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alxbnct /
Created June 23, 2024 00:58 — forked from JonathanPorta/
DD Backup, Compress, and Restore


Make sure the if value is correct! If doing this over SSH then open a TMUX session first... or else...

dd if=/dev/YOUR-DEVICE conv=sync,noerror bs=64K | gzip -c  > /home/portaj/macbook.img.gz

NOTE: You might not want to compress the image. It just means you have to uncompress it later to mount it. If you're planning to access the data soon, or frequently, don't compress it.

Saving a copy of the drive geometry

Save it in the same directory as the compressed image so later on if you decide you want to mount or extract data from the image you can see the partition structure without having to decompress the whole image. There might be some other ways to mount a compressed image.

alxbnct / config.json
Created May 19, 2024 09:37 — forked from timercrack/config.json
openwrt + XRAY 使用 iptables 实现 IPV4 / IPV6 透明代理
"log": {
"access": "/dev/null",
"error": "/var/log/xray_error.log",
"loglevel": "warning"
"inbounds": [
"port": 12345,
alxbnct /
Created September 8, 2023 02:53 — forked from vegard/
Getting started with Linux kernel development

Getting started with Linux kernel development


The Linux kernel is written in C, so you should have at least a basic understanding of C before diving into kernel work. You don't need expert level C knowledge, since you can always pick some things up underway, but it certainly helps to know the language and to have written some userspace C programs already.

It will also help to be a Linux user. If you have never used Linux before, it's probably a good idea to download a distro and get comfortable with it before you start doing kernel work.

Lastly, knowing git is not actually required, but can really help you (since you can dig through changelogs and search for information you'll need). At a minimum you should probably be able to clone the git repository to a local directory.

alxbnct / bookmarks.sql
Created September 6, 2023 11:04 — forked from dogancelik/bookmarks.sql
Export Firefox Mobile Bookmarks #Android
/* bookmarks are stored in “/data/data/org.mozilla.firefox/files/mozilla/…….default/browser.db” */
SELECT url, created
FROM bookmarks
WHERE COALESCE(url, '') <> ''
ORDER BY created ASC
alxbnct / gist:59da6be4f0e0e3f317e3c244e7dfe30a
Created July 17, 2023 14:17 — forked from pwlin/gist:8a0d01e6428b7a96e2eb
Android : add cert to system store
If you have a certificate that is not
trusted by Android, when you add it, it goes in the personal cert store.
When you add a cert in this personal cert store, the system requires a
higher security level to unlock the device. But if you manage to add your
cert to the system store then you don't have this requirement. Obviously,
root is required to add a certificate to the system store, but it is quiet
alxbnct / yplay.scm
Created March 14, 2023 04:09 — forked from jjwatt/yplay.scm
The Y Combinator explained in a runnable Scheme file
;;; The Y Combinator explained in scheme.
;;; with credits to:
;;; Status: WIP
(define fibonacci
(lambda (n)
(cond ((= n 0) 0)
((= n 1) 1)
(else (+ (fibonacci (- n 1)) (fibonacci (- n 2)))))))
alxbnct / advanced_search.markdown
Created August 19, 2022 12:08 — forked from dohsimpson/advanced_search.markdown
Advanced Search Tricks


  • "cocotte bag": exact match
  • "* is thicker than water": * to replace a phrase inside exact match
  • jaguar -car: minus to filter out matches
  • google: search on site, you don't need '.', e.g. 'site:gov'
  • define:bae: check definition, even for slang
  • $0..$50: numeric range (ignore $)
  • "inbound marketing" ~professional: synonyms
  • similar sites
alxbnct /
Created March 8, 2023 02:35 — forked from dergachev/
Forward your clipboard via SSH reverse tunnels

Exposing your clipboard over SSH

I frequently administer remote servers over SSH, and need to copy data to my clipboard. If the text I want to copy all fits on one screen, then I simply select it with my mouse and press CMD-C, which asks relies on m y terminal emulator (xterm2) to throw it to the clipboard.

This isn't practical for larger texts, like when I want to copy the whole contents of a file.

If I had been editing large-file.txt locally, I could easily copy its contents by using the pbcopy command:

alxbnct /
Created September 4, 2022 09:50 — forked from furdarius/
Iptables desktop firewall
#Simple Firewall Script.
#Add "pre-up iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.rules" to /etc/network/interfaces
#Setting up default kernel tunings here (don't worry too much about these right now, they are acceptable defaults) #DROP ICMP echo-requests sent to broadcast/multi-cast addresses.
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts
#DROP source routed packets
echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/accept_source_route
#Enable TCP SYN cookies
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syncookies
alxbnct /
Created September 1, 2022 12:59 — forked from kasramp/
Set OpenBSD screen resolution on Virtualbox
# inspired by
if [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]; then
echo "This script must be run as root"
exit 1
mkdir -p /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d