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almightyju /
Created October 3, 2019 19:07
Sophos XG LetsEncrypt API update
import os
import requests
xmlMsg = """
<Request APIVersion="1702.1">
<Set operation="update">
Get-Mailbox -RecipientTypeDetails SharedMailbox -ResultSize:Unlimited `
| Select PrimarySmtpAddress,Alias,DisplayName `
| sort displayname `
| select-object PrimarySmtpAddress, DisplayName, @{
Name = "Users With Access";
Expression = {
Get-MailboxPermission -Identity $_.alias `
| ? { $_.user -like "*@*" } `
| select -expandproperty User `
| &{"$input"}
almightyju /
Created August 9, 2022 19:02
Fix Crashplan missing after update for linux
### Crashplan's script to detect the OS and get the appropriate lib from the nlib folder doesn't always work
### so this script will download the installer and actually pull out the lib from the specified folder
# which folder should the nlib be taken from within the installer
# make sure this is the install dir of crashplan
cd /usr/local/crashplan/