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Alexandre Girard alx

View GitHub Profile
# TDB: :rebuild => false
# A content file can mark itself as dirty by setting the +dirty+ flag to
# +true+ in the meta-data of the file. This will cause the contenet to
# always be compiled when the builder is run. Conversely, setting the
# dirty flag to +false+ will cause the content to never be compiled or
# copied to the output folder. :rebuild => true, :verbose => true
News ticker plugin (BBC news style)
Bryan Gullan,2007-2009
version 1.2.2
updated 2009-02-15
Use and distrubute freely with this header
Options (defaults shown):
newsList: "#news" // assumes unordered list; specify the ul holding the news items
[deploy@seb galibert]$ sudo gem cleanup
Cleaning up installed gems...
Attempting to uninstall highline-1.5.0
Successfully uninstalled highline-1.5.0
Attempting to uninstall rmagick-1.14.1
Successfully uninstalled rmagick-1.14.1
Attempting to uninstall extlib-0.9.9
Successfully uninstalled extlib-0.9.9
Attempting to uninstall rubygems-update-1.2.0
Executables and scripts will remain installed.
// =======
// =======
// Arduino Powermeter
// =======
// =======
// Use Arduino and a photoresistor LED to read impulsion from
// an electricity box while it blinks its consumption
require 'net/http'
http ='', 8080)
path = '/DDCAnimationServer/index.ftl'
index = 150
class Flag
# Bash options
export HISTCONTROL=erasedups
export HISTSIZE=10000
shopt -s histappend
export TERM=linux
# Path
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/Users/alx/.gem/ruby/1.8/bin:$PATH
export PATH=~/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/opt/local/bin/:/usr/local/git/bin:$PATH
export PATH=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6/Home/bin:$PATH
alx / cumple.pde
Created September 14, 2009 09:31
El Cumpleaños de Mercedes
-- Mirar y Leer --
Aqui solo se lee la luz.
Despues de ver lo que he escrito el año pasado, no tengo mas tonterias a escribir en el papel.
-- Abrir y Juegar --
@database = "first_bar.db" )
@database.execute( "create table bar_table (tag_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, username TEXT, credit NUMERIC, nb_beers NUMERIC);" )
# Admin tag
tag_in "d00219a440cf08b8" do
puts "Alx phone"
puts "select username to add credit:"
index = 1
@database.execute("select * from bar_table").each do |row|
puts "#{index}: #{row[1]}"
Tetalab: un hackerspace Toulousain
Après quelques mois d'existence, le Tetalab vient présenter ses projets en cours à Toulibre.
Arduino, Table Tangible, OpenCV, Telephone SIP, RFID, XMPP... tellement de jouets pour geeks, tellement peu de temps pour tout expériementer.
Le Tetalab est cet endroit où vous pourrez trouver du monde pour monter votre projet, boire des bières et allumer des LEDs!
Au programme de ce mercredi chez Toulibre: Qu'est-ce qu'un hackerspace et les particularités de celui de Toulouse? Quels sont les projets fun du moment, et comment s'amuser encore plus en se déplaçant chez les voisins?
require 'rubygems'
require 'httpclient'
Dir.glob("*.jpg").each do |image|
filepath = Dir.pwd << "/" << image
p "[Uploading] #{filepath}" '',
{:file =>,
:code => "please_be_kind",
:tags => "tetalab"}