x1,y1,x2,y2) {
if (!node.leaf) {
node._d3Quad = {};
node._d3Quad["x"] = (x1 + x2) / 2;
node._d3Quad["y"] = (y1 + y2) / 2;
node._d3Quad["qsize"] = (x2 - x1);
for (var x in featureData) {
featureData[x]._d3Map = {};
featureData[x]._d3Map.arrayPosition = x;
featureData[x]._d3Map.color = marker.markerFill;
featureData[x]._d3Map.stroke = marker.markerStroke;
featureData[x]._d3Map.opacity = marker.markerOpacity;
featureData[x]._d3Map.strokeWidth = marker.markerStrokeWidth;
if (!cartoLayer.markerColor()) {
if (!cartoLayer.strokeColor()) {
if (!cartoLayer.strokeWidth()) {
if (renderType == "canvas") {
var layerObj = {id: "rf" + d3MapRasterFeatureLayer.length, drawOrder: d3MapRasterFeatureLayer.length, path: "", visible: true, name: featureLayerName, active: true, qtree: featureQuad, renderFrequency: "drawAlways", cluster: cartoLayer.cluster()}
else {
var layerG = mapSVG.insert("g", ".points").attr("class", "features").attr("id", "sf" + d3MapSVGFeatureLayer.length);
var layerObj = {id: "sf" + d3MapSVGFeatureLayer.length, drawOrder: d3MapSVGFeatureLayer.length, path: "", visible: true, name: featureLayerName, active: true, qtree: featureQuad, renderFrequency: "drawAlways", cluster: cartoLayer.cluster()}
layerG.attr("transform", "translate(" + d3MapZoom.translate() + ")scale(" + d3MapZoom.scale() + ")");
if (cartoLayer.clickableFeatures()) {
else {
.style("pointer-events", "none");
if (cartoLayer.cluster()) {
workingDistance = 1000;
function processXYFeatures(points, newCSVLayerName, newCSVLayerClass, markerSize, renderType, xcoord, ycoord, renderFrequency,cartoLayer) {
var rFreq = renderFrequency || "mixed";
var cName = newCSVLayerName || "CSV " + d3Layer.length
var cID = "cps" + d3MapSVGPointsLayer.length;
var ccID = "cpc" + d3MapRasterPointsLayer.length;
var qtree = d3.geom.quadtree();
var marker = cssFromClass(newCSVLayerClass);
if (!cartoLayer) {
cartoLayer = Layer()
.on("newmodal", function() {d3MapSetModal(cartoLayer)});
qtree.x(function(d) {return cartoLayer.x()(d)}).y(function(d) {return cartoLayer.y()(d)});
var xyQuad = qtree(points);
xyQuad.visit(function(node, x1,y1,x2,y2) {
if (!node.leaf) {
node._d3Quad = {};
node._d3Quad["x"] = (x1 + x2) / 2;
node._d3Quad["y"] = (y1 + y2) / 2;
node._d3Quad["qsize"] = (x2 - x1);
if (renderType == "canvas") {
var pointsObj = {id: ccID, drawOrder: d3MapRasterPointsLayer.length, path: "", visible: true, name: cName, active: true, renderFrequency: "drawAlways", mixed: false, qtree: xyQuad, cluster: cartoLayer.cluster()}
else if (renderType == "svg") {
var pointsObj = {id: cID, drawOrder: d3MapSVGPointsLayer.length, path: "", visible: true, name: cName, active: true, renderFrequency: "drawAlways", mixed: false, qtree: xyQuad, cluster: cartoLayer.cluster()}
//Mixed mode will be broken for a bit
else if (renderType == "mixed") {
var pointsObj = {id: ccID, path: "",drawOrder: d3MapRasterPointsLayer.length, visible: true, name: cName, active: true, renderFrequency: "drawDuring", mixed: true, mixedDup: cID, qtree: xyQuad, cluster: cartoLayer.cluster()}
var pointsObj = {id: cID, path: "",drawOrder: d3MapSVGPointsLayer.length, visible: true, name: cName, active: true, renderFrequency: "drawEnd", mixed: true, mixedDup: ccID, qtree: xyQuad, cluster: cartoLayer.cluster()}
//To access CSS properties
var marker = cssFromClass(newCSVLayerClass);
for (var x in points) {
if(points[x]) {
//Create and store fixed display data in the _d3Map object
if (!points[x]._d3Map) {
points[x]._d3Map = {};
points[x]._d3Map.color = marker.markerFill;
points[x]._d3Map.stroke = marker.markerStroke;
points[x]._d3Map.opacity = marker.markerOpacity;
points[x]._d3Map.strokeWidth = marker.markerStrokeWidth;
points[x]._d3Map.fontSize = marker.fontSize;
points[x]._d3Map.fontWeight = marker.fontWeight;
points[x]._d3Map.x = points[x][xcoord];
points[x]._d3Map.y = points[x][ycoord];
points[x]._d3Map.dx = 0;
points[x]._d3Map.dy = 0;
else {
points[x]._d3Map.color = marker.markerFill;
points[x]._d3Map.stroke = marker.markerStroke;
points[x]._d3Map.opacity = marker.markerOpacity;
points[x]._d3Map.strokeWidth = marker.markerStrokeWidth;
points[x]._d3Map.fontSize = marker.fontSize;
points[x]._d3Map.fontWeight = marker.fontWeight;
if (!cartoLayer.markerColor()) {
if (!cartoLayer.strokeColor()) {
if (!cartoLayer.strokeWidth()) {
if (renderType == "svg" || renderType == "mixed") {
var pointsG = mapSVG.append("g").attr("class", "points").attr("id", cID);
pointsG.attr("transform", "translate(" + d3MapZoom.translate() + ")scale(" + d3MapZoom.scale() + ")");
if (cartoLayer.clickableFeatures()) {
else {
.style("pointer-events", "none");
if (cartoLayer.cluster()) {
workingDistance = 1000;
function d3MapAddTileLayer(newTileLayer, newTileLayerName, tileType, disabled, cartoLayer) {
var tName = newTileLayerName || "Raster " + d3MapTileLayer.length
var tPosition = d3MapTileLayer.length;
var tID = "tl" + d3MapTileLayer.length;
var tObj = {id: tID, drawOrder: d3MapTileLayer.length, path: newTileLayer, visible: true, name: tName, active: true, renderFrequency: "drawAlways", type: tileType};
var tG = tileSVG.insert("g", tID).attr("class", "tiles").attr("id", tID);
if (cartoLayer) {
else {
cartoLayer = Layer()
.on("newmodal", function() {d3MapSetModal(cartoLayer)});
if (cartoLayer.visibility() == false || disabled) {
showHideLayer(cartoLayer,0,"li#" + tID).node())
function d3MapAddCSVLayer(newCSVLayer, newCSVLayerName, newCSVLayerClass, markerSize, renderType, xcoord, ycoord, renderFrequency,cartoLayer) {
var marker = cssFromClass(newCSVLayerClass);
if (!cartoLayer) {
cartoLayer = Layer()
.on("newmodal", function() {d3MapSetModal(cartoLayer)});
if (!renderFrequency) {
renderFrequency = "drawAlways";
d3.csv(newCSVLayer, function(error, points) {
processXYFeatures(points, newCSVLayerName, newCSVLayerClass, markerSize, renderType, xcoord, ycoord, renderFrequency,cartoLayer)
function d3MapAddTopoJSONLayer(newTopoLayer, newTopoLayerName, newTopoLayerClass, renderType, specificFeature, renderFrequency,cartoLayer) {
d3.json(newTopoLayer, function(error, topoData) {
var layerDataType = "topojson";
for (var x in topoData.objects) {
if (x == specificFeature || specificFeature == "all") {
var marker = cssFromClass(newTopoLayerClass);
if (!cartoLayer) {
cartoLayer = Layer()
.on("newmodal", function() {d3MapSetModal(cartoLayer)});
var topoLayerData = topojson.feature(topoData, topoData.objects[x]);
var td;
if (topoLayerData.type == "Feature") {
td = [topoLayerData];
else {
td = topoLayerData.features;
processFeatures(td, newTopoLayerName, newTopoLayerClass, renderType, renderFrequency,cartoLayer);
function d3MapAddGeoJSONLayer(newGeoLayer, newGeoLayerName, newGeoLayerClass, renderType, specificFeature, renderFrequency,cartoLayer){
var layerDataType = "geojson";
var marker = cssFromClass(newGeoLayerClass);
if (!cartoLayer) {
cartoLayer = Layer()
.on("newmodal", function() {d3MapSetModal(cartoLayer)});
d3.json(newGeoLayer, function(error, geoData) {
if (geoData.features[0].geometry.type == "Point") {
.x(function(d) {return d.geometry.coordinates[0]})
.y(function(d) {return d.geometry.coordinates[1]});
processXYFeatures(geoData.features, newGeoLayerName, newGeoLayerClass, cartoLayer.markerSize(), renderType, cartoLayer.x(), cartoLayer.y(), renderFrequency,cartoLayer);
else {
processFeatures(geoData.features, newGeoLayerName, newGeoLayerClass, renderType, renderFrequency,cartoLayer);
function quadtreeModePoints(layer, resolution) {
var quadDisplayScale = d3.scale.linear().domain([2,2.5,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,20]).range([300,150,50,10,8,6,5,4,3,2,.01]).clamp(true);
var clusterD = quadClusterScale;
if (map.mode() == "globe") {
clusterD = quadClusterScale;
if (map.mode() == "projection") {
clusterD = quadClusterScale;
if (layer.object().qtreeLayer) {
if (layer.type() == "featurearray" || layer.type() == "geojson" || layer.type() == "topojson") {
clusterD = quadClusterScale;
var quadtree = layer.object().qtree
var quadSites = [];
function traverse(node) {
for (var x in node.nodes) {
if (node.nodes[x].leaf) {
else if (node.nodes[x]._d3Quad.qsize < (quadDisplayScale(resolution) * clusterD)) {
else {
for (var x in quadSites) {
quadSites[x]._d3MapQuad = {};
quadSites[x]._d3MapQuad.size = quadSize(quadSites[x]);
quadSites[x]._d3MapQuad.x = quadSites[x]._d3Quad ? quadSites[x]._d3Quad.x : layer.x()(quadSites[x].point);
quadSites[x]._d3MapQuad.y = quadSites[x]._d3Quad ? quadSites[x]._d3Quad.y : layer.y()(quadSites[x].point);
function quadSize(d) {
var _size = 0;
d.children = [];
for (var x in d.nodes) {
if (d.nodes[x].leaf) {
else if (d.nodes[x].nodes) {
_size += quadSize(d.nodes[x]);
return _size;
// TODO: Topojson.merge
if (layer.type() == "topojson" || layer.type() == "featurearray" || layer.type() == "geojson") {
var quadSiteFeatures = [];
if (layer.type() == "topojson") {
for (x in quadSites) {
else {
for (x in quadSites) {
var qtreeLayer = d3.carto.layer.featureArray();
.label(layer.label() + " (Clustered)")
.markerSize(function(d) {return d.leaf ? 3 : simpleSizeScale(d._d3MapQuad.size)})
.on("load", layer.recluster)
.on("newmodal", function() {d3MapSetModal(qtreeLayer)});
layer.object().qtreeLayer = qtreeLayer;
else if (layer.type() == "csv" || layer.type() == "xyarray") {
var simpleSizeScale = d3.scale.linear().domain([2,10]).range([4,10]).clamp(true)
var qtreeLayer = d3.carto.layer.xyArray();
.label(layer.label() + " (Clustered)")
.markerSize(function(d) {return d.leaf ? 3 : simpleSizeScale(d._d3MapQuad.size)})
.x(function(d) {return d._d3MapQuad.x})
.y(function(d) {return d._d3MapQuad.y})
.on("load", layer.recluster)
.on("newmodal", function() {d3MapSetModal(qtreeLayer)});
layer.object().qtreeLayer = qtreeLayer;
function createMultiPolygon(d) {
if (d.leaf == true) {
return d.point;
var multiMade = {type: "Feature", properties: {node: d}, geometry: {"type": "MultiPolygon", coordinates: combineGeoms(d,[])}};
return multiMade;
function createMergedPolygon(d) {
var topoData = layer.dataset();
var topoObject = layer.specificFeature();
if (d.leaf == true) {
var thisPoint = {type: d.point.type, properties: {node: d}, geometry: d.point.geometry}
return thisPoint;
var multiMade = {type: "Feature", properties: {node: d}, geometry: topojson.merge(topoData, mergeGeoms(d,[]))};
return multiMade;
function mergeGeoms(d,geomArray) {
var topoDataM = layer.dataset();
var topoObjectM = layer.specificFeature();
var newArray = [];
if (d.leaf == true) {
newArray = d3.merge([geomArray,[topoDataM.objects[topoObjectM].geometries[d.point._d3Map.arrayPosition]]]);
else {
for (x in d.children) {
newArray = mergeGeoms(d.children[x],newArray);
newArray = d3.merge([geomArray,newArray])
return newArray;
function combineGeoms(d, geomArray) {
var newArray = [];
if (d.leaf == true) {
if (d.point.geometry.type == "Polygon") {
newArray = d3.merge([geomArray,[d.point.geometry.coordinates]]);
else if (d.point.geometry.type == "MultiPolygon") {
newArray = d3.merge([geomArray,d.point.geometry.coordinates]);
else {
for (x in d.children) {
newArray = combineGeoms(d.children[x],newArray);
newArray = d3.merge([geomArray,newArray])
return newArray;
function touchBegin() {
var d = d3.touches(this);
touchInitialD = d;
touchInitialRotate = d3.transform(".rotateG").attr("transform")).rotate;
touchInitialScale = d3MapZoom.scale();
if (d.length == 2) {
touchInitialLength = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(d[0][0] - d[1][0]) + Math.abs(d[0][1] - d[1][1]));
function touchUpdate() {
var d = d3.touches(this);
if (d.length == 2) {
var currentLength = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(d[0][0] - d[1][0]) + Math.abs(d[0][1] - d[1][1]));
var zoom = currentLength / touchInitialLength;
var newScale = zoom * touchInitialScale;
else if (d.length == 3) {
var slope1 = (touchInitialD[0][1] - touchInitialD[1][1]) / (touchInitialD[0][0] - touchInitialD[1][0]);
var slope2 = (d[0][1] - d[1][1]) / (d[0][0] - d[1][0]);
var angle = Math.atan((slope1 - slope2)/(1 + slope1*slope2)) * 180/Math.PI;
var newRotate = touchInitialRotate - angle;
d3.selectAll(".rotateG").attr("transform", "rotate(" +newRotate +")")
d3.selectAll("text").attr("transform", "rotate(" +(-newRotate)+")")
function touchEnd() {
var d = d3.touches(this);
if (d.length == 2) {
function d3MapSetModal(cartoLayer) {
if (!cartoLayer.modal()) {
var cartoModal = Modal().parentDiv(mapDiv).parentG(cartoLayer.g());
else {
.style("cursor", "pointer")
.on("click", cartoLayer.modal())
function xyToCoordinates(xy) {
var _x = (xy[0] - d3MapZoom.translate()[0]) / d3MapZoom.scale();
var _y = (xy[1] - d3MapZoom.translate()[1]) / d3MapZoom.scale();
return d3MapProjection.invert([_x,_y]);
function updateLayer(cartoLayer) {
var features = cartoLayer.features();
var layerG = cartoLayer.g();
if (!layerG) {map.refresh();return;}
var layerClass = cartoLayer.cssClass();
if (cartoLayer.type() == "csv" || cartoLayer.type() == "xyarray") {
var appendedPointsEnter = layerG.selectAll("g.pointG")
.attr("id", function(d,i) {return layerClass + "_g_" + i})
.attr("class", layerClass + " pointG")
.attr("class", "marker")
.attr("transform", "scale(" + (1 / d3MapZoom.scale()) + ")");
.attr("class", layerClass)
.attr("r", function(d) {return cartoLayer.markerSize()(d)});
.attr("transform", function(d) {return "translate(" + (d._d3Quad ? d3MapProjection([d._d3Quad.x,d._d3Quad.y]) : d3MapProjection([cartoLayer.x()(d),cartoLayer.y()(d)])) + ")"})
.each(function(d) {
d._d3Map.originalTranslate = "translate(" + (d._d3Quad ? d3MapProjection([d._d3Quad.x,d._d3Quad.y]) : d3MapProjection([cartoLayer.x()(d),cartoLayer.y()(d)])) + ")";
else if (cartoLayer.type() == "geojson" || cartoLayer.type() == "topojson" || cartoLayer.type() == "featurearray") {
