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amiorin / .gvimrc
Created April 22, 2013 09:23
Change tab with <D-number> like in chrome.
let s:windowmapnr = 0
let s:wins='1234567890!@#$%^&*()'
while (s:windowmapnr < strlen(s:wins))
exe 'noremap <silent> <D-' . s:wins[s:windowmapnr] . '> ' . (s:windowmapnr + 1) . 'gt'
exe 'inoremap <silent> <D-' . s:wins[s:windowmapnr] . '> <C-O>' . (s:windowmapnr + 1) . 'gt'
exe 'cnoremap <silent> <D-' . s:wins[s:windowmapnr] . '> <C-C>' . (s:windowmapnr + 1) . 'gt'
exe 'vnoremap <silent> <D-' . s:wins[s:windowmapnr] . '> <C-C>' . (s:windowmapnr + 1) . 'gt'
let s:windowmapnr += 1
unlet s:windowmapnr s:wins
amiorin / .gvimrc
Last active December 16, 2015 11:49
My .gvimrc with vim-smartclose. <D-w> to close "help", "quickfix", "nerdtree" and for last you files. For MacVim.
" My .gvimrc with
" <D-w> to close "help", "quickfix", "nerdtree" and for last you files.
" For MacVim
macmenu File.Close key=<Nop>
" tabclose like chrome {{{1
noremap <silent> <D-w> :if tabpagenr() != tabpagenr('$') && winnr('$') == 1<CR>:tabclose<CR>:if tabpagenr() > 1<CR>:tabprev<CR>:endif<CR>:else<CR>:SmartClose<CR>:endif<CR>
" tabs {{{1
amiorin / index.html
Created March 17, 2012 19:06
html5 doctype
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