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Andriy Makukha amakukha

  • Toronto
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amakukha /
Created February 21, 2023 01:27
Generate unique random strings or identifiers
#!/usr/bin/env python3
'''Generate unique random strings or identifiers'''
import random, sys
# How many new unique identifiers to generate?
NUMBER = 100 if len(sys.argv) <= 1 else int(sys.argv[1])
# How many words to combine into a new generated string?
LENGTH = 3 if len(sys.argv) <= 2 else int(sys.argv[2])
amakukha /
Last active March 19, 2023 08:55 — forked from mengzhuo/
DJB2 Hash in Python
# Proper (fast) Python implementations of Dan Bernstein's DJB2 32-bit hashing function
# DJB2 has terrible avalanching performance, though.
# For example, it returns the same hash values for these strings: "xy", "yX", "z7".
# I recommend using Murmur3 hash. Or, at least, FNV-1a or SDBM hashes below.
import functools
djb2 = lambda x: functools.reduce(lambda x,c: 0xFFFFFFFF & (x*33 + c), x, 5381)
sdbm = lambda x: functools.reduce(lambda x,c: 0xFFFFFFFF & (x*65599 + c), x, 0)
fnv1a_32 = lambda x: functools.reduce(lambda x,c: 0xFFFFFFFF & ((x^c)*0x1000193), x, 0x811c9dc5)
amakukha /
Last active November 3, 2023 23:19
Generates a huge artificial text
#!/usr/bin/env python3
A script to generate text files that look like a novel in TXT form.
Words are completely made up, but vaguely resemble the Finnish language.
The resulting text uses ASCII encoding with only printable characters.
Distribution of words follows Zipf's law.
Standard parameters generate 1 GB text with 148391 distinct words.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
A script to recursively compare two directories (including file size and file hash changes)
Usage: python3 DIR1 DIR2
import os, sys, hashlib, unicodedata
COMPARE_FILES = True # should file sizes be compared if their names are the same?
amakukha / Play2Tones.ino
Last active May 2, 2024 16:18
Play duo melody with Arduino
* Play duo melody with Arduino
* ============================
* Description:
* This sketch simultaneously plays two separate melodies on two (passive)
* speakers or buzzers. This creates effect of a "choir".
* For simplicity, it uses function play2Tones(), which only plays two notes
* of equal duration simultaneosly.
* The actual melody here is the Anthem of Ukraine.