var appendedFeatures = layerG.selectAll("g")
.attr("class", "marker " + layerClass);
.attr("class", layerClass)
.attr("d", d3MapPath)
//Exposed Functions
map.addCartoLayer = function (cartoLayer) {
switch (cartoLayer.type()) {
case "tile":
case "csv":
d3MapAddCSVLayer(cartoLayer.path(), cartoLayer.label(), cartoLayer.cssClass(), cartoLayer.markerSize(), cartoLayer.renderMode(), cartoLayer.x(), cartoLayer.y(), "drawAlways",cartoLayer)
case "topojson":
d3MapAddTopoJSONLayer(cartoLayer.path(), cartoLayer.label(), cartoLayer.cssClass(), cartoLayer.renderMode(), cartoLayer.specificFeature(), "drawAlways",cartoLayer)
case "geojson":
d3MapAddGeoJSONLayer(cartoLayer.path(), cartoLayer.label(), cartoLayer.cssClass(), cartoLayer.renderMode(), cartoLayer.specificFeature(), "drawAlways",cartoLayer)
case "xyarray":
processXYFeatures(cartoLayer.features(), cartoLayer.label(), cartoLayer.cssClass(), cartoLayer.markerSize(), cartoLayer.renderMode(), cartoLayer.x(), cartoLayer.y(), "drawAlways",cartoLayer)
case "featurearray":
processFeatures(cartoLayer.features(), cartoLayer.label(), cartoLayer.cssClass(),cartoLayer.renderMode(), "drawAlways",cartoLayer)
return false;
for (var x in tandemMapArray) {
var newCartoLayer = new d3.carto.layer;
var layerFunctions = ["path","type","visibility","renderMode","x","y","markerSize","cssClass","g","object","features","tileType","specificFeature"];
for (var i in layerFunctions) {
if (tandemMapArray[x].forceCanvas) {
return this;
map.addTileLayer = function (newTileLayer, newTileLayerName, tileType, disabled) {
if (!arguments.length) return false;
var tDisabled = disabled || false;
d3MapAddTileLayer(newTileLayer, newTileLayerName, tileType, tDisabled);
return this;
map.addCSVLayer = function (newCSVLayer, newCSVLayerName, newCSVLayerClass, markerSize, renderType, xcoord, ycoord, renderFrequency) {
//TO DO: Render Type "mixed" creates two layers, a canvas layer drawnAlways and an SVG layer drawnOnce
if (!arguments.length) return false;
d3MapAddCSVLayer(newCSVLayer, newCSVLayerName, newCSVLayerClass, markerSize, renderType, xcoord, ycoord, renderFrequency);
return this;
map.addXYLayer = function (dataArray, newCSVLayerName, newCSVLayerClass, markerSize, renderType, xcoord, ycoord, renderFrequency) {
//TO DO: Render Type "mixed" creates two layers, a canvas layer drawnAlways and an SVG layer drawnOnce
if (!arguments.length) return false;
processXYFeatures(dataArray, newCSVLayerName, newCSVLayerClass, markerSize, renderType, xcoord, ycoord, renderFrequency)
return this;
map.addTopoJSONLayer = function (newTopoLayer, newTopoLayerName, newTopoLayerClass, renderType, specificFeature, renderFrequency) {
if (!arguments.length) return false;
d3MapAddTopoJSONLayer(newTopoLayer, newTopoLayerName, newTopoLayerClass, renderType, specificFeature, renderFrequency);
return this;
map.addGeoJSONLayer = function (newGeoLayer, newGeoLayerName, newGeoLayerClass, renderType, specificFeature, renderFrequency) {
if (!arguments.length) return false;
d3MapAddGeoJSONLayer(newGeoLayer, newGeoLayerName, newGeoLayerClass, renderType, specificFeature, renderFrequency)
return this;
map.addFeatureLayer = function (featureArray, newLayerName, newLayerClass, renderType, renderFrequency) {
var layerDataType = "featurearray";
processFeatures(featureArray, newLayerName, newLayerClass, renderType, renderFrequency);
// #map.getLayerAttributes("layerName") = function (newCenter) {
if (!arguments.length) return mapCenter;
mapCenter = newCenter;
return this;
map.centerOn = function (newSetCenter, type, transitionSpeed) {
var tSpeed = transitionSpeed || 0;
if (!arguments.length) return false;
var projectedCenter = newSetCenter;
if (type == "latlong") {
var projectedCenter = d3MapProjection(newSetCenter);
var s = d3MapZoom.scale();
var t = [mapWidth / 2 - (s * projectedCenter[0]), mapHeight / 2 - (s * projectedCenter[1])];
if (tSpeed == 0) {
else {
return this;
map.zoomTo = function (boundingBox, type, margin, transitionSpeed) {
if (!arguments.length) return false;
var m = margin || .9;
var tSpeed = transitionSpeed || 0;
if (type == "latlong") {
boundingBox = [d3MapProjection(boundingBox[0]),d3MapProjection(boundingBox[1])];
var dx = boundingBox[1][0] - boundingBox[0][0],
dy = boundingBox[1][1] - boundingBox[0][1],
x = (boundingBox[0][0] + boundingBox[1][0]) / 2,
y = (boundingBox[0][1] + boundingBox[1][1]) / 2,
s = m / Math.max(dx / mapWidth, dy / mapHeight),
t = [mapWidth / 2 - s * x, mapHeight / 2 - s * y];
if (tSpeed == 0) {
else {
return this;
map.zoomToLayer = function(cartoLayer, margin, transitionSpeed) {
var layerExtent = boundingExtent(cartoLayer.features());
map.zoomTo(layerExtent, "latlong", margin, transitionSpeed);
function boundingExtent(features) {
var boundExtent = [[Infinity,Infinity],[-Infinity,-Infinity]];
if (cartoLayer.type() == "topojson" || cartoLayer.type() == "geojson" || cartoLayer.type() == "featureArray") {
for (var x in features) {
var thisBounds = d3.geo.bounds(features[x]);
boundExtent[0][0] = Math.max(-179.99,Math.min(thisBounds[0][0],boundExtent[0][0]));
boundExtent[0][1] = Math.max(-89.99,Math.min(thisBounds[0][1],boundExtent[0][1]));
boundExtent[1][0] = Math.min(179.99,Math.max(thisBounds[1][0],boundExtent[1][0]));
boundExtent[1][1] = Math.min(89.99,Math.max(thisBounds[1][1],boundExtent[1][1]));
else {
for (var x in features) {
var thisXY = [cartoLayer.x()(features[x]), cartoLayer.y()(features[x])]
boundExtent[0][0] = Math.max(-179.99,Math.min(boundExtent[0][0],thisXY[0]));
boundExtent[0][1] = Math.max(-89.99,Math.min(boundExtent[0][1],thisXY[1]));
boundExtent[1][0] = Math.min(179.99,Math.max(boundExtent[1][0],thisXY[0]));
boundExtent[1][1] = Math.min(89.99,Math.max(boundExtent[1][1],thisXY[1]));
return boundExtent;
map.screenBounds = function () {
var s = d3MapZoom.scale(),
t = d3MapZoom.translate();
var b1 = map.projection().invert([-t[0]/s,-t[1]/s])
var b2 = map.projection().invert([(mapWidth- t[0]) / s,-(t[1] - mapHeight) / s])
return [b1,b2]
map.zoom = function (newZoom) {
if (!arguments.length) return d3MapZoom;
d3MapZoom = newZoom;
return this;
map.projection = function (newProjection) {
if (!arguments.length) return d3MapProjection;
if (newProjection.clipExtent) {
var newScale = newProjection.scale();
var newTranslate = newProjection.translate();
d3MapProjection = newProjection;
return this;
map.path = function() {
return d3MapPath;
map.refresh = function() {
mapHeight = parseFloat(mapSVG.node().parentNode.clientHeight || mapSVG.node().parentNode.parentNode.clientHeight);
mapWidth = parseFloat(mapSVG.node().parentNode.clientWidth || mapSVG.node().parentNode.parentNode.clientWidth);
d3MapTile.size([mapWidth, mapHeight]);
canvasCanvas.attr("height", mapHeight).attr("width", mapWidth).style("height",mapHeight + "px").style("width", mapWidth + "px")
d3MapCanvasImage.attr("height", mapHeight).attr("width", mapWidth).style("height",mapHeight + "px").style("width", mapWidth + "px")
return this;
map.setScale = function(newScale) {
if (!arguments.length) return d3MapZoom.scale();
newScale += 9;
var s = (1 << newScale) / d3MapZoom.scale();
var newZoom = d3MapZoom.scale() * s;
var newX = ((d3MapZoom.translate()[0] - (mapWidth / 2)) * s) + mapWidth / 2;
var newY = ((d3MapZoom.translate()[1] - (mapHeight / 2)) * s) + mapHeight / 2;[newX,newY]).scale(newZoom).event);
return this;
map.clusteringTolerance = function(newScale) {
if (!arguments.length) return quadClusterScale;
quadClusterScale = newScale
return this;
map.mode = function(newMode) {
if (!arguments.length) return d3MapMode;
if (newMode == "projection") {
d3MapProjection = d3.geo.conicEquidistant()
// .scaleExtent([1, 15052461])
d3MapZoomed = d3MapZoomedProjection;
d3MapZoomInitialize = d3MapZoomInitializeProjection;
d3MapZoomComplete = d3MapZoomCompleteProjection;
renderCanvas = renderCanvasProjected;
renderTiles = renderTilesProjected;
//Adjust g and so on
mapSVG.selectAll("g.features,g.points").attr("transform", "translate(0,0) scale(1)")"display", "none");"display", "block")
//rescale stroke-width and size
else if (newMode == "globe") {
d3MapProjection = d3.geo.orthographic()
.center([0, 15])
.translate([mapWidth/2, mapHeight/2])
// .scaleExtent([1, 15052461])
d3MapZoomed = d3MapZoomedRotate;
d3MapZoomInitialize = d3MapZoomInitializeProjection;
d3MapZoomComplete = d3MapZoomCompleteProjection;
renderCanvas = renderCanvasProjected;
renderTiles = renderTilesProjected;
//Adjust g and so on
mapSVG.selectAll("g.features,g.points").attr("transform", "translate(0,0) scale(1)")"display", "none");"display", "block")
//rescale stroke-width and size
else if (newMode == "transform") {
d3MapZoomed = d3MapZoomedTransform;
d3MapZoomInitialize = d3MapZoomInitializeTransform;
d3MapZoomComplete = d3MapZoomCompleteTransform;
renderCanvas = renderCanvasTransform;
renderTiles = renderTilesTransform;
d3MapProjection = d3.geo.mercator()
.scale((1 << 13) / 2 / Math.PI)
.translate([5, 5]);
var c = d3MapProjection(mapCenter);
.scale(d3MapProjection.scale() * 2 * Math.PI)
// .scaleExtent([700, 15052461])
.translate([mapWidth - c[0], mapHeight - c[1]]);
.scale(1 / 2 / Math.PI)
.translate([0, 0]);
mapSVG.selectAll("g.features,g.points").attr("transform", "translate(" + d3MapZoom.translate() +") scale(" + d3MapZoom.scale() +")")
mapSVG.selectAll("g.features").selectAll("path").attr("d", d3MapPath);
mapSVG.selectAll("g.points").selectAll("g.pointG").attr("transform", function(d) {return "translate(" + d3MapProjection([d._d3Map.x,d._d3Map.y]) + ")"});"display", "block");"display", "none")
else {
return false;
.on("zoom", d3MapZoomed)
.on("zoomstart", d3MapZoomInitialize)
.on("zoomend", d3MapZoomComplete)
d3MapMode = newMode;
return this;
map.layers = function() {
return d3MapAllLayers;
map.zoomable = function(_on) {
if(_on) {"pointer-events", "auto");
else{"pointer-events", "none");
return this;
map.div = function() {
return mapDiv;
map.pushLayers = function(otherMap, miniMap, forceCanvas, otherType) {
tandemMapArray.push({map: otherMap, mini: miniMap, forceCanvas: forceCanvas, type: otherType});
return this;
map.deleteCartoLayer = function(layer) {
var layerArray = [d3MapTileLayer,d3MapSVGPointsLayer,d3MapRasterPointsLayer,d3MapSVGFeatureLayer,d3MapRasterFeatureLayer];
for (var x in layerArray) {
for (var y in layerArray[x]) {
if (layer == layerArray[x][y]) {
if(layerArray[x][y].g()) {
for (var x in d3MapAllLayers) {
if (d3MapAllLayers[x] == layer) {
layer = undefined;
return this;
map.createHexbinLayer = function(cartoLayer, degreeResolution) {
var hexbin = d3.hexbin()
.size([1000, 1000])
.x(function(d) {return cartoLayer.x()(d)})
.y(function(d) {return cartoLayer.y()(d)});
var hexdata = hexbin(cartoLayer.features());
var hexGeodata = [];
var thisHexagon = hexbin.hexagonArray()
for (var x in hexdata) {
var localHexagon = [];
var origx = hexdata[x].x;
var origy = hexdata[x].y;
for (var z in thisHexagon) {
localHexagon.push([thisHexagon[z][0] + origx,thisHexagon[z][1] + origy])
localHexagon.push([localHexagon[1][0], localHexagon[1][1]])
var hexFeature = {type: "Feature", properties: {node: hexdata[x]}, geometry: {"type": "Polygon", coordinates: [localHexagon.reverse()]}};
cartoLayer = Layer()
.on("newmodal", function() {d3MapSetModal(cartoLayer)});
return cartoLayer;
map.createVoronoiLayer = function(cartoLayer, margin) {
var xExtent = d3.extent(cartoLayer.features(), function(d) {return parseFloat(cartoLayer.x()(d))});
var yExtent = d3.extent(cartoLayer.features(), function(d) {return parseFloat(cartoLayer.y()(d))});
var voronoi = d3.geom.voronoi()
.clipExtent([[xExtent[0] - margin,yExtent[0] - margin],[xExtent[1] + margin,yExtent[1] + margin]])
.x(function(d) {return cartoLayer.x()(d)})
.y(function(d) {return cartoLayer.y()(d)});
var vorData = voronoi(cartoLayer.features());
var vorGeodata = []
for (var x in vorData) {
var thisVor = vorData[x];
var vorFeature = {type: "Feature", properties: {node: cartoLayer.features()[x]}, geometry: {"type": "Polygon", coordinates: [thisVor]}};
cartoLayer = Layer()
.on("newmodal", function() {d3MapSetModal(cartoLayer)});
return cartoLayer;
map.createHullLayer = function(cartoLayer, cartoAttribute) {
var xExtent = d3.extent(cartoLayer.features(), function(d) {return parseFloat(cartoLayer.x()(d))});
var yExtent = d3.extent(cartoLayer.features(), function(d) {return parseFloat(cartoLayer.y()(d))});
var features = cartoLayer.features();
var hull = d3.geom.hull()
.x(function(d) {return cartoLayer.x()(d)})
.y(function(d) {return cartoLayer.y()(d)});
var attributeKeys = d3.set(;
var hullGeodata = [];
for (var x in attributeKeys) {
var hullData = hull(features.filter(function(d) {return cartoAttribute(d) == attributeKeys[x]}));
if(hullData.length > 0) {
var hullCoords = {return [cartoLayer.x()(d),cartoLayer.y()(d)]});
var hullFeature = {type: "Feature", properties: {node: attributeKeys[x]}, geometry: {"type": "Polygon", coordinates: [hullCoords]}};
cartoLayer = Layer()
.on("newmodal", function() {d3MapSetModal(cartoLayer)});
return cartoLayer;
map.continuousCartogram = function(cartoLayer, cartoAttribute) {
var features = cartoLayer.features();
var cartogram = d3.cartogram()
.value(function(p,q) {return Math.max(.001,parseFloat(cartoAttribute(features[q])))});
var specObj = cartoLayer.specificFeature();
var carto = cartogram(cartoLayer.dataset(), cartoLayer.dataset().objects[specObj].geometries);
var geoPath = d3.geo.path()
.attr("d", function(d,i) {return geoPath(carto.features[i])});
map.newFeature = function(cartoLayer, featureType) {
var addedPoints = [];
var featureCoords = [];
var addedFeatures = [];
mapSVG.append("g").attr("id", "newFeatureG").append("rect").attr("height", mapHeight).attr("width", mapWidth).attr("opacity", .1).on("click", addPoint);
