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Raphael Theiler ammoniak

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Assignment 8


What I liked:

  • All we needed was there. No need to spend a lot of time to write code which are unrelated to IS-stuff
  • The structure was easy to understand. It was pretty clear where we have to work
Use cWebView.pkg
Use cWebPanel.pkg
Use cWebForm.pkg
Use Customer.DD
Use SalesP.DD
Use OrderHea.DD
Object oCustomerCharts is a cWebView
Object oSalesP_DD is a SalesP_DataDictionary
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import static spark.Spark.*;
import spark.ModelAndView;
import spark.template.freemarker.FreeMarkerEngine;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.BrowserVersion;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.NicelyResynchronizingAjaxController;
Object oSerialChart2 is a cAmSerialChart
Set domID to "chartdivX"
Set piColumnSpan to 6
Set categoryField to "date"
Set dataDateFormat to "DD.MM.YYYY"
Set piColumnIndex to 6
Object oTitle1 is a cAmTitle
Set text to "Orders per day (different options)"

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am ammoniak on github.
  • I am peanut ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASDdMcps0GOJPXMJZO8yXjGKzxzu0-C7p0hdqovDOW443go

To claim this, I am signing this object:

int readButtons() {
int c = analogRead(A0); // get the analog value from ADC0 (on pin 5)
if (c>600) {
return 1;
} else if (c>400 && c<550) {
return 2; // button 2 pressed
} else if (c>300 && c<400) {
return 3; // button 3 pressed
CORRUPT HEAP: Bad head at 0x3ffcdc0c. Expected 0xabba1234 got 0x3ffcdcdc
assertion "head != NULL" failed: file "/Users/ficeto/Desktop/ESP32/ESP32/esp-idf-public/components/heap/multi_heap_poisoning.c", line 214, function: multi_heap_free
abort() was called at PC 0x400dbaef on core 0
Backtrace: 0x4008cb08:0x3ffb3c60 0x4008cd39:0x3ffb3c80 0x400dbaef:0x3ffb3ca0 0x4008c77d:0x3ffb3cd0 0x40084e6e:0x3ffb3cf0 0x40086419:0x3ffb3d10 0x4000bec7:0x3ffb3d30 0x400f43ff:0x3ffb3d50 0x400f445f:0x3ffb3d70 0x400f44a7:0x3ffb3d90 0x400f6b96:0x3ffb3db0 0x400f6bfe:0x3ffb3dd0 0x40121181:0x3ffb3df0 0x400f3960:0x3ffb3e10 0x40088aa5:0x3ffb3e40
ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
rst:0xc (SW_CPU_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
#define TTGO_T5_1_2 0
#define TTGO_T5_2_0 0
#define TTGO_T5_2_1 0
#define TTGO_T5_2_2 0
#define TTGO_T5_2_3 1
#define TTGO_T5_2_4 0
#define TTGO_T5_2_8 0 //! Silk screen marking T5_V28_27
#if (TTGO_T5_1_2) || (TTGO_T5_2_4)
//#include <GxGDEP015OC1/GxGDEP015OC1.h> // 1.54" b/w
Object oWebHtmlBox2 is a cWebHtmlBox
Set piColumnSpan to 0
Set psHtml to "<div id='test2_chart' style='height: 99%'></div>"
Set psHtmlId to "test2"
Set pbFillHeight to True
Object oJSON is a cJsonObject
ammoniak /
Created August 18, 2023 10:29
Micropython led rainbow - ntp synched
import machine
import neopixel
import network
import ntptime
import random
import time
import webrepl
import colorsys