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Amit Rahav amitrahav

  • HourOne
  • Tel-Aviv Israel
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amitrahav / pm.auth0.collection.pre-request
Last active May 2, 2023 10:57
Postman Auth0 pre-request auth script with Collection level variables. Define collection Auth to BearerToken with {{oidc_bearer_token}}
// collection pre-request script
// obtain parameters from collection configuration
const domain = pm.environment.get("auth0_domain");
const client_id = pm.environment.get("auth0_client_id");
const audience = pm.environment.get("auth0_audience");
const client_secert = pm.environment.get("auth0_client_secret");
const username = pm.environment.get("username");
const password = pm.environment.get("password");
import React from 'react'
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import MessagesActions from './store/messages/MessagesActions';
class SSEComponent extends React.Component{
// Open SSE connection with server - listen messages for the first index video
return (
import MessagesActionTypes from './MessagesActionTypes';
import SSEConstants from '../sse/sseConstants';
const videoMessages = (indexIdentifier) => ({
type: SSEConstants.SSE_REQUEST,
payload: {indexIdentifier},
url: `videos/subscribe`,
baseAction: MessagesActionTypes.MessagesForVideo,
stopSreamingOn: {
key: "progress",
value: "100"
// Listen for messages
sse.addEventListener("channel-name", function(e) {
// Listen for messages
socket.addEventListener("channel-name", function (event) {
console.log("Message from server",;
import MessagesActionTypes from "./MessagesActionTypes";
const initialState = {
allVideos: [],
const MessagesReducer = (state, action) => {
if (!state) {
return initialState;
const {type, payload} = action;
import sseMiddleware from "./sse/SSEMiddleware";
const store = createStore(persistedReducer, applyMiddleware(sseMiddleware, ...otherMiddelwares));
const redux = { store, ...otherStuffIfNeeded };
export default redux;
import SSEConstants from "./SSEConstants";
const sseMiddleware = ({ dispatch }) => {
// This middleware will handle all requests, so we need to identify only the sse ones
return (next) => async (action) => {
// The way of desiding if it's a sse request we need to handle - is by the action type
if (action.type !== SSEConstants.SSE_REQUEST) {
return next(action);
const { url, baseAction, payload, stopSreamingOn, chanel } = action;
// All sse type action should indlude all of those keys:
const BASE_URL = "<https://localhost:8000/api/v1/>"; // My server base url
const SSE_REQUEST = "SSE_REQUEST"; // This will be the identifier for the middlware to process that request.
// All states of requests the reducers will need to know
const createSSERequestAction = (actionType) => ({
OPEN: `${actionType}_OPEN`,
CLOSE: `${actionType}_CLOSE`,
RECIVED: `${actionType}_RECIVED`,
FAILURE: `${actionType}_FAILURE`,
BASE: actionType,
from fastapi import FastAPI
from sse_starlette.sse import EventSourceResponse
from typing import AsyncGenerator
import asyncio
import json
# Creating my app
app = FastAPI()
progress_bar = ["10", "30", "50", "60", "80", "100"]
async def subscribe() -> AsyncGenerator:
for progress in progress_bar: # This function in real can be a redis subscribtion
// Listen for possible errors
evtSource.onerror = function() {
console.log("EventSource failed.");
// Listen for possible errors
socket.addEventListener("error", function (event) {
console.log("WebSocket error:", event);