function addPoint() {
var p = d3.mouse(this);
addedPoints.push({id: "New Point " + addedPoints.length, "x": xyToCoordinates(p)[0], "y": xyToCoordinates(p)[1]});
if (newPointsLayer) {
if (newFeaturesLayer) {
newPointsLayer = Layer()
.label("New Points")
.on("newmodal", function() {d3MapSetModal(newPointsLayer)})
var polyCoords = d3.merge([featureCoords,[featureCoords[0]]]);
function sumOverEdges() {
var edgeSum = 0;
for (var x in polyCoords) {
if (x < polyCoords.length - 1) {
edgeSum += (polyCoords[x][0] + polyCoords[parseInt(x)+1][0]) * (polyCoords[x][1] + polyCoords[parseInt(x)+1][1])
if (edgeSum < 0) {
return false;
else {
return true;
if (addedFeatures.length > 0 || addedPoints.length > 1) {
if (sumOverEdges()) {
polyCoords = polyCoords.reverse();
var tempFeature = [{type: "Feature", geometry: {type: "Polygon", coordinates: [polyCoords]}}]
var tempFeatures = d3.merge([addedFeatures, tempFeature]);
newFeaturesLayer = Layer()
.label("New Features")
.on("newmodal", function() {d3MapSetModal(newFeaturesLayer)})
.on("load", function() {newFeaturesLayer.g().selectAll("path").on("click", addNewFeature)})
function addNewFeature() {
var newF = newFeaturesLayer.features()[0];
var oldF = cartoLayer.features();
map.showHideLayer = function(cartoLayer) {
showHideLayer(cartoLayer, 0,"li#" + cartoLayer.object().id).node());
map.refreshCartoLayer = function(cartoLayer) {
map.svgFeatureLayer = function() {
return d3MapSVGFeatureLayer;
map.rasterFeatureLayer = function() {
return d3MapRasterFeatureLayer;
return map;
}).call(this,typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
(function (global){
"use strict";
var d3 = (typeof window !== "undefined" ? window.d3 : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global.d3 : null),
Map = _dereq_("./map"),
Layer = _dereq_("./layer");
var minimap = module.exports = function() {
var d3Minimap,
function d3CartoMiniMap(selectedDiv) {
var newD3Minimap =;
d3MiniDiv = selectedDiv;;
d3Minimap = newD3Minimap;
.attr("height", 20)
.attr("width", 50)
.attr("x", 20)
.attr("y", 20)
.attr("class", "minimap-extent")
} = function(newMap) {
if (!arguments.length) return d3Minimap;
d3Minimap = newMap;
return this;
d3CartoMiniMap.tandem = function(cartoMap) {
cartoMap.pushLayers(d3Minimap, d3CartoMiniMap, true, "minimap");
d3TandemMap = cartoMap;
return this;
d3CartoMiniMap.duplicate = function(cartoMap) {
var incLayers = cartoMap.layers();
for (var x in incLayers) {
var cartoLayer = incLayers[x]
switch(cartoLayer.type()) {
case "tile":
case "csv":
d3Minimap.addXYLayer(cartoLayer.features(), cartoLayer.label(), cartoLayer.cssClass(), cartoLayer.markerSize(), "canvas", cartoLayer.x(), cartoLayer.y(), "drawAlways",cartoLayer)
case "topojson":
d3Minimap.addFeatureLayer(cartoLayer.features(), cartoLayer.label(), cartoLayer.cssClass(),"canvas", "drawAlways",cartoLayer)
case "geojson":
d3Minimap.addFeatureLayer(cartoLayer.features(), cartoLayer.label(), cartoLayer.cssClass(),"canvas", "drawAlways",cartoLayer)
case "xyarray":
d3Minimap.addXYLayer(cartoLayer.features(), cartoLayer.label(), cartoLayer.cssClass(), "canvas", cartoLayer.renderMode(), cartoLayer.x(), cartoLayer.y(), "drawAlways",cartoLayer)
case "featurearray":
d3Minimap.addFeatureLayer(cartoLayer.features(), cartoLayer.label(), cartoLayer.cssClass(),"canvas", "drawAlways",cartoLayer)
return this;
d3CartoMiniMap.hideControls = function(hide) {
if (hide) {
d3Minimap.div().select("#d3MapLayerBox").style("display", "none");
d3Minimap.div().select("#d3MapZoomBox").style("display", "none");
else {
d3Minimap.div().select("#d3MapLayerBox").style("display", "none");
d3Minimap.div().select("#d3MapZoomBox").style("display", "none");
return this;
d3CartoMiniMap.updateBoundingBox = function(bounds) {
var b1 = d3Minimap.projection()(bounds[0]);
var b2 = d3Minimap.projection()(bounds[1]);
var s = d3Minimap.zoom().scale();
var t = d3Minimap.zoom().translate();
var x = (b1[0] * s) + t[0];
var y = (b1[1] * s) + t[1];
var x2 = (b2[0] * s) + t[0];
var y2 = (b2[1] * s) + t[1];
var w = x2 - x;
var h = y2 - y;"rect.minimap-extent")
.attr("x", x)
.attr("y", y)
.attr("width", w)
.attr("height", h);
return this;
return d3CartoMiniMap;
}).call(this,typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
(function (global){
"use strict";
var d3 = (typeof window !== "undefined" ? window.d3 : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global.d3 : null),
Map = _dereq_("./map"),
Layer = _dereq_("./layer");
var Modal = module.exports = function() {
var d3Modal =,
function d3CartoModal(incomingD) {
d3ModalCurrentElement = this;
d3Modal = d3ModalParentDiv.append("div")
.attr("class", "d3MapModal");
.attr("class", "d3MapModalContent")
.attr("class", "d3MapModalArrow");
d3CartoModal.parentDiv = function(newParent) {
if (!arguments.length) return d3ModalParentDiv;
d3ModalParentDiv = newParent;
return this;
d3CartoModal.parentG = function(newParent) {
if (!arguments.length) return d3ModalParentG;
d3ModalParentG = newParent;
return this;
d3CartoModal.type = function(newType) {
if (!arguments.length) return d3ModalType;
d3ModalType = newType;
return this;
d3CartoModal.repositionModal = function() {
if (d3Modal.size() == 0) {
return false}
var modalHeight = parseFloat(d3Modal.node().clientHeight || d3Modal.node().parentNode.clientHeight);
var modalWidth = parseFloat(d3Modal.node().clientWidth || d3Modal.node().parentNode.clientWidth);
if (d3ModalType == "Point") {
var tP = d3.transform("transform"));
var tG = d3.transform(d3ModalParentG.attr("transform"));
var newLeft = (tP.translate[0] * tG.scale[0]) + tG.translate[0] - (modalWidth / 2);
var newTop = (tP.translate[1] * tG.scale[1]) + tG.translate[1] - modalHeight - 20;
else {
var _m = d3.mouse(d3ModalParentDiv.node())
var newLeft = _m[0] - (modalWidth / 2);
var newTop = _m[1] - modalHeight - 20
.style("left", newLeft + "px")
.style("top", newTop + "px");"div.d3MapModalArrow").style("left", ((modalWidth / 2) - 20) + "px")
return true;
d3CartoModal.formatter = function(newFormatter) {
if (!arguments.length) return createModalContent;
createModalContent = newFormatter;
return this;
createModalContent = function(d) {
var mLabel;
var mContent = d;
var mOutput = "";
if ( {
mContent =;
for (var x in mContent) {
if (x.toLowerCase() == "label") {
mLabel = x;
if (x.toLowerCase() == "name") {
mLabel = x;
if (mLabel) {
mOutput += "<h1>" + mContent[mLabel] + "</h2>"
for (var x in mContent) {
if (x.toLowerCase != mLabel && x != "_d3Map") {
mOutput += "<p>" + x.toUpperCase() + ": " + mContent[x] +"</p>";
return mOutput;
return d3CartoModal;
}).call(this,typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
path,circle,rect,polygon,ellipse,line {
vector-effect: non-scaling-stroke;
svg, canvas {
top: 0;
#d3MapZoomBox {
position: absolute;
z-index: 10;
height: 100px;
width: 25px;
top: 10px;
right: 50px;
#d3MapZoomBox > button {
width: 25px;
line-height: 25px;
.d3MapControlsBox > button {
border: none;
background: rgba(35,31,32,.85);
color: white;
padding: 0;
cursor: pointer;
.d3MapControlsBox > button:hover {
background: black;
#d3MapPanBox {
position: absolute;
z-index: 10;
height: 100px;
width: 25px;
top: 60px;
right: 50px;
#d3MapPanBox > button {
width: 25px;
line-height: 25px;
#d3MapPanBox > button#left {
position: absolute;
left: -25px;
top: 10px;
#d3MapPanBox > button#right {
position: absolute;
right: -25px;
top: 10px;
#d3MapLayerBox {
position: relative;
z-index: 10;
height: 100px;
width: 120px;
top: 10px;
left: 10px;
overflow: auto;
color: white;
background: rgba(35,31,32,.85);
#d3MapLayerBox > div {
margin: 5px;
border: none;
#d3MapLayerBox ul {
list-style: none;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
cursor: pointer;
#d3MapLayerBox li {
list-style: none;
padding: 0;
#d3MapLayerBox li:hover {
#d3MapLayerBox li input {
cursor: pointer;
div.d3MapModal {
position: absolute;
z-index: 11;
background: rgba(35,31,32,.90);
top: 50px;
left: 50px;
color: white;
max-width: 400px;
div.d3MapModalContent {
height: 100%;
overflow: auto;
div.d3MapModalContent > p {
padding: 0px 20px;
margin: 5px 0;
div.d3MapModalContent > h1 {
padding: 0px 20px;
font-size: 20px;
div.d3MapModalArrow {
content: "";
width: 0;
height: 0;
border-left: 20px solid transparent;
border-right: 20px solid transparent;
border-top: 20px solid rgba(35,31,32,.90);
position: absolute;
bottom: -20px;
left: 33px;
#d3MapSVG {
rect.minimap-extent {
fill: rgba(200,255,255,0.35);
stroke: black;
stroke-width: 2px;
stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
circle.newpoints {
fill: black;
stroke: red;
stroke-width: 2px;
path.newfeatures {
fill: steelblue;
fill-opacity: .5;
stroke: pink;
stroke-width: 2px;
<html xmlns="">
<title>d3.carto - Simple Map Example</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="d3map.css" />
html,body {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
margin: 0;
#map {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
position: absolute;
.country {
fill-opacity: 1;
fill: #4682B4;
stroke-opacity: 1;
stroke: black;
stroke-width: 2px;
function makeSomeMaps() {
map =;"#map").call(map);
countryLayer = d3.carto.layer.geojson();
<body onload="makeSomeMaps()">
<div id="map"></div>
<script src="" charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript">
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"crs": { "type": "name", "properties": { "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84" } },
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-52.852, -80.9667 ], [ -54.1643, -80.6335 ], [ -53.988, -80.222 ], [ -51.8531, -79.9477 ], [ -50.9913, -79.6146 ], [ -50.3646, -79.1835 ], [ -49.9141, -78.8112 ], [ -49.307, -78.4586 ], [ -48.6606, -78.047 ], [ -48.6606, -78.047 ], [ -48.1514, -78.0471 ], [ -46.6629, -77.8315 ], [ -45.1548, -78.0471 ] ] ], [ [ [ -121.2115, -73.501 ], [ -119.9189, -73.6577 ], [ -118.7241, -73.4814 ], [ -119.2921, -73.8341 ], [ -120.2322, -74.0888 ], [ -121.6228, -74.0105 ], [ -122.6217, -73.6578 ], [ -122.6217, -73.6578 ], [ -122.4062, -73.3246 ], [ -121.2115, -73.501 ] ] ], [ [ [ -125.5596, -73.4814 ], [ -124.0319, -73.8733 ], [ -124.6195, -73.8341 ], [ -125.9122, -73.7361 ], [ -127.2831, -73.4618 ], [ -127.2831, -73.4618 ], [ -126.5585, -73.2462 ], [ -125.5596, -73.4814 ] ] ], [ [ [ -98.9815, -71.9333 ], [ -97.8847, -72.0705 ], [ -96.7879, -71.953 ], [ -96.2004, -72.5212 ], [ -96.9838, -72.4429 ], [ -98.1981, -72.482 ], [ -99.432, -72.4429 ], [ -100.7835, -72.5016 ], [ -101.8019, -72.3057 ], [ 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-63.7457, -66.5038 ], [ -64.2941, -66.837 ], [ -64.8817, -67.1505 ], [ -65.5084, -67.5816 ], [ -65.6651, -67.9539 ], [ -65.3125, -68.3653 ], [ -64.7837, -68.6789 ], [ -63.9611, -68.914 ], [ -63.1973, -69.2276 ], [ -62.786, -69.6194 ], [ -62.5705, -69.9917 ], [ -62.2767, -70.3837 ], [ -61.8067, -70.7168 ], [ -61.5129, -71.089 ], [ -61.3758, -72.0101 ], [ -61.082, -72.3824 ], [ -61.0037, -72.7743 ], [ -60.6903, -73.1662 ], [ -60.8274, -73.6952 ], [ -61.3758, -74.1067 ], [ -61.9634, -74.4398 ], [ -63.2952, -74.577 ], [ -63.7457, -74.9297 ], [ -64.3528, -75.2628 ], [ -65.861, -75.6351 ], [ -67.1928, -75.7919 ], [ -68.4463, -76.0075 ], [ -69.7977, -76.223 ], [ -70.6007, -76.6345 ], [ -72.2068, -76.6737 ], [ -73.9695, -76.6345 ], [ -75.556, -76.7129 ], [ -77.2404, -76.7129 ], [ -76.927, -77.1048 ], [ -75.3993, -77.2811 ], [ -74.2829, -77.5554 ], [ -73.6561, -77.9081 ], [ -74.7725, -78.2216 ], [ -76.4961, -78.1237 ], [ -77.9259, -78.3784 ], [ -77.9847, -78.7899 ], [ -78.0238, -79.1818 ], [ -76.8486, -79.5149 ], [ -76.6332, -79.8872 ], [ -75.3601, -80.2595 ], [ -73.2449, -80.4163 ], [ -71.4429, -80.6906 ], [ -70.0132, -81.0042 ], [ -68.1916, -81.3177 ], [ -65.7043, -81.4745 ], [ -63.256, -81.7488 ], [ -61.552, -82.0427 ], [ -59.6914, -82.3758 ], [ -58.7121, -82.8461 ], [ -58.2225, -83.2184 ], [ -57.0081, -82.8657 ], [ -55.3629, -82.5718 ], [ -53.6198, -82.2582 ], [ -51.5436, -82.0035 ], [ -49.7614, -81.7292 ], [ -47.2739, -81.7096 ], [ -44.8257, -81.8467 ], [ -42.8084, -82.0819 ], [ -42.162, -81.6508 ], [ -40.7714, -81.3569 ], [ -38.2448, -81.3373 ], [ -36.2667, -81.1217 ], [ -34.3864, -80.9062 ], [ -32.3103, -80.769 ], [ -30.0971, -80.5927 ], [ -28.5498, -80.3379 ], [ -29.2549, -79.9852 ], [ -29.6858, -79.6325 ], [ -29.6858, -79.2602 ], [ -31.6248, -79.2994 ], [ -33.6813, -79.4561 ], [ -35.6399, -79.4561 ], [ -35.9141, -79.0839 ], [ -35.777, -78.3392 ], [ -35.3265, -78.1237 ], [ -33.8968, -77.8885 ], [ -32.2124, -77.6535 ], [ -30.9981, -77.3595 ], [ -29.7837, -77.0656 ], [ -28.8828, -76.6737 ], [ -27.5118, -76.4973 ], [ -26.1603, -76.3601 ], [ -25.4748, -76.2818 ], [ -23.9276, -76.2426 ], [ -22.4586, -76.1054 ], [ -21.2247, -75.9095 ], [ -20.0104, -75.6743 ], [ -18.9135, -75.4392 ], [ -17.523, -75.1257 ], [ -16.6416, -74.7925 ], [ -15.7015, -74.4986 ], [ -15.4077, -74.1067 ], [ -16.4653, -73.8716 ], [ -16.1128, -73.4601 ], [ -15.4469, -73.1465 ], [ -14.4088, -72.9506 ], [ -13.312, -72.7155 ], [ -12.2935, -72.4019 ], [ -11.5101, -72.0101 ], [ -11.0204, -71.5398 ], [ -10.2958, -71.2654 ], [ -9.101, -71.3242 ], [ -8.6114, -71.6573 ], [ -7.4166, -71.6965 ], [ -7.3775, -71.3242 ], [ -6.8682, -70.9323 ], [ -5.791, -71.0303 ], [ -5.5364, -71.4026 ], [ -4.3417, -71.4614 ], [ -3.049, -71.2851 ], [ -1.7955, -71.1674 ], [ -0.6595, -71.2262 ], [ -0.2286, -71.6377 ], [ 0.8682, -71.3046 ], [ 1.8867, -71.1283 ], [ 3.0226, -70.9911 ], [ 4.1391, -70.8539 ], [ 5.1575, -70.6188 ], [ 6.2739, -70.4621 ], [ 7.1357, -70.2465 ], [ 7.7429, -69.8938 ], [ 8.4871, -70.1485 ], [ 9.5251, -70.0113 ], [ 10.2498, -70.4816 ], [ 10.8178, -70.8343 ], [ 11.9538, -70.6384 ], [ 12.4043, -70.2465 ], [ 13.4228, -69.9722 ], [ 14.735, -70.0309 ], [ 15.1268, -70.4032 ], [ 15.9493, -70.0309 ], [ 17.0266, -69.9134 ], [ 18.2017, -69.8742 ], [ 19.2594, -69.8938 ], [ 20.3757, -70.0113 ], [ 21.453, -70.0701 ], [ 21.923, -70.4032 ], [ 22.5694, -70.6972 ], [ 23.6662, -70.5208 ], [ 24.8414, -70.4816 ], [ 25.9773, -70.4816 ], [ 27.0937, -70.4621 ], [ 28.0926, -70.3249 ], [ 29.1502, -70.2073 ], [ 30.0316, -69.9329 ], [ 30.9717, -69.7566 ], [ 31.9902, -69.6586 ], [ 32.7541, -69.3843 ], [ 33.3024, -68.8356 ], [ 33.8704, -68.5026 ], [ 34.9085, -68.6593 ], [ 35.3002, -69.012 ], [ 36.162, -69.2471 ], [ 37.2, -69.1687 ], [ 37.9051, -69.5214 ], [ 38.6494, -69.7762 ], [ 39.6679, -69.5411 ], [ 40.0204, -69.1099 ], [ 40.9214, -68.9336 ], [ 41.9594, -68.6005 ], [ 42.9387, -68.4633 ], [ 44.1139, -68.2674 ], [ 44.8973, -68.0519 ], [ 45.7199, -67.8167 ], [ 46.5033, -67.6012 ], [ 47.4434, -67.7188 ], [ 48.3444, -67.3661 ], [ 48.9907, -67.0917 ], [ 49.9309, -67.1113 ], [ 50.7535, -66.8762 ], [ 50.9493, -66.5235 ], [ 51.7915, -66.2491 ], [ 52.6141, -66.0532 ], [ 53.613, -65.8964 ], [ 54.5335, -65.818 ], [ 55.4149, -65.8768 ], [ 56.355, -65.9748 ], [ 57.1581, -66.2491 ], [ 57.256, -66.6802 ], [ 58.1374, -67.0133 ], [ 58.7445, -67.2877 ], [ 59.9393, -67.4052 ], [ 60.6052, -67.6796 ], [ 61.4278, -67.9539 ], [ 62.3875, -68.0127 ], [ 63.1905, -67.8167 ], [ 64.0523, -67.4052 ], [ 64.9924, -67.6207 ], [ 65.9717, -67.7383 ], [ 66.9119, -67.8559 ], [ 67.8911, -67.9343 ], [ 68.89, -67.9343 ], [ 69.7126, -68.9728 ], [ 69.6735, -69.2276 ], [ 69.5559, -69.6782 ], [ 68.5963, -69.9329 ], [ 67.8127, -70.3053 ], [ 67.9499, -70.6972 ], [ 69.0663, -70.6775 ], [ 68.9292, -71.0695 ], [ 68.42, -71.4418 ], [ 67.9499, -71.8533 ], [ 68.7138, -72.1668 ], [ 69.8693, -72.2648 ], [ 71.0249, -72.0884 ], [ 71.5733, -71.6965 ], [ 71.9063, -71.3242 ], [ 72.4546, -71.0107 ], [ 73.0814, -70.7168 ], [ 73.336, -70.364 ], [ 73.8649, -69.8742 ], [ 74.4916, -69.7762 ], [ 75.6276, -69.737 ], [ 76.6265, -69.6194 ], [ 77.6449, -69.4627 ], [ 78.1345, -69.0708 ], [ 78.4284, -68.6984 ], [ 79.1139, -68.3262 ], [ 80.0931, -68.0715 ], [ 80.9353, -67.8755 ], [ 81.4838, -67.5424 ], [ 82.0518, -67.3661 ], [ 82.7764, -67.2093 ], [ 83.7753, -67.3073 ], [ 84.6762, -67.2093 ], [ 85.6555, -67.0917 ], [ 86.7524, -67.1505 ], [ 87.477, -66.8762 ], [ 87.9863, -66.2099 ], [ 88.3584, -66.4843 ], [ 88.8284, -66.9546 ], [ 89.6706, -67.1505 ], [ 90.6304, -67.2289 ], [ 91.5901, -67.1113 ], [ 92.6085, -67.1897 ], [ 93.5486, -67.2093 ], [ 94.1754, -67.1113 ], [ 95.0176, -67.1701 ], [ 95.7815, -67.3857 ], [ 96.6824, -67.2485 ], [ 97.7596, -67.2485 ], [ 98.6802, -67.1113 ], [ 99.7182, -67.2485 ], [ 100.3842, -66.9153 ], [ 100.8934, -66.5822 ], [ 101.5789, -66.3079 ], [ 102.8324, -65.5633 ], [ 103.4787, -65.7005 ], [ 104.2426, -65.9748 ], [ 104.9085, -66.3275 ], [ 106.1816, -66.9349 ], [ 107.1609, -66.9546 ], [ 108.0814, -66.9546 ], [ 109.1586, -66.837 ], [ 110.2358, -66.6998 ], [ 111.0585, -66.4255 ], [ 111.744, -66.1316 ], [ 112.8604, -66.0923 ], [ 113.6047, -65.8768 ], [ 114.3881, -66.0728 ], [ 114.8973, -66.3863 ], [ 115.6024, -66.6998 ], [ 116.6992, -66.6606 ], [ 117.3847, -66.9153 ], [ 118.5795, -67.1701 ], [ 119.8329, -67.2681 ], [ 120.871, -67.1897 ], [ 121.6544, -66.8762 ], [ 122.3204, -66.5627 ], [ 123.2213, -66.4843 ], [ 124.1223, -66.6215 ], [ 125.1602, -66.7194 ], [ 126.1004, -66.5627 ], [ 127.0014, -66.5627 ], [ 127.8828, -66.6606 ], [ 128.8033, -66.7586 ], [ 129.7043, -66.5822 ], [ 130.7815, -66.4255 ], [ 131.7999, -66.3863 ], [ 132.9359, -66.3863 ], [ 133.8565, -66.2883 ], [ 134.7574, -66.21 ], [ 135.0316, -65.7201 ], [ 135.0708, -65.3086 ], [ 135.6975, -65.5829 ], [ 135.8738, -66.0336 ], [ 136.2067, -66.4451 ], [ 136.618, -66.7782 ], [ 137.4603, -66.9546 ], [ 138.5962, -66.8958 ], [ 139.9084, -66.8762 ], [ 140.8094, -66.8174 ], [ 142.1217, -66.8174 ], [ 143.0618, -66.7978 ], [ 144.3741, -66.837 ], [ 145.4904, -66.9153 ], [ 146.1956, -67.2289 ], [ 145.9997, -67.6012 ], [ 146.6461, -67.8951 ], [ 147.7233, -68.1303 ], [ 148.8396, -68.385 ], [ 150.1323, -68.5613 ], [ 151.4837, -68.7181 ], [ 152.5022, -68.8748 ], [ 153.6382, -68.8945 ], [ 154.2846, -68.5613 ], [ 155.1659, -68.8356 ], [ 155.9298, -69.1492 ], [ 156.8111, -69.3843 ], [ 158.0255, -69.4823 ], [ 159.181, -69.5998 ], [ 159.6707, -69.9917 ], [ 160.8066, -70.2269 ], [ 161.5705, -70.5796 ], [ 162.6869, -70.7364 ], [ 163.8424, -70.7168 ], [ 164.9197, -70.7755 ], [ 166.1144, -70.7559 ], [ 167.3091, -70.8343 ], [ 168.4256, -70.9715 ], [ 169.4636, -71.2067 ], [ 170.5017, -71.4026 ], [ 171.2068, -71.6965 ], [ 171.0892, -72.0884 ], [ 170.5604, -72.4412 ], [ 170.11, -72.8918 ], [ 169.7574, -73.2445 ], [ 169.2873, -73.656 ], [ 167.9751, -73.8128 ], [ 167.3875, -74.1655 ], [ 166.0948, -74.381 ], [ 165.6444, -74.773 ], [ 164.9589, -75.1453 ], [ 164.2342, -75.4588 ], [ 163.8228, -75.8703 ], [ 163.5682, -76.2426 ], [ 163.4703, -76.6933 ], [ 163.4899, -77.0656 ], [ 164.0579, -77.4574 ], [ 164.2734, -77.8298 ], [ 164.7435, -78.1825 ], [ 166.6041, -78.3196 ], [ 166.9958, -78.7507 ], [ 165.1939, -78.9075 ], [ 163.6662, -79.123 ], [ 161.7664, -79.1622 ], [ 160.9242, -79.7305 ], [ 160.7479, -80.2007 ], [ 160.317, -80.5731 ], [ 159.7882, -80.9454 ], [ 161.12, -81.2785 ], [ 161.6293, -81.69 ], [ 162.491, -82.0623 ], [ 163.7053, -82.3954 ], [ 165.0959, -82.709 ], [ 166.6041, -83.0225 ], [ 168.8957, -83.336 ], [ 169.4048, -83.8259 ], [ 172.2839, -84.0414 ], [ 172.477, -84.1179 ], [ 173.2241, -84.4137 ], [ 175.9857, -84.159 ], [ 178.2772, -84.4725 ], [ 180.0, -84.7134 ], [ -179.9425, -84.7214 ], [ -179.0587, -84.1394 ], [ -177.2568, -84.4529 ], [ -177.1408, -84.4179 ], [ -176.0847, -84.0993 ], [ -175.9472, -84.1104 ], [ -175.8299, -84.1179 ], [ -174.3825, -84.5343 ], [ -173.1166, -84.1179 ], [ -172.8891, -84.061 ], [ -169.9512, -83.8846 ], [ -169.0, -84.1179 ], [ -168.5302, -84.2374 ], [ -167.0221, -84.5705 ], [ -164.1821, -84.8252 ], [ -161.9298, -85.1387 ], [ -158.0714, -85.3739 ], [ -155.1923, -85.0996 ], [ -150.9421, -85.2955 ], [ -148.5331, -85.609 ], [ -145.8889, -85.3151 ], [ -143.1077, -85.0408 ], [ -142.8923, -84.5705 ], [ -146.8291, -84.5313 ], [ -150.0607, -84.2961 ], [ -150.9029, -83.9042 ], [ -153.5862, -83.6887 ], [ -153.4099, -83.238 ], [ -153.0378, -82.8265 ], [ -152.6656, -82.4542 ], [ -152.8615, -82.0427 ], [ -154.5263, -81.7684 ], [ -155.2902, -81.4156 ], [ -156.8374, -81.1021 ], [ -154.4088, -81.1609 ], [ -152.0977, -81.0042 ], [ -150.6483, -81.3373 ], [ -148.866, -81.0434 ], [ -147.2208, -80.671 ], [ -146.4177, -80.3379 ], [ -146.7703, -79.9264 ], [ -148.0629, -79.6521 ], [ -149.5319, -79.3582 ], [ -151.5884, -79.2994 ], [ -153.3903, -79.1622 ], [ -155.3294, -79.0643 ], [ -155.9757, -78.6919 ], [ -157.2683, -78.3784 ], [ -158.0518, -78.0257 ], [ -158.3651, -76.8892 ], [ -157.8755, -76.9872 ], [ -156.9746, -77.3008 ], [ -155.3294, -77.2027 ], [ -153.7428, -77.0656 ], [ -152.9202, -77.4967 ], [ -151.3338, -77.3987 ], [ -150.0019, -77.1831 ], [ -148.7485, -76.9088 ], [ -147.6125, -76.5757 ], [ -146.1044, -76.4778 ], [ -146.1435, -76.1054 ], [ -146.4961, -75.7332 ], [ -146.2023, -75.3804 ], [ -144.9096, -75.204 ], [ -144.322, -75.5372 ], [ -142.7944, -75.3412 ], [ -141.6388, -75.0865 ], [ -140.209, -75.0669 ], [ -138.8576, -74.9689 ], [ -137.5062, -74.7338 ], [ -136.4289, -74.5182 ], [ -135.2146, -74.3027 ], [ -134.4312, -74.3615 ], [ -133.7457, -74.4398 ], [ -132.2572, -74.3027 ], [ -130.9253, -74.479 ], [ -129.5543, -74.4594 ], [ -128.242, -74.3223 ], [ -126.8906, -74.4203 ], [ -125.4021, -74.5182 ], [ -124.0115, -74.479 ], [ -122.5622, -74.4986 ], [ -121.0736, -74.5182 ], [ -119.7026, -74.479 ], [ -118.6841, -74.1851 ], [ -117.4698, -74.0283 ], [ -116.2163, -74.2439 ], [ -115.0216, -74.0675 ], [ -113.9443, -73.7148 ], [ -113.298, -74.0283 ], [ -112.9455, -74.381 ], [ -112.2991, -74.7142 ], [ -111.2611, -74.4203 ], [ -110.0663, -74.7925 ], [ -108.7149, -74.9101 ], [ -107.5593, -75.1845 ], [ -106.1491, -75.1257 ], [ -104.8761, -74.9493 ], [ -103.3679, -74.9885 ], [ -102.0165, -75.1257 ], [ -100.6455, -75.302 ], [ -100.1167, -74.8709 ], [ -100.763, -74.5378 ], [ -101.2527, -74.1851 ], [ -102.5453, -74.1067 ], [ -103.1133, -73.7344 ], [ -103.3288, -73.3621 ], [ -103.6813, -72.6175 ], [ -102.9175, -72.7547 ], [ -101.6052, -72.8134 ], [ -100.3125, -72.7547 ], [ -99.1374, -72.9114 ], [ -98.1189, -73.2053 ], [ -97.688, -73.558 ], [ -96.3366, -73.6168 ], [ -95.044, -73.4797 ], [ -93.6729, -73.2837 ], [ -92.439, -73.1662 ], [ -91.4206, -73.4013 ], [ -90.0887, -73.3229 ], [ -89.227, -72.5587 ], [ -88.424, -73.0094 ], [ -87.2683, -73.1858 ], [ -86.0148, -73.0878 ], [ -85.1922, -73.4797 ], [ -83.88, -73.5189 ], [ -82.6656, -73.6364 ], [ -81.4709, -73.852 ], [ -80.6874, -73.4797 ], [ -80.2958, -73.127 ], [ -79.2969, -73.5189 ], [ -77.9259, -73.4209 ], [ -76.9074, -73.6364 ], [ -76.2219, -73.9695 ], [ -74.89, -73.8716 ], [ -73.852, -73.656 ], [ -72.8335, -73.4013 ], [ -71.6192, -73.2642 ], [ -70.209, -73.1465 ], [ -68.9359, -73.0094 ], [ -67.9566, -72.7939 ], [ -67.3691, -72.4803 ], [ -67.134, -72.0492 ], [ -67.2515, -71.6377 ], [ -67.5649, -71.2458 ], [ -67.9175, -70.8539 ], [ -68.2308, -70.4621 ], [ -68.4855, -70.1093 ], [ -68.5442, -69.7174 ], [ -68.4463, -69.3255 ], [ -67.9762, -68.9532 ], [ -67.5845, -68.5417 ], [ -67.4278, -68.1498 ], [ -67.6237, -67.7188 ], [ -67.7412, -67.3268 ], [ -67.2515, -66.8762 ], [ -66.7032, -66.5822 ], [ -66.0568, -66.21 ], [ -65.3713, -65.8964 ], [ -64.5683, -65.6025 ], [ -64.1765, -65.1714 ], [ -63.6282, -64.8971 ], [ -63.0014, -64.6423 ], [ -62.0417, -64.5836 ], [ -61.4149, -64.27 ], [ -60.7099, -64.0741 ], [ -59.8873, -63.9565 ], [ -59.1626, -63.7017 ], [ -58.5946, -63.3882 ], [ -57.8111, -63.2707 ], [ -57.2236, -63.5254 ], [ -57.5957, -63.8585 ], [ -58.6141, -64.1525 ] ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Australia", "pop": 20310208, "gdp": 800.500000, "region": "Australia", "iso": "AUS" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ 145.398, -40.7925 ], [ 146.3641, -41.1377 ], [ 146.9086, -41.0005 ], [ 147.6893, -40.8083 ], [ 148.2891, -40.8754 ], [ 148.3599, -42.0624 ], [ 148.0173, -42.407 ], [ 147.9141, -43.2115 ], [ 147.5646, -42.9377 ], [ 146.8703, -43.6346 ], [ 146.6633, -43.5809 ], [ 146.0484, -43.5497 ], [ 145.4319, -42.6938 ], [ 145.2951, -42.0336 ], [ 144.7181, -41.1626 ], [ 144.7438, -40.704 ], [ 145.398, -40.7925 ] ] ], [ [ [ 143.5618, -13.7637 ], [ 143.9221, -14.5483 ], [ 144.5637, -14.1712 ], [ 144.8949, -14.5945 ], [ 145.3747, -14.985 ], [ 145.272, -15.4282 ], [ 145.4853, -16.2857 ], [ 145.637, -16.7849 ], [ 145.8889, -16.9069 ], [ 146.1603, -17.7617 ], [ 146.0637, -18.2801 ], [ 146.3875, -18.9583 ], [ 147.4711, -19.4807 ], [ 148.1776, -19.9559 ], [ 148.8484, -20.3912 ], [ 148.7175, -20.6335 ], [ 149.2894, -21.2605 ], [ 149.6783, -22.3425 ], [ 150.0774, -22.1228 ], [ 150.4829, -22.5561 ], [ 150.7273, -22.4024 ], [ 150.8996, -23.4622 ], [ 151.6092, -24.0763 ], [ 152.0735, -24.4579 ], [ 152.8552, -25.2675 ], [ 153.1362, -26.0712 ], [ 153.1619, -26.6413 ], [ 153.0929, -27.2603 ], [ 153.5695, -28.1101 ], [ 153.5121, -28.9951 ], [ 153.3391, -29.4582 ], [ 153.0692, -30.3502 ], [ 153.0896, -30.9236 ], [ 152.8916, -31.6404 ], [ 152.45, -32.55 ], [ 151.7091, -33.0413 ], [ 151.344, -33.816 ], [ 151.0106, -34.3104 ], [ 150.7141, -35.1735 ], [ 150.3282, -35.6719 ], [ 150.0752, -36.4202 ], [ 149.9461, -37.1091 ], [ 149.9973, -37.4253 ], [ 149.4239, -37.7727 ], [ 148.3046, -37.8091 ], [ 147.3817, -38.2192 ], [ 146.9221, -38.6065 ], [ 146.3179, -39.0358 ], [ 145.4897, -38.5938 ], [ 144.877, -38.4174 ], [ 145.0322, -37.8962 ], [ 144.4857, -38.0853 ], [ 143.61, -38.8095 ], [ 142.7454, -38.5383 ], [ 142.1783, -38.38 ], [ 141.6066, -38.3085 ], [ 140.6386, -38.0193 ], [ 139.9922, -37.4029 ], [ 139.8066, -36.6436 ], [ 139.5741, -36.1384 ], [ 139.0828, -35.7328 ], [ 138.1207, -35.6123 ], [ 138.4495, -35.1273 ], [ 138.2076, -34.3847 ], [ 137.7192, -35.0768 ], [ 136.8294, -35.2605 ], [ 137.3524, -34.7073 ], [ 137.5039, -34.1303 ], [ 137.8901, -33.6405 ], [ 137.8103, -32.9 ], [ 136.9968, -33.7528 ], [ 136.3721, -34.0948 ], [ 135.989, -34.8901 ], [ 135.2082, -34.4787 ], [ 135.2392, -33.948 ], [ 134.6134, -33.2228 ], [ 134.0859, -32.8481 ], [ 134.2739, -32.6172 ], [ 132.9908, -32.0112 ], [ 132.2881, -31.9826 ], [ 131.3263, -31.4958 ], [ 129.5358, -31.5904 ], [ 128.2409, -31.9485 ], [ 127.1029, -32.2823 ], [ 126.1487, -32.216 ], [ 125.0886, -32.7288 ], [ 124.2216, -32.9595 ], [ 124.0289, -33.4838 ], [ 123.6597, -33.8902 ], [ 122.811, -33.9145 ], [ 122.1831, -34.0034 ], [ 121.2992, -33.821 ], [ 120.5803, -33.9302 ], [ 119.8937, -33.9761 ], [ 119.2989, -34.5094 ], [ 119.0073, -34.4641 ], [ 118.5057, -34.7468 ], [ 118.025, -35.0647 ], [ 117.2955, -35.0255 ], [ 116.6251, -35.0251 ], [ 115.5643, -34.3864 ], [ 115.0268, -34.1965 ], [ 115.0486, -33.6234 ], [ 115.5451, -33.4873 ], [ 115.7147, -33.2596 ], [ 115.6794, -32.9004 ], [ 115.8016, -32.2051 ], [ 115.6896, -31.6124 ], [ 115.1609, -30.6016 ], [ 114.997, -30.0307 ], [ 115.04, -29.4611 ], [ 114.642, -28.8102 ], [ 114.6165, -28.5164 ], [ 114.1736, -28.1181 ], [ 114.0489, -27.3348 ], [ 113.4775, -26.5431 ], [ 113.339, -26.1165 ], [ 113.7784, -26.549 ], [ 113.441, -25.6213 ], [ 113.9369, -25.9112 ], [ 114.2329, -26.2984 ], [ 114.2162, -25.7863 ], [ 113.7213, -24.9989 ], [ 113.6253, -24.684 ], [ 113.3935, -24.3848 ], [ 113.502, -23.8063 ], [ 113.707, -23.5602 ], [ 113.8434, -23.06 ], [ 113.7366, -22.4755 ], [ 114.1498, -21.7559 ], [ 114.2253, -22.5175 ], [ 114.6478, -21.8295 ], [ 115.4602, -21.4952 ], [ 115.9474, -21.0687 ], [ 116.7116, -20.7017 ], [ 117.1663, -20.6236 ], [ 117.4415, -20.7469 ], [ 118.2296, -20.3742 ], [ 118.8361, -20.2633 ], [ 118.9878, -20.0442 ], [ 119.2525, -19.9529 ], [ 