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Alexandre Girard alx

View GitHub Profile
check process merb_app_master
with pidfile /var/log/merb/
start program = "/usr/local/bin/monit_merb_mpc /home/deploy/legodata/slice start_master -c2 -n4000"
stop program = "/usr/local/bin/monit_merb_mpc /home/deploy/legodata/slice stop_master"
#if totalmem is greater than 80.0 MB for 2 cycles then restart # eating up memory?
group merb_app
# Worker configuration (one for each worker port required)
check process merb_app_4000
with pidfile /var/log/merb/
# /usr/local/bin/monit_merb_mpc
# This script controls the multi-process Merb 1.0 service
# Do not forget to ensure this script is executable:
# $ chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/monit_merb_mpc
GitHub.editableGenerator = function(options){
return function(_,self){
var defaults={
tooltip:'Click to edit!',
data:function(data){return $(self).attr('data') || data },
style:"display: inline",onblur:'submit',
check process merb_app_master
with pidfile /home/deploy/legodata/slice/shared/pids/
start program = "/home/deploy/bin/monit_merb_mpc slice start_master /home/deploy/legodata -c2 -n4000"
stop program = "/home/deploy/bin/monit_merb_mpc slice stop_master /home/deploy/legodata"
#if totalmem is greater than 80.0 MB for 2 cycles then restart # eating up memory?
# Worker configuration (one for each worker port required)
check process merb_app_4000
with pidfile /home/deploy/legodata/slice/shared/pids/
if (-f $request_filename) {
if (-f $request_filename.html) {
rewrite (.*) $1.html break;
if (!-f $request_filename) {
proxy_pass http://merb;
# run with: god -c /path/to/merb_mpc.god
# This script controls the multi-process Merb 1.0 service
# To implement:
# start program = "/home/deploy/bin/monit_merb_mpc slice start_master /home/deploy/legodata -c2 -n4000"
# stop program = "/home/deploy/bin/monit_merb_mpc slice stop_master /home/deploy/legodata"
# start program = "/home/deploy/bin/monit_merb_mpc slice register_worker /home/deploy/legodata 4000"
# TDB: :rebuild => false
# A content file can mark itself as dirty by setting the +dirty+ flag to
# +true+ in the meta-data of the file. This will cause the contenet to
# always be compiled when the builder is run. Conversely, setting the
# dirty flag to +false+ will cause the content to never be compiled or
# copied to the output folder. :rebuild => true, :verbose => true
News ticker plugin (BBC news style)
Bryan Gullan,2007-2009
version 1.2.2
updated 2009-02-15
Use and distrubute freely with this header
Options (defaults shown):
newsList: "#news" // assumes unordered list; specify the ul holding the news items
[deploy@seb galibert]$ sudo gem cleanup
Cleaning up installed gems...
Attempting to uninstall highline-1.5.0
Successfully uninstalled highline-1.5.0
Attempting to uninstall rmagick-1.14.1
Successfully uninstalled rmagick-1.14.1
Attempting to uninstall extlib-0.9.9
Successfully uninstalled extlib-0.9.9
Attempting to uninstall rubygems-update-1.2.0
Executables and scripts will remain installed.