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Created January 20, 2023 09:50
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Final Project CyberDefenders
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"Please select which a conversion: Roman, Number, CelsiusCelsius\n",
"Enter the temperature: 122\n",
"Enter the unit (Celsius/Fahrenheit): Celsius\n",
"122.0 degrees Celsius is equal to 251.6 degrees Fahrenheit.\n"
"source": [
"def temperature_converter():\n",
" temperature = float(input(\"Enter the temperature: \"))\n",
" unit = input(\"Enter the unit (Celsius/Fahrenheit): \").upper()\n",
" if unit == \"CELSIUS\":\n",
" result = (temperature * 9/5) + 32\n",
" print(f\"{temperature} degrees Celsius is equal to {result} degrees Fahrenheit.\")\n",
" elif unit == \"FAHRENHEIT\":\n",
" result = (temperature - 32) * 5/9\n",
" print(f\"{temperature} degrees Fahrenheit is equal to {result} degrees Celsius.\")\n",
" else:\n",
" print(\"Invalid unit. Please enter either 'Celsius' or 'Fahrenheit'.\")\n",
"def convert_to_roman(num):\n",
" roman = \"\"\n",
" roman_numerals = {1000: \"M\", 900: \"CM\", 500: \"D\", 400: \"CD\", 100: \"C\", 90: \"XC\", 50: \"L\", 40: \"XL\", 10: \"X\", 9: \"IX\", 5: \"V\", 4: \"IV\", 1: \"I\"}\n",
" for value in roman_numerals:\n",
" while num >= value:\n",
" roman += roman_numerals[value]\n",
" num -= value\n",
" return roman\n",
"def convert_from_roman(roman):\n",
" num = 0\n",
" roman_numerals = {\"M\": 1000, \"CM\": 900, \"D\": 500, \"CD\": 400, \"C\": 100, \"XC\": 90, \"L\": 50, \"XL\": 40, \"X\": 10, \"IX\": 9, \"V\": 5, \"IV\": 4, \"I\": 1}\n",
" i = 0\n",
" while i < len(roman):\n",
" if i+1 < len(roman) and roman_numerals[roman[i]] < roman_numerals[roman[i+1]]:\n",
" num += roman_numerals[roman[i]+roman[i+1]]\n",
" i += 2\n",
" else:\n",
" num += roman_numerals[roman[i]]\n",
" i += 1\n",
" return num\n",
"option = input(\"Please select which a conversion: Roman, Number, Celsius\").upper()\n",
"if option == \"NUMBER\":\n",
" num = int(input(\"Enter a number: \"))\n",
" result = convert_to_roman(num)\n",
" print(\"The Roman numeral equivalent is:\", result)\n",
"elif option == \"ROMAN\":\n",
" roman = input(\"Enter a Roman numeral: \")\n",
" result = convert_from_roman(roman)\n",
" print(\"The number equivalent is:\", result)\n",
"elif option == \"CELSIUS\":\n",
" temperature_converter()"
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