119.8052, -19.9765 ], [ 120.8562, -19.6837 ], [ 121.3999, -19.2398 ], [ 121.6551, -18.7053 ], [ 122.2417, -18.1976 ], [ 122.2866, -17.7986 ], [ 122.3128, -17.255 ], [ 123.0126, -16.4052 ], [ 123.4338, -17.2686 ], [ 123.8593, -17.069 ], [ 123.5032, -16.5965 ], [ 123.8171, -16.1113 ], [ 124.2583, -16.3279 ], [ 124.3797, -15.5671 ], [ 124.9262, -15.0751 ], [ 125.1673, -14.6804 ], [ 125.6701, -14.5101 ], [ 125.6858, -14.2307 ], [ 126.1251, -14.3473 ], [ 126.1428, -14.096 ], [ 126.5826, -13.9528 ], [ 127.0659, -13.818 ], [ 127.8046, -14.2769 ], [ 128.3597, -14.8692 ], [ 128.9855, -14.876 ], [ 129.6215, -14.9698 ], [ 129.4096, -14.4207 ], [ 129.8886, -13.6187 ], [ 130.3395, -13.3574 ], [ 130.1835, -13.1075 ], [ 130.6178, -12.5364 ], [ 131.2235, -12.1836 ], [ 131.7351, -12.3025 ], [ 132.5753, -12.114 ], [ 132.5572, -11.603 ], [ 131.8247, -11.2738 ], [ 132.3572, -11.1285 ], [ 133.0196, -11.3764 ], [ 133.5508, -11.7865 ], [ 134.3931, -12.0424 ], [ 134.6786, -11.9412 ], [ 135.2985, -12.2486 ], [ 135.8827, -11.9623 ], [ 136.2584, 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], [ -56.1431, 50.1501 ], [ -55.4715, 49.9358 ], [ -55.8224, 49.5871 ], [ -54.9351, 49.313 ], [ -54.4738, 49.5567 ], [ -53.4765, 49.2491 ], [ -53.786, 48.5168 ], [ -53.0861, 48.6878 ], [ -52.9586, 48.1572 ], [ -52.6481, 47.5355 ], [ -53.0692, 46.6555 ], [ -53.5215, 46.6183 ], [ -54.1789, 46.8071 ], [ -53.9619, 47.6252 ], [ -54.2405, 47.7523 ], [ -55.4008, 46.885 ], [ -55.9975, 46.9197 ], [ -55.2912, 47.3896 ], [ -56.2508, 47.6325 ], [ -57.3252, 47.5728 ], [ -59.266, 47.6033 ], [ -59.4195, 47.8995 ], [ -58.7966, 48.2515 ], [ -59.2316, 48.5232 ], [ -58.3918, 49.1256 ], [ -57.3587, 50.7183 ], [ -56.7386, 51.2874 ], [ -55.871, 51.6321 ], [ -55.407, 51.5883 ], [ -55.6002, 51.3171 ], [ -56.134, 50.687 ] ] ], [ [ [ -132.71, 54.04 ], [ -131.75, 54.12 ], [ -132.0495, 52.9846 ], [ -131.179, 52.1804 ], [ -131.5778, 52.1824 ], [ -132.1804, 52.6397 ], [ -132.55, 53.1 ], [ -133.0546, 53.4115 ], [ -133.2397, 53.8511 ], [ -133.18, 54.17 ], [ -132.71, 54.04 ] ] ], [ [ [ -79.2658, 62.1587 ], [ -79.6575, 61.6331 ], [ -80.0996, 61.7181 ], [ -80.3621, 62.0165 ], [ -80.3154, 62.0856 ], [ -79.9294, 62.3856 ], [ -79.52, 62.3637 ], [ -79.2658, 62.1587 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.8983, 62.7108 ], [ -83.0686, 62.1592 ], [ -83.7746, 62.1823 ], [ -83.9937, 62.4528 ], [ -83.2505, 62.9141 ], [ -81.877, 62.9046 ], [ -81.8983, 62.7108 ] ] ], [ [ [ -85.1613, 65.6573 ], [ -84.9758, 65.2175 ], [ -84.464, 65.3718 ], [ -83.8826, 65.1096 ], [ -82.7876, 64.7667 ], [ -81.642, 64.4551 ], [ -81.5534, 63.9796 ], [ -80.8174, 64.0575 ], [ -80.1035, 63.726 ], [ -80.991, 63.4112 ], [ -82.5472, 63.6517 ], [ -83.1088, 64.1019 ], [ -84.1004, 63.5697 ], [ -85.5234, 63.0524 ], [ -85.8668, 63.6373 ], [ -87.222, 63.5412 ], [ -86.3528, 64.0358 ], [ -86.2249, 64.8229 ], [ -85.8838, 65.7388 ], [ -85.1613, 65.6573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.8659, 67.1489 ], [ -76.9869, 67.0987 ], [ -77.2364, 67.5881 ], [ -76.8117, 68.1486 ], [ -75.8952, 68.2872 ], [ -75.1145, 68.0104 ], [ -75.1033, 67.582 ], [ -75.216, 67.4442 ], [ -75.8659, 67.1489 ] ] ], [ [ [ -95.6477, 69.1077 ], [ -96.2695, 68.757 ], [ -97.6174, 69.06 ], [ -98.4318, 68.9507 ], [ -99.7974, 69.4 ], [ -98.9174, 69.71 ], [ -98.2183, 70.1435 ], [ -97.1574, 69.86 ], [ -96.5574, 69.68 ], [ -96.2574, 69.49 ], [ -95.6477, 69.1077 ] ] ], [ [ [ -90.5471, 69.4977 ], [ -90.5515, 68.475 ], [ -89.2151, 69.2587 ], [ -88.0197, 68.6151 ], [ -88.3175, 67.8734 ], [ -87.3502, 67.1987 ], [ -86.3061, 67.9215 ], [ -85.5766, 68.7846 ], [ -85.522, 69.8821 ], [ -84.1008, 69.8054 ], [ -82.6226, 69.6583 ], [ -81.2804, 69.162 ], [ -81.2202, 68.6657 ], [ -81.9644, 68.1325 ], [ -81.2593, 67.5972 ], [ -81.3865, 67.1108 ], [ -83.3446, 66.4115 ], [ -84.7354, 66.2573 ], [ -85.7694, 66.5583 ], [ -86.0676, 66.0563 ], [ -87.0314, 65.213 ], [ -87.3232, 64.7756 ], [ -88.483, 64.099 ], [ -89.9144, 64.0327 ], [ -90.704, 63.6102 ], [ -90.77, 62.9602 ], [ -91.9334, 62.8351 ], [ -93.157, 62.0247 ], [ -94.2415, 60.8987 ], [ -94.6293, 60.1102 ], [ -94.6846, 58.9488 ], [ -93.215, 58.7821 ], [ -92.7646, 57.8457 ], [ -92.297, 57.0871 ], [ -90.8977, 57.2847 ], [ -89.0395, 56.8517 ], [ -88.0398, 56.4716 ], [ -87.3242, 55.9991 ], [ -86.0712, 55.7238 ], [ -85.0118, 55.3026 ], [ -83.3606, 55.2449 ], [ -82.2729, 55.1483 ], [ -82.4362, 54.2823 ], [ -82.125, 53.277 ], [ -81.4008, 52.1579 ], [ -79.9129, 51.2084 ], [ -79.143, 51.5339 ], [ -78.6019, 52.5621 ], [ -79.1242, 54.1414 ], [ -79.8296, 54.6677 ], [ -78.2287, 55.1365 ], [ -77.0956, 55.8374 ], [ -76.5414, 56.5342 ], [ -76.6232, 57.2026 ], [ -77.3023, 58.0521 ], [ -78.5169, 58.8046 ], [ -77.3368, 59.8526 ], [ -77.7727, 60.7579 ], [ -78.1069, 62.3196 ], [ -77.4107, 62.5505 ], [ -75.6962, 62.2784 ], [ -74.6682, 62.1811 ], [ -73.8399, 62.4438 ], [ -72.9085, 62.1051 ], [ -71.6771, 61.5254 ], [ -71.3737, 61.1372 ], [ -69.5904, 61.0614 ], [ -69.6203, 60.2212 ], [ -69.2879, 58.9574 ], [ -68.3745, 58.8011 ], [ -67.6498, 58.2121 ], [ -66.2018, 58.7673 ], [ -65.2452, 59.8707 ], [ -64.5835, 60.3356 ], [ -63.8047, 59.4426 ], [ -62.5024, 58.1671 ], [ -61.3965, 56.9674 ], [ -61.7987, 56.3394 ], [ -60.4685, 55.7755 ], [ -59.5696, 55.2041 ], [ -57.9751, 54.9455 ], [ -57.3332, 54.6265 ], [ -56.9369, 53.7803 ], [ -56.1581, 53.6475 ], [ -55.7563, 53.2704 ], [ -55.6834, 52.1466 ], [ -56.4092, 51.7707 ], [ -57.1269, 51.4197 ], [ -58.7748, 51.0643 ], [ -60.0331, 50.2428 ], [ -61.7237, 50.0805 ], [ -63.8625, 50.291 ], [ -65.3633, 50.2982 ], [ -66.3991, 50.229 ], [ -67.2363, 49.5116 ], [ -68.5111, 49.0684 ], [ -69.9536, 47.7449 ], [ -71.1046, 46.8217 ], [ -70.2552, 46.9861 ], [ -68.65, 48.3 ], [ -66.5524, 49.1331 ], [ -65.0563, 49.2328 ], [ -64.171, 48.7425 ], [ -65.1154, 48.0709 ], [ -64.7985, 46.993 ], [ -64.4722, 46.2385 ], [ -63.1733, 45.739 ], [ -61.5207, 45.8838 ], [ -60.5181, 47.0079 ], [ -60.4486, 46.2826 ], [ -59.8029, 45.9204 ], [ -61.0399, 45.2653 ], [ -63.2547, 44.6701 ], [ -64.2466, 44.2655 ], [ -65.3641, 43.5452 ], [ -66.1234, 43.6187 ], [ -66.1617, 44.4651 ], [ -64.4255, 45.292 ], [ -66.026, 45.2593 ], [ -67.1374, 45.1375 ], [ -67.7913, 45.7028 ], [ -67.7905, 47.0664 ], [ -68.2344, 47.3549 ], [ -68.905, 47.185 ], [ -69.2372, 47.4478 ], [ -70.0, 46.6931 ], [ -70.305, 45.915 ], [ -70.66, 45.46 ], [ -71.0848, 45.3052 ], [ -71.405, 45.255 ], [ -71.5051, 45.0082 ], [ -73.3478, 45.0074 ], [ -74.867, 45.0005 ], [ -75.3182, 44.8165 ], [ -76.375, 44.0963 ], [ -76.5, 44.0185 ], [ -76.82, 43.6288 ], [ -77.7379, 43.6291 ], [ -78.7203, 43.6251 ], [ -79.1717, 43.4663 ], [ -79.01, 43.27 ], [ -78.92, 42.965 ], [ -78.9394, 42.8636 ], [ -80.2474, 42.3662 ], [ -81.2777, 42.209 ], [ -82.4393, 41.6751 ], [ -82.6901, 41.6751 ], [ -83.0298, 41.8328 ], [ -83.142, 41.9757 ], [ -83.12, 42.08 ], [ -82.9, 42.43 ], [ -82.43, 42.98 ], [ -82.1376, 43.5711 ], [ -82.3378, 44.44 ], [ -82.5509, 45.3475 ], [ -83.5929, 45.8169 ], [ -83.4696, 45.9947 ], [ -83.6161, 46.1169 ], [ -83.8908, 46.1169 ], [ -84.0919, 46.2754 ], [ -84.1421, 46.5122 ], [ -84.3367, 46.4088 ], [ -84.6049, 46.4396 ], [ -84.5437, 46.5387 ], [ -84.7792, 46.6371 ], [ -84.8761, 46.9001 ], [ -85.6524, 47.2202 ], [ -86.462, 47.5533 ], [ -87.4398, 47.94 ], [ -88.3781, 48.3029 ], [ -89.2729, 48.0198 ], [ -89.6, 48.01 ], [ -90.83, 48.27 ], [ -91.64, 48.14 ], [ -92.61, 48.45 ], [ -93.6309, 48.6093 ], [ -94.3291, 48.6707 ], [ -94.64, 48.84 ], [ -94.8176, 49.389 ], [ -95.1561, 49.3843 ], [ -95.1591, 49.0 ], [ -97.2287, 49.0007 ], [ -100.65, 49.0 ], [ -104.0483, 48.9999 ], [ -107.05, 49.0 ], [ -110.05, 49.0 ], [ -113.0, 49.0 ], [ -116.0482, 49.0 ], [ -117.0312, 49.0 ], [ -120.0, 49.0 ], [ -122.84, 49.0 ], [ -122.9742, 49.0025 ], [ -124.9102, 49.9846 ], [ -125.6246, 50.4166 ], [ -127.4356, 50.8306 ], [ -127.9928, 51.7158 ], [ -127.8503, 52.3296 ], [ -129.1298, 52.7554 ], [ -129.3052, 53.5616 ], [ -130.515, 54.2876 ], [ -130.5361, 54.8028 ], [ -129.98, 55.285 ], [ -130.0078, 55.9158 ], [ -131.7078, 56.5521 ], [ -132.7304, 57.6929 ], [ -133.3556, 58.4103 ], [ -134.2711, 58.8611 ], [ -134.945, 59.2706 ], [ -135.4758, 59.7878 ], [ -136.4797, 59.4639 ], [ -137.4525, 58.905 ], [ -138.3409, 59.5621 ], [ -139.039, 60.0 ], [ -140.013, 60.2768 ], [ -140.9978, 60.3064 ], [ -140.9925, 66.0 ], [ -140.986, 69.712 ], [ -139.1205, 69.471 ], [ -137.5464, 68.99 ], [ -136.5036, 68.898 ], [ -135.6258, 69.3151 ], [ -134.4146, 69.6274 ], [ -132.9292, 69.5053 ], [ -131.4314, 69.9445 ], [ -129.7947, 70.1937 ], [ -129.1077, 69.7793 ], [ -128.3616, 70.0129 ], [ -128.1382, 70.4838 ], [ -127.4471, 70.3772 ], [ -125.7563, 69.4806 ], [ -124.4248, 70.1584 ], [ -124.2897, 69.3997 ], [ -123.0611, 69.5637 ], [ -122.6835, 69.8555 ], [ -121.4723, 69.7978 ], [ -119.9429, 69.3779 ], [ -117.6027, 69.0113 ], [ -116.2264, 68.8415 ], [ -115.2469, 68.9059 ], [ -113.8979, 68.3989 ], [ -115.3049, 67.9026 ], [ -113.4973, 67.6881 ], [ -110.798, 67.8061 ], [ -109.9462, 67.981 ], [ -108.8802, 67.3814 ], [ -107.7924, 67.8874 ], [ -108.813, 68.3116 ], [ -108.1672, 68.6539 ], [ -106.95, 68.7 ], [ -106.15, 68.8 ], [ -105.3428, 68.5612 ], [ -104.3379, 68.018 ], [ -103.2211, 68.0978 ], [ -101.4543, 67.6469 ], [ -99.9019, 67.8057 ], [ -98.4432, 67.7816 ], [ -98.5586, 68.4039 ], [ -97.6695, 68.5786 ], [ -96.1199, 68.2394 ], [ -96.1259, 67.2934 ], [ -95.4894, 68.0907 ], [ -94.685, 68.0638 ], [ -94.2328, 69.069 ], [ -95.3041, 69.6857 ], [ -96.4713, 70.0898 ], [ -96.3911, 71.1948 ], [ -95.2088, 71.9205 ], [ -93.89, 71.7601 ], [ -92.8782, 71.3187 ], [ -91.5196, 70.1913 ], [ -92.4069, 69.7 ], [ -90.5471, 69.4977 ] ] ], [ [ [ -114.1672, 73.1214 ], [ -114.6663, 72.6528 ], [ -112.441, 72.9554 ], [ -111.0504, 72.4504 ], [ -109.9203, 72.9611 ], [ -109.0065, 72.6333 ], [ -108.1883, 71.6509 ], [ -107.686, 72.0655 ], [ -108.3964, 73.0895 ], [ -107.5165, 73.236 ], [ -106.5226, 73.076 ], [ -105.4025, 72.6726 ], [ -104.7748, 71.6984 ], [ -104.4648, 70.993 ], [ -102.7854, 70.4978 ], [ -100.9808, 70.0243 ], [ -101.0893, 69.5845 ], [ -102.7312, 69.504 ], [ -102.0933, 69.1196 ], [ -102.4302, 68.7528 ], [ -104.24, 68.91 ], [ -105.96, 69.18 ], [ -107.1225, 69.1192 ], [ -109.0, 68.78 ], [ -111.5341, 68.6301 ], [ -113.3132, 68.5355 ], [ -113.855, 69.0074 ], [ -115.22, 69.28 ], [ -116.1079, 69.1682 ], [ -117.34, 69.96 ], [ -116.6747, 70.0666 ], [ -115.1311, 70.2373 ], [ -113.7214, 70.1924 ], [ -112.4161, 70.3664 ], [ -114.35, 70.6 ], [ -116.4868, 70.5204 ], [ -117.9048, 70.5406 ], [ -118.4324, 70.9092 ], [ -116.1131, 71.3092 ], [ -117.6557, 71.2952 ], [ -119.402, 71.5586 ], [ -118.5627, 72.3079 ], [ -117.8664, 72.7059 ], [ -115.1891, 73.3146 ], [ -114.1672, 73.1214 ] ] ], [ [ [ -104.5, 73.42 ], [ -105.38, 72.76 ], [ -106.94, 73.46 ], [ -106.6, 73.6 ], [ -105.26, 73.64 ], [ -104.5, 73.42 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.34, 73.1027 ], [ -76.2514, 72.8264 ], [ -77.3144, 72.8555 ], [ -78.3917, 72.8767 ], [ -79.4863, 72.7422 ], [ -79.7758, 72.8029 ], [ -80.8761, 73.3332 ], [ -80.8339, 73.6932 ], [ -80.3531, 73.7597 ], [ -78.0644, 73.6519 ], [ -76.34, 73.1027 ] ] ], [ [ [ -86.5622, 73.1574 ], [ -85.7744, 72.5341 ], [ -84.8501, 73.3403 ], [ -82.3156, 73.751 ], [ -80.6001, 72.7165 ], [ -80.7489, 72.0619 ], [ -78.7706, 72.3522 ], [ -77.8246, 72.7496 ], [ -75.6058, 72.2437 ], [ -74.2286, 71.7671 ], [ -74.0991, 71.3308 ], [ -72.2422, 71.5569 ], [ -71.2, 70.92 ], [ -68.7861, 70.525 ], [ -67.915, 70.1219 ], [ -66.969, 69.1861 ], [ -68.8051, 68.7202 ], [ -66.4499, 68.0672 ], [ -64.8623, 67.8475 ], [ -63.4249, 66.9285 ], [ -61.852, 66.8621 ], [ -62.1632, 66.1603 ], [ -63.9184, 64.9987 ], [ -65.1489, 65.426 ], [ -66.7212, 66.388 ], [ -68.015, 66.2627 ], [ -68.1413, 65.6898 ], [ -67.0896, 65.1085 ], [ -65.7321, 64.6484 ], [ -65.3202, 64.3827 ], [ -64.6694, 63.3929 ], [ -65.0138, 62.6742 ], [ -66.275, 62.9451 ], [ -68.7832, 63.7457 ], [ -67.3697, 62.884 ], [ -66.3283, 62.2801 ], [ -66.1656, 61.9309 ], [ -68.8774, 62.3301 ], [ -71.0234, 62.9107 ], [ -72.2354, 63.3978 ], [ -71.8863, 63.68 ], [ -73.3783, 64.194 ], [ -74.8344, 64.6791 ], [ -74.8185, 64.3891 ], [ -77.71, 64.2295 ], [ -78.5559, 64.5729 ], [ -77.8973, 65.3092 ], [ -76.0183, 65.327 ], [ -73.9598, 65.4548 ], [ -74.2939, 65.8118 ], [ -73.9449, 66.3106 ], [ -72.6512, 67.2846 ], [ -72.9261, 67.7269 ], [ -73.3116, 68.0694 ], [ -74.8433, 68.5546 ], [ -76.8691, 68.8947 ], [ -76.2286, 69.1478 ], [ -77.2874, 69.7695 ], [ -78.1686, 69.8265 ], [ -78.9572, 70.1669 ], [ -79.4925, 69.8718 ], [ -81.3055, 69.7432 ], [ -84.9447, 69.9666 ], [ -87.06, 70.26 ], [ -88.6817, 70.4107 ], [ -89.5134, 70.762 ], [ -88.4677, 71.2182 ], [ -89.8882, 71.2226 ], [ -90.2052, 72.2351 ], [ -89.4366, 73.1295 ], [ -88.4082, 73.5379 ], [ -85.8262, 73.8038 ], [ -86.5622, 73.1574 ] ] ], [ [ [ -100.3564, 73.8439 ], [ -99.1639, 73.6334 ], [ -97.38, 73.76 ], [ -97.12, 73.47 ], [ -98.0536, 72.9905 ], [ -96.54, 72.56 ], [ -96.72, 71.66 ], [ -98.3597, 71.2729 ], [ -99.3229, 71.3564 ], [ -100.0148, 71.7383 ], [ -102.5, 72.51 ], [ -102.48, 72.83 ], [ -100.4384, 72.7059 ], [ -101.54, 73.36 ], [ -100.3564, 73.8439 ] ] ], [ [ [ -93.1963, 72.772 ], [ -94.269, 72.0246 ], [ -95.4099, 72.0619 ], [ -96.0337, 72.9403 ], [ -96.0183, 73.4374 ], [ -95.4958, 73.8624 ], [ -94.5037, 74.1349 ], [ -92.42, 74.1 ], [ -90.5098, 73.8567 ], [ -92.004, 72.9662 ], [ -93.1963, 72.772 ] ] ], [ [ [ -120.46, 71.3836 ], [ -123.0922, 70.9016 ], [ -123.62, 71.34 ], [ -125.9289, 71.8687 ], [ -125.5, 72.2923 ], [ -124.8073, 73.0226 ], [ -123.94, 73.68 ], [ -124.9177, 74.2927 ], [ -121.5379, 74.4489 ], [ -120.1098, 74.2413 ], [ -117.5556, 74.1858 ], [ -116.5844, 73.8961 ], [ -115.5108, 73.4752 ], [ -116.7679, 73.2229 ], [ -119.22, 72.52 ], [ -120.46, 71.82 ], [ -120.46, 71.3836 ] ] ], [ [ [ -93.6128, 74.98 ], [ -94.1569, 74.5923 ], [ -95.6087, 74.6669 ], [ -96.8209, 74.9276 ], [ -96.2886, 75.3778 ], [ -94.8508, 75.6472 ], [ -93.9777, 75.2965 ], [ -93.6128, 74.98 ] ] ], [ [ [ -98.5, 76.72 ], [ -97.7356, 76.2566 ], [ -97.7044, 75.7434 ], [ -98.16, 75.0 ], [ -99.8087, 74.8974 ], [ -100.8837, 75.0574 ], [ -100.8629, 75.6407 ], [ -102.5021, 75.5638 ], [ -102.5655, 76.3366 ], [ -101.4897, 76.3054 ], [ -99.9835, 76.6463 ], [ -98.577, 76.5886 ], [ -98.5, 76.72 ] ] ], [ [ [ -108.2114, 76.2017 ], [ -107.8194, 75.8455 ], [ -106.9289, 76.0128 ], [ -105.881, 75.9694 ], [ -105.705, 75.4795 ], [ -106.3135, 75.0053 ], [ -109.7, 74.85 ], [ -112.2231, 74.417 ], [ -113.7438, 74.3943 ], [ -113.8714, 74.7203 ], [ -111.7942, 75.1625 ], [ -116.3122, 75.0434 ], [ -117.7104, 75.2222 ], [ -116.346, 76.199 ], [ -115.4049, 76.4789 ], [ -112.5906, 76.1413 ], [ -110.8142, 75.5492 ], [ -109.0671, 75.4732 ], [ -110.4973, 76.4298 ], [ -109.5811, 76.7942 ], [ -108.5486, 76.6783 ], [ -108.2114, 76.2017 ] ] ], [ [ [ -94.6841, 77.0979 ], [ -93.5739, 76.7763 ], [ -91.605, 76.7785 ], [ -90.7418, 76.4496 ], [ -90.9697, 76.074 ], [ -89.8222, 75.8478 ], [ -89.1871, 75.6102 ], [ -87.8383, 75.5662 ], [ -86.3792, 75.4824 ], [ -84.7896, 75.6992 ], [ -82.7534, 75.7843 ], [ -81.1285, 75.714 ], [ -80.0575, 75.3368 ], [ -79.8339, 74.9231 ], [ -80.4578, 74.6573 ], [ -81.9488, 74.4425 ], [ -83.2289, 74.564 ], [ -86.0975, 74.41 ], [ -88.1504, 74.3923 ], [ -89.7647, 74.5156 ], [ -92.4224, 74.8378 ], [ -92.7683, 75.3868 ], [ -92.8899, 75.8827 ], [ -93.8938, 76.3192 ], [ -95.9625, 76.4414 ], [ -97.1214, 76.7511 ], [ -96.7451, 77.1614 ], [ -94.6841, 77.0979 ] ] ], [ [ [ -116.1986, 77.6453 ], [ -116.3358, 76.877 ], [ -117.1061, 76.53 ], [ -118.0404, 76.4812 ], [ -119.8993, 76.0532 ], [ -121.5, 75.9 ], [ -122.8549, 76.1165 ], [ -122.8549, 76.1165 ], [ -121.1575, 76.8645 ], [ -119.1039, 77.5122 ], [ -117.5701, 77.4983 ], [ -116.1986, 77.6453 ] ] ], [ [ [ -93.84, 77.52 ], [ -94.2956, 77.4913 ], [ -96.1697, 77.5551 ], [ -96.4363, 77.8346 ], [ -94.4226, 77.82 ], [ -93.7207, 77.6343 ], [ -93.84, 77.52 ] ] ], [ [ [ -110.1869, 77.697 ], [ -112.0512, 77.4092 ], [ -113.5343, 77.7322 ], [ -112.7246, 78.0511 ], [ -111.2644, 78.153 ], [ -109.8545, 77.9963 ], [ -110.1869, 77.697 ] ] ], [ [ [ -109.6631, 78.602 ], [ -110.8813, 78.4069 ], [ -112.5421, 78.4079 ], [ -112.5259, 78.5506 ], [ -111.5, 78.85 ], [ -110.9637, 78.8044 ], [ -109.6631, 78.602 ] ] ], [ [ [ -95.8303, 78.0569 ], [ -97.3098, 77.8506 ], [ -98.1243, 78.0829 ], [ -98.5529, 78.4581 ], [ -98.632, 78.8719 ], [ -97.3372, 78.832 ], [ -96.7544, 78.7658 ], [ -95.5593, 78.4183 ], [ -95.8303, 78.0569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -100.0602, 78.3248 ], [ -99.6709, 77.9075 ], [ -101.3039, 78.019 ], [ -102.9498, 78.3432 ], [ -105.1761, 78.3803 ], [ -104.2104, 78.6774 ], [ -105.4196, 78.9183 ], [ -105.4923, 79.3016 ], [ -103.5293, 79.1653 ], [ -100.8252, 78.8005 ], [ -100.0602, 78.3248 ] ] ], [ [ [ -87.02, 79.66 ], [ -85.8144, 79.3369 ], [ -87.1876, 79.0393 ], [ -89.0353, 78.2872 ], [ -90.8044, 78.2153 ], [ -92.8767, 78.3433 ], [ -93.9512, 78.751 ], [ -93.9357, 79.1137 ], [ -93.1452, 79.3801 ], [ -94.974, 79.3725 ], [ -96.0761, 79.705 ], [ -96.7097, 80.1578 ], [ -96.0164, 80.6023 ], [ -95.3234, 80.9073 ], [ -94.2984, 80.9773 ], [ -94.7354, 81.2065 ], [ -92.4098, 81.2574 ], [ -91.1329, 80.7234 ], [ -89.45, 80.5093 ], [ -87.81, 80.32 ], [ -87.02, 79.66 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.5, 83.1063 ], [ -65.8273, 83.028 ], [ -63.68, 82.9 ], [ -61.85, 82.6286 ], [ -61.8939, 82.3616 ], [ -64.334, 81.9278 ], [ -66.7534, 81.7253 ], [ -67.6576, 81.5014 ], [ -65.4803, 81.5066 ], [ -67.84, 80.9 ], [ -69.4697, 80.6168 ], [ -71.18, 79.8 ], [ -73.2428, 79.6342 ], [ -73.88, 79.4302 ], [ -76.9077, 79.3231 ], [ -75.5292, 79.1977 ], [ -76.2205, 79.0191 ], [ -75.3935, 78.5258 ], [ -76.3435, 78.183 ], [ -77.8885, 77.8999 ], [ -78.3627, 77.5086 ], [ -79.7595, 77.2097 ], [ -79.6196, 76.9834 ], [ -77.9109, 77.022 ], [ -77.8891, 76.778 ], [ -80.5613, 76.1781 ], [ -83.1744, 76.454 ], [ -86.1118, 76.299 ], [ -87.6, 76.42 ], [ -89.4907, 76.4724 ], [ -89.6161, 76.9521 ], [ -87.7674, 77.1783 ], [ -88.26, 77.9 ], [ -87.65, 77.9702 ], [ -84.9763, 77.5387 ], [ -86.34, 78.18 ], [ -87.9619, 78.3718 ], [ -87.152, 78.7587 ], [ -85.3787, 78.9969 ], [ -85.0949, 79.3454 ], [ -86.5073, 79.7362 ], [ -86.9318, 80.2515 ], [ -84.1984, 80.2084 ], [ -83.4087, 80.1 ], [ -81.8482, 80.4644 ], [ -84.1, 80.58 ], [ -87.599, 80.5163 ], [ -89.3666, 80.8557 ], [ -90.2, 81.26 ], [ -91.3679, 81.5531 ], [ -91.587, 81.8943 ], [ -90.1, 82.085 ], [ -88.9323, 82.1175 ], [ -86.9702, 82.2796 ], [ -85.5, 82.6523 ], [ -84.26, 82.6 ], [ -83.18, 82.32 ], [ -82.42, 82.86 ], [ -81.1, 83.02 ], [ -79.3066, 83.1306 ], [ -76.25, 83.1721 ], [ -75.7188, 83.064 ], [ -72.8315, 83.2332 ], [ -70.6658, 83.1698 ], [ -68.5, 83.1063 ] ] ] ] } },
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39.9285 ], [ 122.8676, 39.6378 ], [ 122.1314, 39.1705 ], [ 121.0546, 38.8975 ], [ 121.586, 39.3609 ], [ 121.3768, 39.7503 ], [ 122.1686, 40.4224 ], [ 121.6404, 40.9464 ], [ 120.7686, 40.5934 ], [ 119.6396, 39.8981 ], [ 119.0235, 39.2523 ], [ 118.0427, 39.2043 ], [ 117.5327, 38.7376 ], [ 118.0597, 38.0615 ], [ 118.8782, 37.8973 ], [ 118.9116, 37.4485 ], [ 119.7028, 37.1564 ], [ 120.8235, 37.8704 ], [ 121.7113, 37.4811 ], [ 122.3579, 37.4545 ], [ 122.52, 36.9306 ], [ 121.1042, 36.6513 ], [ 120.637, 36.1114 ], [ 119.6646, 35.6098 ], [ 119.1512, 34.9099 ], [ 120.2275, 34.3603 ], [ 120.6204, 33.3767 ], [ 121.229, 32.4603 ], [ 121.9081, 31.6922 ], [ 121.8919, 30.9494 ], [ 121.2643, 30.6763 ], [ 121.5035, 30.1429 ], [ 122.0921, 29.8325 ], [ 121.9384, 29.018 ], [ 121.6844, 28.2255 ], [ 121.1257, 28.1357 ], [ 120.3955, 27.0532 ], [ 119.5855, 25.7408 ], [ 118.6569, 24.5474 ], [ 117.2816, 23.6245 ], [ 115.8907, 22.7829 ], [ 114.7638, 22.6681 ], [ 114.1525, 22.2238 ], [ 113.8068, 22.5483 ], [ 113.2411, 22.0514 ], [ 111.8436, 21.5505 ], [ 110.7855, 21.3971 ], [ 110.444, 20.341 ], [ 109.8899, 20.2825 ], [ 109.6277, 21.0082 ], [ 109.8645, 21.3951 ], [ 108.5228, 21.7152 ], [ 108.0502, 21.5524 ], [ 107.0434, 21.8119 ], [ 106.5673, 22.2182 ], [ 106.7254, 22.7943 ], [ 105.8112, 22.9769 ], [ 105.3292, 23.3521 ], [ 104.4769, 22.8192 ], [ 103.5045, 22.7038 ], [ 102.707, 22.7088 ], [ 102.1704, 22.4648 ], [ 101.652, 22.3182 ], [ 101.8031, 21.1744 ], [ 101.27, 21.2017 ], [ 101.18, 21.4366 ], [ 101.15, 21.85 ], [ 100.4165, 21.5588 ], [ 99.9835, 21.7429 ], [ 99.2409, 22.1183 ], [ 99.532, 22.949 ], [ 98.8987, 23.1427 ], [ 98.6603, 24.0633 ], [ 97.6047, 23.8974 ], [ 97.7246, 25.0836 ], [ 98.6718, 25.9187 ], [ 98.7121, 26.7435 ], [ 98.6827, 27.5088 ], [ 98.2462, 27.7472 ], [ 97.912, 28.3359 ], [ 97.3271, 28.2616 ], [ 96.2488, 28.411 ], [ 96.5866, 28.831 ], [ 96.1177, 29.4528 ], [ 95.4048, 29.0317 ], [ 94.566, 29.2774 ], [ 93.4133, 28.6406 ], [ 92.5031, 27.8969 ], [ 91.6967, 27.7717 ], [ 91.2589, 28.0406 ], [ 90.7305, 28.065 ], [ 90.0158, 28.2964 ], [ 89.4758, 28.0428 ], [ 88.8142, 27.2993 ], [ 88.7303, 28.0869 ], [ 88.1204, 27.8765 ], [ 86.9545, 27.9743 ], [ 85.8233, 28.2036 ], [ 85.0116, 28.6428 ], [ 84.2346, 28.8399 ], [ 83.899, 29.3202 ], [ 83.3371, 29.4637 ], [ 82.3275, 30.1153 ], [ 81.5258, 30.4227 ], [ 81.1113, 30.1835 ], [ 79.7214, 30.8827 ], [ 78.7389, 31.5159 ], [ 78.4584, 32.6182 ], [ 79.1761, 32.4838 ], [ 79.2089, 32.9944 ], [ 78.8111, 33.5062 ], [ 78.9123, 34.3219 ], [ 77.8375, 35.494 ], [ 76.1928, 35.8984 ], [ 75.8969, 36.6668 ], [ 75.158, 37.133 ], [ 74.98, 37.42 ], [ 74.83, 37.99 ], [ 74.8648, 38.3788 ], [ 74.2575, 38.6065 ], [ 73.9289, 38.5058 ], [ 73.6754, 39.4312 ], [ 73.96, 39.66 ], [ 73.8222, 39.894 ], [ 74.7769, 40.3664 ], [ 75.4678, 40.5621 ], [ 76.5264, 40.4279 ], [ 76.9045, 41.0665 ], [ 78.1872, 41.1853 ], [ 78.5437, 41.5822 ], [ 80.1194, 42.1239 ], [ 80.26, 42.35 ], [ 80.1801, 42.9201 ], [ 80.8662, 43.1804 ], [ 79.9661, 44.9175 ], [ 81.9471, 45.317 ], [ 82.4589, 45.5397 ], [ 83.1805, 47.33 ], [ 85.1643, 47.001 ], [ 85.7205, 47.453 ], [ 85.7682, 48.4558 ], [ 86.5988, 48.5492 ], [ 87.36, 49.215 ], [ 87.7513, 49.2972 ], [ 88.0138, 48.5995 ], [ 88.8543, 48.0691 ], [ 90.2808, 47.6935 ], [ 90.9708, 46.8881 ], [ 90.5858, 45.7197 ], [ 90.9455, 45.2861 ], [ 92.1339, 45.1151 ], [ 93.4807, 44.9755 ], [ 94.6889, 44.3523 ], [ 95.3069, 44.2413 ], [ 95.7625, 43.3194 ], [ 96.3494, 42.7256 ], [ 97.4518, 42.7489 ], [ 99.5158, 42.5247 ], [ 100.8459, 42.6638 ], [ 101.833, 42.5149 ], [ 103.3123, 41.9075 ], [ 104.5223, 41.9083 ], [ 104.965, 41.5974 ], [ 106.1293, 42.1343 ], [ 107.7448, 42.4815 ], [ 109.2436, 42.5194 ], [ 110.4121, 42.8712 ], [ 111.1297, 43.4068 ], [ 111.8296, 43.7431 ], [ 111.6677, 44.0732 ], [ 111.3484, 44.4574 ], [ 111.8733, 45.1021 ], [ 112.4361, 45.0116 ], [ 113.4639, 44.8089 ], [ 114.4603, 45.3398 ], [ 115.9851, 45.7272 ], [ 116.7179, 46.3882 ], [ 117.4217, 46.6727 ], [ 118.8743, 46.8054 ], [ 119.6633, 46.6927 ], [ 119.7728, 47.0481 ], [ 118.8666, 47.7471 ], [ 118.0641, 48.0667 ], [ 117.2955, 47.6977 ], [ 116.309, 47.8534 ], [ 115.7428, 47.7265 ], [ 115.4853, 48.1354 ], [ 116.1918, 49.1346 ], [ 116.6788, 49.8885 ], [ 117.8792, 49.511 ], [ 119.2885, 50.1429 ], [ 119.2794, 50.5829 ], [ 120.1821, 51.6436 ], [ 120.7382, 51.9641 ], [ 120.7258, 52.5162 ], [ 120.1771, 52.7539 ], [ 121.0031, 53.2514 ], [ 122.2457, 53.4317 ], [ 123.5715, 53.4588 ], [ 125.0682, 53.161 ], [ 125.9463, 52.7928 ], [ 126.5644, 51.7843 ], [ 126.9392, 51.3539 ], [ 127.2875, 50.7398 ], [ 127.6574, 49.7603 ] ] ] ] } },
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122.7231, 0.4311 ], [ 121.0567, 0.3812 ], [ 120.1831, 0.2372 ], [ 120.0409, -0.5197 ], [ 120.9359, -1.4089 ], [ 121.4758, -0.956 ], [ 123.3406, -0.6157 ], [ 123.2584, -1.0762 ], [ 122.8227, -0.931 ], [ 122.3885, -1.5169 ], [ 121.5083, -1.9045 ], [ 122.4546, -3.1861 ], [ 122.2719, -3.5295 ], [ 123.171, -4.6837 ], [ 123.1623, -5.3406 ], [ 122.6285, -5.6346 ], [ 122.2364, -5.2829 ], [ 122.7196, -4.4642 ], [ 121.7382, -4.8513 ], [ 121.4895, -4.5746 ], [ 121.6192, -4.1885 ], [ 120.8982, -3.6021 ], [ 120.9724, -2.6276 ], [ 120.3055, -2.9316 ], [ 120.39, -4.0976 ], [ 120.4307, -5.5282 ], [ 119.7965, -5.6734 ], [ 119.3669, -5.3799 ], [ 119.6536, -4.4594 ], [ 119.4988, -3.4944 ], [ 119.0783, -3.487 ], [ 118.7678, -2.802 ], [ 119.181, -2.1471 ], [ 119.3234, -1.3531 ], [ 119.826, 0.1543 ], [ 120.0357, 0.5665 ], [ 120.8858, 1.3092 ], [ 121.6668, 1.0139 ], [ 122.9276, 0.8752 ], [ 124.0775, 0.9171 ], [ 125.066, 1.6433 ], [ 125.2405, 1.4198 ] ] ], [ [ [ 128.6882, 1.1324 ], [ 128.636, 0.2585 ], [ 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117.0152, 4.3061 ], [ 117.882, 4.1376 ], [ 117.3132, 3.2344 ], [ 118.0483, 2.2877 ], [ 117.8756, 1.8276 ] ] ], [ [ [ 105.8177, -5.8524 ], [ 104.7104, -5.8733 ], [ 103.8682, -5.0373 ], [ 102.5843, -4.2203 ], [ 102.1562, -3.6141 ], [ 101.3991, -2.7998 ], [ 100.9025, -2.0503 ], [ 100.142, -0.6503 ], [ 99.2637, 0.1831 ], [ 98.97, 1.0429 ], [ 98.6014, 1.8235 ], [ 97.6996, 2.4532 ], [ 97.1769, 3.3088 ], [ 96.424, 3.8689 ], [ 95.3809, 4.9708 ], [ 95.293, 5.4798 ], [ 95.9369, 5.4395 ], [ 97.4849, 5.2463 ], [ 98.3692, 4.2684 ], [ 99.1426, 3.5903 ], [ 99.694, 3.1743 ], [ 100.6414, 2.0994 ], [ 101.658, 2.0837 ], [ 102.4983, 1.3987 ], [ 103.0768, 0.5614 ], [ 103.8384, 0.1045 ], [ 103.4376, -0.7119 ], [ 104.0108, -1.0592 ], [ 104.37, -1.0848 ], [ 104.5395, -1.7824 ], [ 104.8879, -2.3404 ], [ 105.6221, -2.4288 ], [ 106.1086, -3.0618 ], [ 105.8574, -4.3055 ], [ 105.8177, -5.8524 ] ] ] ] } },
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149.5759, 74.6889 ], [ 147.9775, 74.7784 ], [ 146.1192, 75.173 ], [ 146.3585, 75.4968 ], [ 148.2222, 75.3458 ], [ 150.7317, 75.0841 ] ] ], [ [ [ 145.0863, 75.5626 ], [ 144.3, 74.82 ], [ 140.6138, 74.8477 ], [ 138.9554, 74.6115 ], [ 136.9744, 75.2617 ], [ 137.5118, 75.9492 ], [ 138.8311, 76.1368 ], [ 141.4716, 76.0929 ], [ 145.0863, 75.5626 ] ] ], [ [ [ 57.5357, 70.7205 ], [ 56.945, 70.6327 ], [ 53.6774, 70.7627 ], [ 53.412, 71.2067 ], [ 51.6019, 71.4748 ], [ 51.4558, 72.0149 ], [ 52.4783, 72.2294 ], [ 52.4442, 72.7747 ], [ 54.4276, 73.6275 ], [ 53.5083, 73.7498 ], [ 55.9025, 74.6275 ], [ 55.6319, 75.0814 ], [ 57.8686, 75.6094 ], [ 61.17, 76.2519 ], [ 64.4984, 76.4391 ], [ 66.211, 76.8098 ], [ 68.1571, 76.9397 ], [ 68.8522, 76.5448 ], [ 68.1806, 76.2336 ], [ 64.6373, 75.7378 ], [ 61.5835, 75.2609 ], [ 58.4771, 74.3091 ], [ 56.9868, 73.333 ], [ 55.4193, 72.3713 ], [ 55.6228, 71.5406 ], [ 57.5357, 70.7205 ] ] ], [ [ [ 106.9701, 76.9742 ], [ 107.24, 76.48 ], [ 108.1538, 76.7233 ], [ 111.0773, 76.71 ], [ 113.3315, 76.2222 ], [ 114.1342, 75.8476 ], [ 113.8854, 75.3278 ], [ 112.7792, 75.0319 ], [ 110.1513, 74.4767 ], [ 109.4, 74.18 ], [ 110.64, 74.04 ], [ 112.1192, 73.7877 ], [ 113.0195, 73.9769 ], [ 113.5296, 73.335 ], [ 113.9688, 73.5949 ], [ 115.5678, 73.7528 ], [ 118.7763, 73.5877 ], [ 119.02, 73.12 ], [ 123.2007, 72.9712 ], [ 123.2578, 73.735 ], [ 125.38, 73.56 ], [ 126.9764, 73.5655 ], [ 128.5913, 73.0387 ], [ 129.0516, 72.3987 ], [ 128.46, 71.98 ], [ 129.716, 71.193 ], [ 131.2886, 70.787 ], [ 132.2535, 71.8363 ], [ 133.8577, 71.3864 ], [ 135.5619, 71.6552 ], [ 137.4975, 71.3476 ], [ 138.2341, 71.628 ], [ 139.8698, 71.4878 ], [ 139.1479, 72.4162 ], [ 140.4682, 72.8494 ], [ 149.5, 72.2 ], [ 150.3512, 71.6064 ], [ 152.9689, 70.8422 ], [ 157.0069, 71.0314 ], [ 158.9978, 70.8667 ], [ 159.8303, 70.4532 ], [ 159.7087, 69.722 ], [ 160.9405, 69.4373 ], [ 162.2791, 69.642 ], [ 164.0525, 69.6682 ], [ 165.9404, 69.472 ], [ 167.8357, 69.5827 ], [ 169.5776, 68.6938 ], [ 170.8169, 69.0136 ], [ 170.0082, 69.6528 ], [ 170.4535, 70.097 ], [ 173.6439, 69.8174 ], [ 175.724, 69.8773 ], [ 178.6, 