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analyticd / codex.txt
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
yasnippet snippet for org-mode babel source blocks (one to rule them all)
# --
#+begin_src ${1:$$(yas-choose-value '("emacs-lisp" "sh" "shell" "mathematica" "lisp" "R" "python" "ocaml" "matlab" "dot" "C" "C++"))} ${2::includes '(${3:<iostream>})} ${4::var ${5:foobnar}=${6:batz}} ${7::file ${8:(org-babel-temp-file "./figure-" ".png")}} :results ${9:$$(yas-choose-value '("silent" "replace" "append" "prepend" "output" "output table" "output scalar" "output file" "output
analyticd / gist:c64c46801c464dc0796d
Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
Cappuccino's Jake Commands (Rough) Guide
[cappuccino system scope tasks]
jake clobber - this removes the Build directory and build products
jake debug - this creates the Build directory and its Debug
subdirectory and contents
jake release - this creates the Build directory and its Release
subdirectory and contents
jake all - this is like executing both jake debug and jake release
jake build - this creates the Build directory and its Release
subdirectory and contents
jake clean - leaves Build/Release and Build/Debug, but removes the