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shreyaskarnik /
Last active March 24, 2023 15:35
Route Docker Logs to ELK Stack
  • With Docker 1.8.0 shipped new log-driver for GELF via UDP, this means that the logs from Docker Container(s) can be shipped directly to the ELK stack for further analysis.
  • This tutorial will illustrate how to use the GELF log-driver with Docker engine.
  • Step 1: Setup ELK Stack:
    • docker run -d --name es elasticsearch
    • docker run -d --name logstash --link es:elasticsearch logstash -v /tmp/logstash.conf:/config-dir/logstash.conf logstash logstash -f /config-dir/logstash.conf
    • Note the config for Logstash can be found at this link
    • docker run --link es:elasticsearch -d kibana
  • Once the ELK stack is up now let's fire up our nginx container which ships its logs to ELK stack.
  • LOGSTASH_ADDRESS=$(docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' logstash)
  • `docker run -d --net=host --log-driver=gelf --log-opt gelf-address=u
jaceklaskowski / Rough Notes about CQRS and
Last active March 31, 2024 03:06
Rough Notes about CQRS and ES

Rough Notes about CQRS and ES

Once upon a time…

I once took notes (almost sentence by sentence with not much editing) about the architectural design concepts - Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) and Event Sourcing (ES) - from a presentation of Greg Young and published it as a gist (with the times when a given sentence was heard).

I then found other summaries of the talk and the gist has since been growing up. See the revisions to know the changes and where they came from (aka the sources).

It seems inevitable to throw Domain Driven Design (DDD) in to the mix.

chrisguitarguy /
Last active January 6, 2022 23:56
Command bus pattern in Python.
#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Playing Around with the Command Bus Pattern in Python
import inspect
import collections
alienresident /
Last active April 20, 2024 05:02
How to: Fix pseudo-streaming videos by moving Moov Atom
How to:

Fix pseudo-streaming videos by moving Moov Atom

Relies on some *nix CLI utilities: mediainfo; and qt-faststart (part of ffmpeg). I used homebrew to install them on OS X.

What is pseudo-streaming?

Pseudo streaming is simply a video that can start playing before it's fully dowmloaded. The videos are not streaming but rather progressively downloaded. What's important is that the file metadata (the Moov Atom) is at the start of the file rather than at the end. Usually this is an option set when encoding the file (called quick start or web start). If the files have not been encoded this way you can either re-encode or use a utility to move the Moov Atom. Re-encoding takes much longer than using a utility to move the Moov Atom so here's how to do it.


First check with mediainfo to see if video 'is streamable':