69.4 ], [ 180.0, 68.9636 ], [ 180.0, 64.9797 ], [ 179.9928, 64.9743 ], [ 178.7072, 64.5349 ], [ 177.4113, 64.6082 ], [ 178.313, 64.0759 ], [ 178.9083, 63.252 ], [ 179.3703, 62.9826 ], [ 179.4864, 62.5689 ], [ 179.2283, 62.3041 ], [ 177.3643, 62.5219 ], [ 174.5693, 61.7692 ], [ 173.6801, 61.6526 ], [ 172.15, 60.95 ], [ 170.6985, 60.3362 ], [ 170.3308, 59.8818 ], [ 168.9005, 60.5735 ], [ 166.295, 59.7886 ], [ 165.84, 60.16 ], [ 164.8767, 59.7316 ], [ 163.5393, 59.8687 ], [ 163.2171, 59.211 ], [ 162.0173, 58.2433 ], [ 162.053, 57.8391 ], [ 163.1919, 57.615 ], [ 163.0579, 56.1592 ], [ 162.1296, 56.1222 ], [ 161.7015, 55.2857 ], [ 162.1175, 54.8551 ], [ 160.3688, 54.3443 ], [ 160.0217, 53.2026 ], [ 158.5309, 52.9587 ], [ 158.2312, 51.9427 ], [ 156.7898, 51.011 ], [ 156.42, 51.7 ], [ 155.9918, 53.1589 ], [ 155.4337, 55.381 ], [ 155.9144, 56.7679 ], [ 156.7582, 57.3647 ], [ 156.8103, 57.832 ], [ 158.3643, 58.0558 ], [ 160.1506, 59.3148 ], [ 161.872, 60.343 ], [ 163.6697, 61.1409 ], [ 164.4735, 62.5506 ], [ 163.2584, 62.4663 ], [ 162.6579, 61.6425 ], [ 160.1215, 60.5442 ], [ 159.3023, 61.774 ], [ 156.7207, 61.4344 ], [ 154.2181, 59.7582 ], [ 155.0437, 59.145 ], [ 152.8118, 58.8839 ], [ 151.2657, 58.7809 ], [ 151.3382, 59.504 ], [ 149.7837, 59.6557 ], [ 148.5448, 59.1645 ], [ 145.4872, 59.3364 ], [ 142.1978, 59.04 ], [ 138.9585, 57.0881 ], [ 135.1262, 54.7296 ], [ 136.7017, 54.6035 ], [ 137.1934, 53.9773 ], [ 138.1647, 53.755 ], [ 138.8046, 54.2546 ], [ 139.9015, 54.1897 ], [ 141.3453, 53.0896 ], [ 141.3792, 52.2388 ], [ 140.5974, 51.2397 ], [ 140.5131, 50.0455 ], [ 140.0619, 48.4467 ], [ 138.5547, 46.9997 ], [ 138.2197, 46.3079 ], [ 136.8623, 45.1435 ], [ 135.5154, 43.989 ], [ 134.8694, 43.3982 ], [ 133.5369, 42.8115 ], [ 132.9063, 42.7985 ], [ 132.2781, 43.2846 ], [ 130.9359, 42.5527 ], [ 130.78, 42.22 ], [ 130.64, 42.395 ], [ 130.6339, 42.903 ], [ 131.1447, 42.93 ], [ 131.2886, 44.1115 ], [ 131.0252, 44.968 ], [ 131.8835, 45.3212 ], [ 133.0971, 45.1441 ], [ 133.7696, 46.1169 ], [ 134.1123, 47.2125 ], [ 134.5008, 47.5784 ], [ 135.0263, 48.4782 ], [ 133.3736, 48.1834 ], [ 132.5067, 47.789 ], [ 130.9873, 47.7901 ], [ 130.5823, 48.7297 ], [ 129.3978, 49.4406 ], [ 127.6574, 49.7603 ], [ 127.2875, 50.7398 ], [ 126.9392, 51.3539 ], [ 126.5644, 51.7843 ], [ 125.9463, 52.7928 ], [ 125.0682, 53.161 ], [ 123.5715, 53.4588 ], [ 122.2457, 53.4317 ], [ 121.0031, 53.2514 ], [ 120.1771, 52.7539 ], [ 120.7258, 52.5162 ], [ 120.7382, 51.9641 ], [ 120.1821, 51.6435 ], [ 119.2794, 50.5829 ], [ 119.2885, 50.1429 ], [ 117.8792, 49.511 ], [ 116.6788, 49.8885 ], [ 115.4857, 49.8052 ], [ 114.9621, 50.1402 ], [ 114.3625, 50.2483 ], [ 112.8977, 49.5436 ], [ 111.5812, 49.378 ], [ 110.662, 49.1301 ], [ 109.4024, 49.293 ], [ 108.4752, 49.2825 ], [ 107.8682, 49.7937 ], [ 106.8888, 50.2743 ], [ 105.8866, 50.406 ], [ 104.6216, 50.2753 ], [ 103.6765, 50.09 ], [ 102.2559, 50.5106 ], [ 102.0652, 51.2599 ], [ 100.8895, 51.5169 ], [ 99.9817, 51.634 ], [ 98.8615, 52.0474 ], [ 97.8257, 51.011 ], [ 98.2318, 50.4224 ], [ 97.2598, 49.7261 ], [ 95.814, 49.9775 ], [ 94.8159, 50.0134 ], [ 94.1476, 50.4805 ], [ 93.1042, 50.4953 ], [ 92.2347, 50.8022 ], [ 90.7137, 50.3318 ], [ 88.8056, 49.4705 ], [ 87.7513, 49.2972 ], [ 87.36, 49.215 ], [ 86.8294, 49.8267 ], [ 85.5413, 49.6929 ], [ 85.1156, 50.1173 ], [ 84.4164, 50.3114 ], [ 83.9351, 50.8892 ], [ 83.383, 51.0692 ], [ 81.946, 50.8122 ], [ 80.5684, 51.3883 ], [ 80.0356, 50.8648 ], [ 77.8009, 53.4044 ], [ 76.5252, 54.177 ], [ 76.8911, 54.4905 ], [ 74.3848, 53.5468 ], [ 73.4257, 53.4898 ], [ 73.5085, 54.0356 ], [ 72.2241, 54.3767 ], [ 71.1801, 54.1333 ], [ 70.8653, 55.1697 ], [ 69.0682, 55.3852 ], [ 68.1691, 54.9704 ], [ 65.6669, 54.6013 ], [ 65.1785, 54.3542 ], [ 61.4366, 54.0063 ], [ 60.9781, 53.665 ], [ 61.7, 52.98 ], [ 60.74, 52.72 ], [ 60.9273, 52.4475 ], [ 59.9675, 51.9604 ], [ 61.588, 51.2727 ], [ 61.3374, 50.7991 ], [ 59.9328, 50.8422 ], [ 59.6423, 50.5454 ], [ 58.3633, 51.0636 ], [ 56.778, 51.0436 ], [ 55.7169, 50.6217 ], [ 54.5329, 51.0262 ], [ 52.3287, 51.7187 ], [ 50.7666, 51.6928 ], [ 48.7024, 50.6051 ], [ 48.5778, 49.8748 ], [ 47.5495, 50.4547 ], [ 46.7516, 49.356 ], [ 47.0437, 49.152 ], [ 46.4664, 48.3942 ], [ 47.3152, 47.7159 ], [ 48.0573, 47.7438 ], [ 48.6947, 47.0756 ], [ 48.5932, 46.561 ], [ 49.1012, 46.3993 ], [ 48.6454, 45.8063 ], [ 47.6759, 45.6415 ], [ 46.682, 44.6092 ], [ 47.5909, 43.6602 ], [ 47.4925, 42.9866 ], [ 48.5844, 41.8089 ], [ 47.9873, 41.4058 ], [ 47.8157, 41.1514 ], [ 47.3733, 41.2197 ], [ 46.6861, 41.8271 ], [ 46.405, 41.8607 ], [ 45.7764, 42.0924 ], [ 45.4703, 42.5028 ], [ 44.5376, 42.712 ], [ 43.9312, 42.555 ], [ 43.756, 42.7408 ], [ 42.3944, 43.2203 ], [ 40.9222, 43.3822 ], [ 40.077, 43.5531 ], [ 39.955, 43.435 ], [ 38.68, 44.28 ], [ 37.5391, 44.6572 ], [ 36.6755, 45.2447 ], [ 37.4032, 45.4045 ], [ 38.233, 46.2409 ], [ 37.6737, 46.6366 ], [ 39.1477, 47.0448 ], [ 39.1212, 47.2634 ], [ 38.2235, 47.1022 ], [ 38.2551, 47.5464 ], [ 38.7706, 47.8256 ], [ 39.7383, 47.8989 ], [ 39.8956, 48.2324 ], [ 39.6746, 48.7838 ], [ 40.0808, 49.3074 ], [ 40.069, 49.6011 ], [ 38.595, 49.9265 ], [ 38.0106, 49.9157 ], [ 37.3935, 50.384 ], [ 36.6262, 50.2256 ], [ 35.3561, 50.5772 ], [ 35.3779, 50.7739 ], [ 35.0222, 51.2076 ], [ 34.2248, 51.256 ], [ 34.142, 51.5664 ], [ 34.3917, 51.7689 ], [ 33.7527, 52.3351 ], [ 32.7158, 52.2385 ], [ 32.4121, 52.2887 ], [ 32.1594, 52.0613 ], [ 31.786, 52.1017 ], [ 31.54, 52.7421 ], [ 31.3052, 53.074 ], [ 31.4976, 53.1674 ], [ 32.3045, 53.1327 ], [ 32.6936, 53.3514 ], [ 32.4056, 53.618 ], [ 31.7313, 53.794 ], [ 31.7914, 53.9746 ], [ 31.3845, 54.1571 ], [ 30.7575, 54.8118 ], [ 30.9718, 55.0815 ], [ 30.8739, 55.551 ], [ 29.8963, 55.7895 ], [ 29.3716, 55.6701 ], [ 29.2295, 55.9183 ], [ 28.1767, 56.1691 ], [ 27.8553, 56.7593 ], [ 27.77, 57.2443 ], [ 27.2882, 57.4745 ], [ 27.7167, 57.7919 ], [ 27.4201, 58.7246 ], [ 28.1317, 59.3008 ], [ 27.9811, 59.4754 ], [ 29.1177, 60.0281 ], [ 28.07, 60.5035 ], [ 30.2111, 61.78 ], [ 31.14, 62.3577 ], [ 31.5161, 62.8677 ], [ 30.0359, 63.5528 ], [ 30.4447, 64.2045 ], [ 29.5444, 64.9487 ], [ 30.2176, 65.806 ], [ 29.0546, 66.9443 ], [ 29.9774, 67.6983 ], [ 28.4459, 68.3646 ], [ 28.5919, 69.0648 ], [ 29.3996, 69.1569 ], [ 31.1011, 69.5581 ], [ 32.1327, 69.906 ], [ 33.7755, 69.3014 ], [ 36.514, 69.0634 ], [ 40.2923, 67.9324 ], [ 41.0599, 67.4571 ], [ 41.126, 66.7916 ], [ 40.0158, 66.2662 ], [ 38.383, 65.9995 ], [ 33.9187, 66.7596 ], [ 33.1844, 66.6325 ], [ 34.8148, 65.9001 ], [ 34.8786, 65.4362 ], [ 34.9439, 64.4144 ], [ 36.2313, 64.1094 ], [ 37.0127, 63.8498 ], [ 37.142, 64.3347 ], [ 36.5396, 64.7645 ], [ 37.176, 65.1432 ], [ 39.5934, 64.5208 ], [ 40.4356, 64.7645 ], [ 39.7626, 65.4968 ], [ 42.0931, 66.4762 ], [ 43.016, 66.4186 ], [ 43.9498, 66.0691 ], [ 44.5323, 66.7563 ], [ 43.6984, 67.3525 ], [ 44.188, 67.9505 ], [ 43.4528, 68.5708 ], [ 46.25, 68.25 ], [ 46.8213, 67.69 ], [ 45.5552, 67.5665 ], [ 45.562, 67.0101 ], [ 46.3492, 66.6677 ], [ 47.8942, 66.8846 ], [ 48.1388, 67.5224 ], [ 50.2277, 67.9987 ], [ 53.7174, 68.8574 ], [ 54.4717, 68.8081 ], [ 53.4858, 68.2013 ], [ 54.7263, 68.097 ], [ 55.4427, 68.4387 ], [ 57.317, 68.4663 ], [ 58.802, 68.8808 ], [ 59.9414, 68.2784 ], [ 61.0778, 68.9407 ], [ 60.03, 69.52 ], [ 60.55, 69.85 ], [ 63.504, 69.5474 ], [ 64.8881, 69.2348 ], [ 68.5122, 68.0923 ], [ 69.1807, 68.6156 ], [ 68.1644, 69.1444 ], [ 68.1352, 69.3565 ], [ 66.9301, 69.4546 ], [ 67.2598, 69.9287 ], [ 66.7249, 70.7089 ], [ 66.6947, 71.029 ], [ 68.5401, 71.9345 ], [ 69.1964, 72.8434 ], [ 69.94, 73.04 ], [ 72.5875, 72.7763 ], [ 72.796, 72.2201 ], [ 71.8481, 71.409 ], [ 72.4701, 71.0902 ], [ 72.7919, 70.3911 ], [ 72.5647, 69.0208 ], [ 73.6679, 68.4079 ], [ 73.2387, 67.7404 ], [ 71.28, 66.32 ], [ 72.423, 66.1727 ], [ 72.8208, 66.5327 ], [ 73.921, 66.7895 ], [ 74.1865, 67.2843 ], [ 75.052, 67.7605 ], [ 74.4693, 68.329 ], [ 74.9358, 68.9892 ], [ 73.8424, 69.0715 ], [ 73.6019, 69.6276 ], [ 74.3998, 70.6317 ], [ 73.1011, 71.4472 ], [ 74.8908, 72.1212 ], [ 74.6593, 72.8323 ], [ 75.158, 72.855 ], [ 75.6835, 72.3006 ], [ 75.289, 71.3356 ], [ 76.3591, 71.1529 ], [ 75.9031, 71.874 ], [ 77.5767, 72.2672 ], [ 79.652, 72.3201 ], [ 81.5, 71.75 ], [ 80.6107, 72.5828 ], [ 80.5111, 73.6482 ], [ 82.25, 73.85 ], [ 84.6553, 73.8059 ], [ 86.8223, 73.9369 ], [ 86.0096, 74.4597 ], [ 87.1668, 75.1164 ], [ 88.3157, 75.1439 ], [ 90.26, 75.64 ], [ 92.9006, 75.7733 ], [ 93.2342, 76.0472 ], [ 95.86, 76.14 ], [ 96.6782, 75.9155 ], [ 98.9225, 76.4469 ], [ 100.7597, 76.4303 ], [ 101.0353, 76.8619 ], [ 101.9908, 77.2875 ], [ 104.3516, 77.6979 ], [ 106.0666, 77.3739 ], [ 104.705, 77.1274 ], [ 106.9701, 76.9742 ] ] ], [ [ [ 105.0755, 78.3069 ], [ 99.4381, 77.921 ], [ 101.2649, 79.234 ], [ 102.0863, 79.3464 ], [ 102.8378, 79.2813 ], [ 105.3724, 78.7133 ], [ 105.0755, 78.3069 ] ] ], [ [ [ 51.1362, 80.5473 ], [ 49.7937, 80.4154 ], [ 48.8944, 80.3396 ], [ 48.7549, 80.1755 ], [ 47.5861, 80.0102 ], [ 46.5028, 80.2472 ], [ 47.0725, 80.5594 ], [ 44.847, 80.5898 ], [ 46.7991, 80.7719 ], [ 48.3185, 80.784 ], [ 48.5228, 80.5146 ], [ 49.0972, 80.754 ], [ 50.0398, 80.9189 ], [ 51.5229, 80.6997 ], [ 51.1362, 80.5473 ] ] ], [ [ [ 99.9398, 78.8809 ], [ 97.7579, 78.7562 ], [ 94.9726, 79.0447 ], [ 93.3129, 79.4265 ], [ 92.5454, 80.1438 ], [ 91.1811, 80.3415 ], [ 93.7777, 81.0246 ], [ 95.9409, 81.2504 ], [ 97.8838, 80.747 ], [ 100.1867, 79.7801 ], [ 99.9398, 78.8809 ] ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Rwanda", "pop": 9233793, "gdp": 9.061000, "region": "Sub Saharan Africa", "iso": "RWA" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 30.4191, -1.1347 ], [ 30.8161, -1.6989 ], [ 30.7583, -2.2872 ], [ 30.4697, -2.4139 ], [ 29.9384, -2.3485 ], [ 29.6322, -2.9179 ], [ 29.0249, -2.8393 ], [ 29.1175, -2.2922 ], [ 29.2548, -2.2151 ], [ 29.2919, -1.6201 ], [ 29.5795, -1.3413 ], [ 29.8215, -1.4433 ], [ 30.4191, -1.1347 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Western Sahara", "pop": 440428, "gdp": 0.900000, "region": "NorthAfrica", "iso": "ESH" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -8.7949, 27.1207 ], [ -8.8178, 27.6564 ], [ -8.6656, 27.6564 ], [ -8.6651, 27.5895 ], [ -8.6844, 27.3957 ], [ -8.6873, 25.8811 ], [ -11.9694, 25.9334 ], [ -11.9372, 23.3746 ], [ -12.8742, 23.2848 ], [ -13.1188, 22.7712 ], [ -12.9291, 21.3271 ], [ -16.8452, 21.3333 ], [ -17.0634, 20.9998 ], [ -17.0204, 21.4223 ], [ -17.003, 21.4207 ], [ -14.751, 21.5006 ], [ -14.6308, 21.8609 ], [ -14.2212, 22.3102 ], [ -13.8911, 23.691 ], [ -12.501, 24.7701 ], [ -12.0308, 26.0309 ], [ -11.7182, 26.1041 ], [ -11.3926, 26.8834 ], [ -10.5513, 26.9908 ], [ -10.1894, 26.8609 ], [ -9.7353, 26.8609 ], [ -9.413, 27.0885 ], [ -8.7949, 27.1207 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Saudi Arabia", "pop": 2361236, "gdp": 582.800000, "region": "Asia", "iso": "SAU" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 42.7793, 16.3479 ], [ 42.6496, 16.7746 ], [ 42.348, 17.0758 ], [ 42.2709, 17.4747 ], [ 41.7544, 17.833 ], [ 41.2214, 18.6716 ], [ 40.9393, 19.4865 ], [ 40.2477, 20.1746 ], [ 39.8017, 20.3389 ], [ 39.1394, 21.2919 ], [ 39.0237, 21.9869 ], [ 39.0663, 22.5797 ], [ 38.4928, 23.6885 ], [ 38.0239, 24.0787 ], [ 37.4836, 24.2855 ], [ 37.1548, 24.8585 ], [ 37.2095, 25.0845 ], [ 36.9316, 25.603 ], [ 36.6396, 25.8262 ], [ 36.2491, 26.5701 ], [ 35.6402, 27.3765 ], [ 35.1302, 28.0634 ], [ 34.6323, 28.0585 ], [ 34.7878, 28.6074 ], [ 34.8322, 28.9575 ], [ 34.956, 29.3566 ], [ 36.0689, 29.1975 ], [ 36.5012, 29.5053 ], [ 36.7405, 29.8653 ], [ 37.5036, 30.0038 ], [ 37.6681, 30.3387 ], [ 37.9988, 30.5085 ], [ 37.0022, 31.5084 ], [ 39.0049, 32.0102 ], [ 39.1955, 32.161 ], [ 40.4, 31.89 ], [ 41.89, 31.19 ], [ 44.7095, 29.1789 ], [ 46.5687, 29.099 ], [ 47.4598, 29.0025 ], [ 47.7089, 28.5261 ], [ 48.4161, 28.552 ], [ 48.8076, 27.6896 ], [ 49.2996, 27.4612 ], [ 49.4709, 27.11 ], [ 50.1524, 26.6897 ], [ 50.2129, 26.277 ], [ 50.1133, 25.944 ], [ 50.2399, 25.608 ], [ 50.5274, 25.3278 ], [ 50.6606, 24.9999 ], [ 50.8101, 24.7547 ], [ 51.1124, 24.5563 ], [ 51.3896, 24.6274 ], [ 51.5795, 24.2455 ], [ 51.6177, 24.0142 ], [ 52.0007, 23.0012 ], [ 55.0068, 22.4969 ], [ 55.2083, 22.7083 ], [ 55.6667, 22.0 ], [ 55.0, 20.0 ], [ 52.0, 19.0 ], [ 49.1167, 18.6167 ], [ 48.1833, 18.1667 ], [ 47.4667, 17.1167 ], [ 47.0, 16.95 ], [ 46.75, 17.2833 ], [ 46.3667, 17.2333 ], [ 45.4, 17.3333 ], [ 45.2167, 17.4333 ], [ 44.0626, 17.4104 ], [ 43.7915, 17.32 ], [ 43.3808, 17.58 ], [ 43.1158, 17.0884 ], [ 43.2184, 16.6669 ], [ 42.7793, 16.3479 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Sudan", "pop": 36899747, "gdp": 87.270000, "region": "Sub Saharan Africa", "iso": "SDN" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 33.9634, 9.4643 ], [ 33.825, 9.4841 ], [ 33.8421, 9.9819 ], [ 33.722, 10.3253 ], [ 33.2069, 10.7201 ], [ 33.0868, 11.4411 ], [ 33.2069, 12.1793 ], [ 32.7434, 12.248 ], [ 32.6748, 12.0248 ], [ 32.0739, 11.9733 ], [ 32.3142, 11.6815 ], [ 32.4001, 11.0806 ], [ 31.8507, 10.5313 ], [ 31.3529, 9.8102 ], [ 30.8378, 9.7072 ], [ 29.9966, 10.2909 ], [ 29.619, 10.0849 ], [ 29.516, 9.7931 ], [ 29.0009, 9.6042 ], [ 28.9666, 9.3982 ], [ 27.9709, 9.3982 ], [ 27.8336, 9.6042 ], [ 27.1125, 9.6386 ], [ 26.752, 9.4669 ], [ 26.4773, 9.5527 ], [ 25.9623, 10.1364 ], [ 25.7906, 10.4111 ], [ 25.0696, 10.2738 ], [ 24.7949, 9.8102 ], [ 24.5374, 8.9175 ], [ 24.1941, 8.7287 ], [ 23.887, 8.6197 ], [ 23.8058, 8.6663 ], [ 23.459, 8.9543 ], [ 23.3948, 9.2651 ], [ 23.5572, 9.6812 ], [ 23.5543, 10.0893 ], [ 22.9775, 10.7145 ], [ 22.8642, 11.1424 ], [ 22.8762, 11.3846 ], [ 22.5087, 11.6794 ], [ 22.4976, 12.2602 ], [ 22.288, 12.6461 ], [ 21.9368, 12.5882 ], [ 22.0376, 12.9555 ], [ 22.2966, 13.3723 ], [ 22.1833, 13.7865 ], [ 22.512, 14.0932 ], [ 22.3035, 14.3268 ], [ 22.5679, 14.9443 ], [ 23.0246, 15.6807 ], [ 23.8869, 15.6108 ], [ 23.8377, 19.5805 ], [ 23.85, 20.0 ], [ 25.0, 20.003 ], [ 25.0, 22.0 ], [ 29.02, 22.0 ], [ 32.9, 22.0 ], [ 36.8662, 22.0 ], [ 37.1887, 21.0189 ], [ 36.9694, 20.8374 ], [ 37.1147, 19.808 ], [ 37.4818, 18.6141 ], [ 37.8628, 18.3679 ], [ 38.4101, 17.9983 ], [ 37.904, 17.4275 ], [ 37.1675, 17.2631 ], [ 36.8525, 16.9566 ], [ 36.7539, 16.2919 ], [ 36.3232, 14.8225 ], [ 36.4295, 14.4221 ], [ 36.2702, 13.5633 ], [ 35.8636, 12.5783 ], [ 35.2605, 12.0829 ], [ 34.8316, 11.319 ], [ 34.7311, 10.9102 ], [ 34.2574, 10.6301 ], [ 33.9616, 9.5836 ], [ 33.9634, 9.4643 ] ] ] } },
