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Created August 24, 2012 06:15
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This is slightly cheating because I picked this problem, and I really liked my
approach. I know that this can be solved by brute force, but it's incredibly ugly.
First let's define a function $d_k(x)$, that returns the $k$ least significant digits of $x$.
d_1(0)& =0\\
d_1(14)& =4\\
d_2(14)& =14
This is really just the $mod$ function is a different form. Just a bit more terse.
\[ d_k(x) = x \bmod 10^k \]
This function has some identities that are useful for this problem. I won't
prove them.
d_k(Cx) &= d_k(d_k(C) \cdot d_k(x))\\
d_k(C + x) &= d_k(d_k(C) + d_k(x))
Problem 97 asks us to produce the following:
d_{10}(28433 \cdot 2^{7830457} + 1)
The identities \eqref{eq:multid} and \eqref{eq:addid} can help us break this
down into something slightly more manageable.
A &= d_{10}(28433 \cdot 2^{7830457} + 1)\\
&= d_{10}(d_{10}(28433) \cdot d_{10}(2^{7830457}) + d_{10}(1))\\
&= d_{10}(28433 \cdot d_{10}(2^{7830457}) + 1)
$d_{10}(2^{7830457})$ is a waste to compute. Though the identity \eqref{eq:multid} can be used to do some interesting modulus optimizations,
I'd rather find a more elegant solution.
Let's look at powers of two in more depth. Consider the powers of 2:
\[ 2^x = 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, \ldots \]
There is a pattern here when considering just the least signficant digit.
\[ d_1(2^x) = 1, 2, 4, 8, 6, 2, 4, 8, 6, \ldots \]
This sequence is eventually periodic, with period $4$.
\[ P(d_1(2^x)) = 4 \]
Using a short Haskell function, I found the periods for the first four digits of $2^x$:
P(d_{1}(2^x)) &= 4\\
P(d_{2}(2^x)) &= 20\\
P(d_{3}(2^x)) &= 100\\
P(d_{4}(2^x)) &= 500
The periodicity looked like it could be generalized.
P(d_k(2^x)) &= 4 \cdot 5^{k - 1}\\
P(d_{10}(2^x)) &= 7812500
This number looks promising. Because $d_k(2^x)$ is not strictly periodic, but only eventually periodic, we aren't guaranteed that $d_k(2^x) = d_k(2^{x - P(d_k(2^x))})$. All we can do it just guess and check.
A &= d_{10}(28433 \cdot d_{10}(2^{7830457}) + 1)\\
&= d_{10}(28433 \cdot d_{10}(2^{7830457 - 7812500}) + 1)\\
&= d_{10}(28433 \cdot d_{10}(2^{17957}) + 1)\\
&= (28433 \cdot (2^{17957} \bmod 10^{10}) + 1) \bmod 10^{10}
This final formula \eqref{eq:solution} is much easier to compute.
# poorly organized. sorry.
import sys
def take_steps(state, *chances):
for chance in chances:
state = step_forward(state, chance)
return state
def woken_chance(chances):
return take_steps((1, 0, 0), *chances)[2]
def step_forward(states, chance):
return (
states[0] * (1 - chance),
states[0] * chance + states[1] * chance,
states[1] * (1 - chance) + states[2]
def run_test():
examples = [n/10.0 for n in range(1, 10)]
tries = []
for a in examples:
for b in examples:
for c in examples:
for d in examples:
a*(1-b) + a*b*(1-c) + (1-a)*b*(1-c) + a*b*c*(1-d) +
(1-a)*b*c*(1-d) + (1-a)*(1-b)*c*(1-d),
(a, b, c, d)
for entry in sorted(tries, key = lambda x:x[0]):
print entry
class ActivityHill(object):
def __init__(self, activities, dimensions):
activities = sorted(activities, key=lambda x:x[0])
activities = self.collapse_activities(activities)
self.counter = 0
self.activities = activities
self.dimensions = dimensions
self.next_step = None
offset = 1 + len(activities) - dimensions
if offset > 1:
# there are more options that posibilities
self.point = [(activities[0][0], 0)] + [
(activity[0], i + offset)
for i, activity in enumerate(activities[offset:])
point_source = []
size = 1
tally = 0
focus = -1
ln = len(activities)
while size < dimensions:
if tally < activities[focus][1]:
tally += 1
size += 1
point_source.append((activities[focus][0], ln + focus))
tally = 0
focus -= 1
point_source.append((activities[0][0], 0))
self.point = point_source
def collapse_activities(self, activities):
new_activities = []
for activity in activities:
if new_activities:
if activity[0] == new_activities[-1][0]:
new_activities[-1] = (
new_activities[-1][1] + activity[1]
return new_activities
def value(self):
return take_steps(
(1, 0, 0),
*[activity[0] for activity in self.point]
def meets_constraints(self, indexes):
counts = {}
for i in indexes:
counts.setdefault(i, 0)
counts[i] += 1
for i, v in counts.iteritems():
if v > self.activities[i][1]:
return False
return True
def climb_steepest_neighbor(self):
chances, indices = zip(*self.point)
chances = list(chances)
indices = list(indices)
best_result = woken_chance(chances)
best_indexes = indices
found_better = False
better_matches = 0
for i in range(len(chances) - 2):
for r in [1, -1]:
if 0 <= indices[i+1] + r < len(self.activities):
new_chances = chances[:]
new_chances[i+1] = self.activities[indices[i+1] + r][0]
new_result = woken_chance(new_chances)
if new_result < best_result:
new_indexes = indices[:]
new_indexes[i+1] += r
if self.meets_constraints(new_indexes):
best_result = new_result
best_indexes = new_indexes
found_better = True
better_matches += 1
if better_matches > 4:
if better_matches > 4:
if found_better:
self.counter += 1
self.point = [
(self.activities[i][0], i)
for i in best_indexes
return found_better
def hill_climb(activities, action_count):
if action_count == 1:
return 0.0
config = ActivityHill(activities, action_count)
while True:
if not config.climb_steepest_neighbor():
return config.value()
def optimal_wake_rate(activities, action_count):
if action_count == 1:
return 0.0
best_outcome = 1.0
initial_state = (1, 0, 0)
activities = sorted(activities, key = lambda x:x[0])
permutations = [(initial_state, activities, 0)]
while permutations:
state, actions, round = permutations.pop()
for i, action in enumerate(actions):
loop_actions = actions[:]
if action[1]:
loop_state = step_forward(state, action[0])
if round == action_count - 1:
best_outcome = min(best_outcome, loop_state[2])
loop_actions[i] = (action[0], action[1] - 1)
round + 1
return best_outcome
def read_input():
activity_count, action_count = sys.stdin.readline().strip().split()
action_count = int(action_count)
activities = {}
for _ in xrange(int(activity_count)):
sleep_chance, limit = sys.stdin.readline().strip().split()
activities.setdefault(sleep_chance, 0)
activities[sleep_chance] += int(limit)
actions = []
for chance_str, limit in activities.iteritems():
sleep_parts = chance_str.split('/')
int(sleep_parts[0]) / float(sleep_parts[1]),
return actions, action_count
if __name__ == "__main__":
case_num = int(sys.stdin.readline())
for case_i in xrange(case_num):
activities, action_count = read_input()
wake_rate = hill_climb(activities, action_count)
print 'Case #{0}: {1}'.format(case_i + 1, wake_rate)
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