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Amédée d'Aboville amedeedaboville

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amedeedaboville / permutations.txt
Last active June 12, 2022 09:31
Avoiding a race condition while joining a message queue
Say we have 4 events, that are linearizable:
A: message published in Channel
B: update ETS table
C: read ETS table
D: subscribe to Channel
If neither of the following conditions happen we get data loss:

This is the headline of a Keynote talk by a tech thoughtleader. Fill out the rest of the article:

From the Pizzeria to the Datacenter

Kubernetes is the new hotness in the tech world, and it's easy to see why. It's fast, it's flexible, and it's scalable. But like pizza, it's not always easy to get right. In this talk, I'll share some tips and tricks for making sure your Kubernetes deployment is as delicious as a pizza from your favorite pizzeria.

Start with a good foundation

Just like pizza dough, the quality of your Kubernetes deployment starts with a good foundation. You need to make sure you have a robust underlying infrastructure that can support your Kubernetes deployment. If you're running on bare metal, that means making sure your servers are properly configured and have enough resources to handle your workloads. If you're running on a cloud platform, that means making sure you're using the right size and type of instances, and that you have the proper networking in place.

amedeedaboville /
Created December 16, 2022 22:12
Repotracer: compute stats command over the last commit of every day in a repo
set -eou pipefail
# A script that runs a command on every day of the last year over the commmit
# history of a git repository. The command is passed as the first argument to
# the script. The script will run the command in the directory of the commit
# that is being processed. The script will also pass the date of the commit as
# the second argument to the command.
function usage {