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[ -157.707, 21.2644 ], [ -157.7786, 21.2773 ], [ -158.1267, 21.3124 ], [ -158.2538, 21.5392 ], [ -158.2927, 21.5791 ], [ -158.0252, 21.717 ], [ -157.9416, 21.6527 ], [ -157.6528, 21.3222 ] ] ], [ [ [ -159.3451, 21.982 ], [ -159.4637, 21.883 ], [ -159.8005, 22.0653 ], [ -159.7488, 22.1382 ], [ -159.5962, 22.2362 ], [ -159.3657, 22.2149 ], [ -159.3451, 21.982 ] ] ], [ [ [ -94.8176, 49.389 ], [ -94.64, 48.84 ], [ -94.3291, 48.6707 ], [ -93.6309, 48.6093 ], [ -92.61, 48.45 ], [ -91.64, 48.14 ], [ -90.83, 48.27 ], [ -89.6, 48.01 ], [ -89.2729, 48.0198 ], [ -88.3781, 48.3029 ], [ -87.4398, 47.94 ], [ -86.462, 47.5533 ], [ -85.6524, 47.2202 ], [ -84.8761, 46.9001 ], [ -84.7792, 46.6371 ], [ -84.5437, 46.5387 ], [ -84.6049, 46.4396 ], [ -84.3367, 46.4088 ], [ -84.1421, 46.5122 ], [ -84.0919, 46.2754 ], [ -83.8908, 46.1169 ], [ -83.6161, 46.1169 ], [ -83.4696, 45.9947 ], [ -83.5929, 45.8169 ], [ -82.5509, 45.3475 ], [ -82.3378, 44.44 ], [ -82.1376, 43.5711 ], [ -82.43, 42.98 ], [ -82.9, 42.43 ], [ -83.12, 42.08 ], [ -83.142, 41.9757 ], [ -83.0298, 41.8328 ], [ -82.6901, 41.6751 ], [ -82.4393, 41.6751 ], [ -81.2777, 42.209 ], [ -80.2474, 42.3662 ], [ -78.9394, 42.8636 ], [ -78.92, 42.965 ], [ -79.01, 43.27 ], [ -79.1717, 43.4663 ], [ -78.7203, 43.6251 ], [ -77.7379, 43.6291 ], [ -76.82, 43.6288 ], [ -76.5, 44.0185 ], [ -76.375, 44.0963 ], [ -75.3182, 44.8165 ], [ -74.867, 45.0005 ], [ -73.3478, 45.0074 ], [ -71.5051, 45.0082 ], [ -71.405, 45.255 ], [ -71.0848, 45.3052 ], [ -70.66, 45.46 ], [ -70.305, 45.915 ], [ -70.0, 46.6931 ], [ -69.2372, 47.4478 ], [ -68.905, 47.185 ], [ -68.2344, 47.3549 ], [ -67.7905, 47.0664 ], [ -67.7913, 45.7028 ], [ -67.1374, 45.1375 ], [ -66.9647, 44.8097 ], [ -68.0325, 44.3252 ], [ -69.06, 43.98 ], [ -70.1162, 43.684 ], [ -70.6455, 43.0902 ], [ -70.8149, 42.8653 ], [ -70.825, 42.335 ], [ -70.495, 41.805 ], [ -70.08, 41.78 ], [ -70.185, 42.145 ], [ -69.885, 41.9228 ], [ -69.965, 41.6372 ], [ -70.64, 41.475 ], [ -71.1204, 41.4945 ], [ -71.86, 41.32 ], [ -72.295, 41.27 ], [ -72.8764, 41.2206 ], [ -73.71, 40.9311 ], [ -72.2413, 41.1195 ], [ -71.945, 40.93 ], [ -73.345, 40.63 ], [ -73.982, 40.628 ], [ -73.9523, 40.7507 ], [ -74.2567, 40.4735 ], [ -73.9624, 40.4276 ], [ -74.1784, 39.7093 ], [ -74.906, 38.9395 ], [ -74.9804, 39.1964 ], [ -75.2, 39.2484 ], [ -75.528, 39.4985 ], [ -75.32, 38.96 ], [ -75.0718, 38.782 ], [ -75.0567, 38.4041 ], [ -75.3775, 38.0155 ], [ -75.9402, 37.2169 ], [ -76.0313, 37.2566 ], [ -75.722, 37.937 ], [ -76.2329, 38.3192 ], [ -76.35, 39.15 ], [ -76.5427, 38.7176 ], [ -76.3293, 38.0833 ], [ -76.99, 38.24 ], [ -76.3016, 37.9179 ], [ -76.2587, 36.9664 ], [ -75.9718, 36.8973 ], [ -75.868, 36.5513 ], [ -75.7275, 35.5507 ], [ -76.3632, 34.8085 ], [ -77.3976, 34.512 ], [ -78.055, 33.9255 ], [ -78.5543, 33.8613 ], [ -79.0607, 33.4939 ], [ -79.2036, 33.1584 ], [ -80.3013, 32.5094 ], [ -80.865, 32.0333 ], [ -81.3363, 31.4405 ], [ -81.4904, 30.73 ], [ -81.3137, 30.0355 ], [ -80.98, 29.18 ], [ -80.5356, 28.4721 ], [ -80.53, 28.04 ], [ -80.0565, 26.88 ], [ -80.088, 26.2058 ], [ -80.1316, 25.8168 ], [ -80.381, 25.2062 ], [ -80.68, 25.08 ], [ -81.1721, 25.2013 ], [ -81.33, 25.64 ], [ -81.71, 25.87 ], [ -82.24, 26.73 ], [ -82.7052, 27.495 ], [ -82.8553, 27.8862 ], [ -82.65, 28.55 ], [ -82.93, 29.1 ], [ -83.7096, 29.9366 ], [ -84.1, 30.09 ], [ -85.1088, 29.6362 ], [ -85.2878, 29.6861 ], [ -85.7731, 30.1526 ], [ -86.4, 30.4 ], [ -87.5304, 30.2743 ], [ -88.4178, 30.3849 ], [ -89.1805, 30.316 ], [ -89.5938, 30.16 ], [ -89.4137, 29.8942 ], [ -89.43, 29.4886 ], [ -89.2177, 29.2911 ], [ -89.4082, 29.1596 ], [ -89.7793, 29.3071 ], [ -90.1546, 29.1174 ], [ -90.8802, 29.1485 ], [ -91.6268, 29.677 ], [ -92.4991, 29.5523 ], [ -93.2264, 29.7838 ], [ -93.8484, 29.7136 ], [ -94.69, 29.48 ], [ -95.6003, 28.7386 ], [ -96.594, 28.3075 ], [ -97.14, 27.83 ], [ -97.37, 27.38 ], [ -97.38, 26.69 ], [ -97.33, 26.21 ], [ -97.14, 25.87 ], [ -97.53, 25.84 ], [ -98.24, 26.06 ], [ -99.02, 26.37 ], [ -99.3, 26.84 ], [ -99.52, 27.54 ], [ -100.11, 28.11 ], [ -100.4558, 28.6961 ], [ -100.9576, 29.3807 ], [ -101.6624, 29.7793 ], [ -102.48, 29.76 ], [ -103.11, 28.97 ], [ -103.94, 29.27 ], [ -104.457, 29.572 ], [ -104.7057, 30.1217 ], [ -105.0374, 30.644 ], [ -105.6316, 31.0838 ], [ -106.1429, 31.4 ], [ -106.5076, 31.7545 ], [ -108.24, 31.7549 ], [ -108.2419, 31.3422 ], [ -109.035, 31.3419 ], [ -111.0236, 31.3347 ], [ -113.305, 32.0391 ], [ -114.815, 32.5253 ], [ -114.7214, 32.7208 ], [ -115.9913, 32.6124 ], [ -117.1278, 32.5353 ], [ -117.2959, 33.0462 ], [ -117.944, 33.6212 ], [ -118.4106, 33.7409 ], [ -118.5199, 34.0278 ], [ -119.081, 34.078 ], [ -119.4388, 34.3485 ], [ -120.3678, 34.4471 ], [ -120.6229, 34.6086 ], [ -120.7443, 35.1569 ], [ -121.7146, 36.1615 ], [ -122.5475, 37.5518 ], [ -122.512, 37.7834 ], [ -122.9532, 38.1137 ], [ -123.7272, 38.9517 ], [ -123.8652, 39.767 ], [ -124.3981, 40.3132 ], [ -124.1789, 41.142 ], [ -124.2137, 41.9996 ], [ -124.5328, 42.766 ], [ -124.1421, 43.7084 ], [ -124.0205, 44.6159 ], [ -123.8989, 45.5234 ], [ -124.0796, 46.8648 ], [ -124.3957, 47.7202 ], [ -124.6872, 48.1844 ], [ -124.5661, 48.3797 ], [ -123.12, 48.04 ], [ -122.5874, 47.096 ], [ -122.34, 47.36 ], [ -122.5, 48.18 ], [ -122.84, 49.0 ], [ -120.0, 49.0 ], [ -117.0312, 49.0 ], [ -116.0482, 49.0 ], [ -113.0, 49.0 ], [ -110.05, 49.0 ], [ -107.05, 49.0 ], [ -104.0483, 48.9999 ], [ -100.65, 49.0 ], [ -97.2287, 49.0007 ], [ -95.1591, 49.0 ], [ -95.1561, 49.3843 ], [ -94.8176, 49.389 ] ] ], [ [ [ -153.0063, 57.1158 ], [ -154.0051, 56.7347 ], [ -154.5164, 56.9927 ], [ -154.671, 57.4612 ], [ -153.7628, 57.8166 ], [ -153.2287, 57.969 ], [ -152.5648, 57.9014 ], [ -152.1411, 57.5911 ], [ -153.0063, 57.1158 ] ] ], [ [ [ -165.5792, 59.91 ], [ -166.1928, 59.7544 ], [ -166.8483, 59.9414 ], [ -167.4553, 60.2131 ], [ -166.4678, 60.3842 ], [ -165.6744, 60.2936 ], [ -165.5792, 59.91 ] ] ], [ [ [ -171.7317, 63.7825 ], [ -171.1144, 63.5922 ], [ -170.4911, 63.695 ], [ -169.6825, 63.4311 ], [ -168.6894, 63.2975 ], [ -168.7719, 63.1886 ], [ -169.5294, 62.9769 ], [ -170.2906, 63.1944 ], [ -170.6714, 63.3758 ], [ -171.5531, 63.3178 ], [ -171.7911, 63.4058 ], [ -171.7317, 63.7825 ] ] ], [ [ [ -155.0678, 71.1478 ], [ -154.3442, 70.6964 ], [ -153.9, 70.89 ], [ -152.21, 70.83 ], [ -152.27, 70.6 ], [ -150.74, 70.43 ], [ -149.72, 70.53 ], [ -147.6134, 70.214 ], [ -145.69, 70.12 ], [ -144.92, 69.99 ], [ -143.5894, 70.1525 ], [ -142.0725, 69.8519 ], [ -140.986, 69.712 ], [ -140.9925, 66.0 ], [ -140.9978, 60.3064 ], [ -140.013, 60.2768 ], [ -139.039, 60.0 ], [ -138.3409, 59.5621 ], [ -137.4525, 58.905 ], [ -136.4797, 59.4639 ], [ -135.4758, 59.7878 ], [ -134.945, 59.2706 ], [ -134.2711, 58.8611 ], [ -133.3555, 58.4103 ], [ -132.7304, 57.6929 ], [ -131.7078, 56.5521 ], [ -130.0078, 55.9158 ], [ -129.98, 55.285 ], [ -130.5361, 54.8028 ], [ -131.0858, 55.1789 ], [ -131.9672, 55.4978 ], [ -132.25, 56.37 ], [ -133.5392, 57.1789 ], [ -134.0781, 58.1231 ], [ -135.0382, 58.1877 ], [ -136.6281, 58.2122 ], [ -137.8, 58.5 ], [ -139.8678, 59.5378 ], [ -140.8253, 59.7275 ], [ -142.5744, 60.0844 ], [ -143.9589, 59.9992 ], [ -145.9256, 60.4586 ], [ -147.1144, 60.8847 ], [ -148.2243, 60.673 ], [ -148.0181, 59.9783 ], [ -148.5708, 59.9142 ], [ -149.7279, 59.7057 ], [ -150.6082, 59.3682 ], [ -151.7164, 59.1558 ], [ -151.8594, 59.745 ], [ -151.4097, 60.7258 ], [ -150.3469, 61.0336 ], [ -150.6211, 61.2844 ], [ -151.8958, 60.7272 ], [ -152.5783, 60.0617 ], [ -154.0192, 59.3503 ], [ -153.2875, 58.8647 ], [ -154.2325, 58.1464 ], [ -155.3075, 57.7278 ], [ -156.3083, 57.4228 ], [ -156.5561, 56.98 ], [ -158.1172, 56.4636 ], [ -158.4333, 55.9942 ], [ -159.6033, 55.5667 ], [ -160.2897, 55.6436 ], [ -161.223, 55.3647 ], [ -162.2378, 55.0242 ], [ -163.0694, 54.6897 ], [ -164.7856, 54.4042 ], [ -164.9422, 54.5722 ], [ -163.8483, 55.0394 ], [ -162.87, 55.348 ], [ -161.8042, 55.895 ], [ -160.5636, 56.0081 ], [ -160.0706, 56.4181 ], [ -158.6844, 57.0167 ], [ -158.4611, 57.2169 ], [ -157.7228, 57.57 ], [ -157.5503, 58.3283 ], [ -157.0417, 58.9189 ], [ -158.1947, 58.6158 ], [ -158.5172, 58.7878 ], [ -159.0586, 58.4242 ], [ -159.7117, 58.9314 ], [ -159.9813, 58.5725 ], [ -160.3553, 59.0711 ], [ -161.355, 58.6708 ], [ -161.9689, 58.6717 ], [ -162.055, 59.2669 ], [ -161.8742, 59.6336 ], [ -162.5181, 59.9897 ], [ -163.8183, 59.7981 ], [ -164.6622, 60.2675 ], [ -165.3464, 60.5075 ], [ -165.3508, 61.0739 ], [ -166.1214, 61.5 ], [ -165.7345, 62.075 ], [ -164.9192, 62.6331 ], [ -164.5625, 63.1464 ], [ -163.7533, 63.2194 ], [ -163.0672, 63.0595 ], [ -162.2606, 63.5419 ], [ -161.5344, 63.4558 ], [ -160.7725, 63.7661 ], [ -160.9583, 64.2228 ], [ -161.5181, 64.4028 ], [ -160.7778, 64.7886 ], [ -161.3919, 64.7772 ], [ -162.453, 64.5594 ], [ -162.7578, 64.3386 ], [ -163.5464, 64.5592 ], [ -164.9608, 64.4469 ], [ -166.4253, 64.6867 ], [ -166.845, 65.0889 ], [ -168.1106, 65.67 ], [ -166.7053, 66.0883 ], [ -164.4747, 66.5767 ], [ -163.6525, 66.5767 ], [ -163.7886, 66.0772 ], [ -161.6778, 66.1161 ], [ -162.4897, 66.7356 ], [ -163.7197, 67.1164 ], [ -164.431, 67.6163 ], [ -165.3903, 68.0428 ], [ -166.7644, 68.3589 ], [ -166.2047, 68.883 ], [ -164.4308, 68.9155 ], [ -163.1686, 69.3711 ], [ -162.9306, 69.8581 ], [ -161.9089, 70.3333 ], [ -160.9348, 70.4477 ], [ -159.0392, 70.8916 ], [ -158.1197, 70.8247 ], [ -156.5808, 71.3578 ], [ -155.0678, 71.1478 ] ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Uzbekistan", "pop": 26593123, "gdp": 71.630000, "region": "Asia", "iso": "UZB" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 66.5186, 37.3628 ], [ 66.5461, 37.9747 ], [ 65.216, 38.4027 ], [ 64.1702, 38.8924 ], [ 63.518, 39.3633 ], [ 62.3743, 40.0539 ], [ 61.8827, 41.0849 ], [ 61.5472, 41.2664 ], [ 60.466, 41.2203 ], [ 60.0833, 41.4251 ], [ 59.9764, 42.2231 ], [ 58.629, 42.7516 ], [ 57.7865, 42.1706 ], [ 56.9322, 41.826 ], [ 57.0964, 41.3223 ], [ 55.9682, 41.3086 ], [ 55.9289, 44.9959 ], [ 58.5031, 45.5868 ], [ 58.69, 45.5 ], [ 60.24, 44.784 ], [ 61.0583, 44.4058 ], [ 62.0133, 43.5045 ], [ 63.1858, 43.6501 ], [ 64.9008, 43.7281 ], [ 66.098, 42.9977 ], [ 66.0234, 41.9946 ], [ 66.5106, 41.9876 ], [ 66.714, 41.1684 ], [ 67.9859, 41.136 ], [ 68.2599, 40.6623 ], [ 68.6325, 40.6687 ], [ 69.07, 41.3842 ], [ 70.389, 42.0813 ], [ 70.9623, 42.2662 ], [ 71.2592, 42.1677 ], [ 70.42, 41.52 ], [ 71.1579, 41.1436 ], [ 71.8701, 41.3929 ], [ 73.0554, 40.866 ], [ 71.7749, 40.1458 ], [ 71.0142, 40.2444 ], [ 70.6014, 40.2185 ], [ 70.4582, 40.4965 ], [ 70.6666, 40.9602 ], [ 69.3295, 40.7278 ], [ 69.0116, 40.0862 ], [ 68.5364, 39.5335 ], [ 67.7014, 39.5805 ], [ 67.4422, 39.1401 ], [ 68.176, 38.9016 ], [ 68.392, 38.157 ], [ 67.83, 37.145 ], [ 67.0758, 37.3561 ], [ 66.5186, 37.3628 ] ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "Venezuela", "pop": 26725573, "gdp": 357.900000, "region": "Latin America", "iso": "VEN" }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -71.3316, 11.7763 ], [ -71.36, 11.54 ], [ -71.9471, 11.4233 ], [ -71.6209, 10.9695 ], [ -71.6331, 10.4465 ], [ -72.0742, 9.8657 ], [ -71.6956, 9.0723 ], [ -71.2646, 9.1372 ], [ -71.04, 9.86 ], [ -71.3501, 10.2119 ], [ -71.4006, 10.969 ], [ -70.1553, 11.3755 ], [ -70.2938, 11.8468 ], [ -69.9432, 12.1623 ], [ -69.5843, 11.4596 ], [ -68.883, 11.4434 ], [ -68.2333, 10.8857 ], [ -68.1941, 10.5547 ], [ -67.2962, 10.5459 ], [ -66.2279, 10.6486 ], [ -65.6552, 10.2008 ], [ -64.8905, 10.0772 ], [ -64.3295, 10.3896 ], [ -64.318, 10.6414 ], [ -63.0793, 10.7017 ], [ -61.8809, 10.7156 ], [ -62.7301, 10.4203 ], [ -62.3885, 9.9482 ], [ -61.5888, 9.8731 ], [ -60.8306, 9.3813 ], [ -60.6713, 8.5802 ], [ -60.1501, 8.6028 ], [ -59.7583, 8.367 ], [ -60.5506, 7.7796 ], [ -60.638, 7.415 ], [ -60.2957, 7.0439 ], [ -60.544, 6.8566 ], [ -61.1593, 6.6961 ], [ -61.1394, 6.2343 ], [ -61.4103, 5.9591 ], [ -60.7336, 5.2003 ], [ -60.6012, 4.9181 ], [ -60.9669, 4.5365 ], [ -62.0854, 4.1621 ], [ -62.8045, 4.007 ], [ -63.0932, 3.7706 ], [ -63.8883, 4.0205 ], [ -64.6287, 4.1485 ], [ -64.8161, 4.0564 ], [ -64.3685, 3.7972 ], [ -64.4088, 3.1268 ], [ -64.27, 2.497 ], [ -63.4229, 2.4111 ], [ -63.3688, 2.2009 ], [ -64.0831, 1.9164 ], [ -64.1993, 1.4929 ], [ -64.611, 1.3287 ], [ -65.3547, 1.0953 ], [ -65.5483, 0.7893 ], [ -66.3258, 0.7245 ], [ -66.8763, 1.2534 ], [ -67.1813, 2.2506 ], [ -67.4471, 2.6003 ], [ -67.8099, 2.8207 ], [ -67.3032, 3.3185 ], [ -67.3376, 3.5423 ], [ -67.6218, 3.8395 ], [ -67.823, 4.5039 ], [ -67.7447, 5.2211 ], [ -67.5215, 5.5569 ], [ -67.3414, 6.0955 ], [ -67.6951, 6.2673 ], [ -68.2651, 6.1533 ], [ -68.9853, 6.2068 ], [ -69.3895, 6.0999 ], [ -70.0933, 6.9604 ], [ -70.6742, 7.0878 ], [ -71.9602, 6.9916 ], [ -72.1984, 7.3404 ], [ -72.4445, 7.4238 ], [ -72.4797, 7.6325 ], [ -72.3609, 8.0026 ], [ -72.4399, 8.4053 ], [ -72.6605, 8.6253 ], [ -72.7887, 9.085 ], [ -73.305, 9.152 ], [ -73.0276, 9.7368 ], [ -72.9053, 10.4503 ], [ -72.6147, 10.822 ], [ -72.2276, 11.1087 ], [ -71.9739, 11.6087 ], [ -71.3316, 11.7763 ] ] ] } },
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