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anandarajm / Git
Last active August 25, 2020 23:48
Notes related to Git

Git Notes

Modifying/Undoing commits

To move the changes from one branch to another - Use cherry-pick

e.g. 'git checkout git cherry-pick '

anandarajm / Cloud Native DC
Last active August 11, 2020 23:20
Dinesh Dutt book

2 types of Clos

Formula to count the number of servers possible in a Clos = N^2/2

Formula to count the number of switches needed in a Clos = N+N/2

  1. Virtual chassis - Uniform latency
  2. Pod based - 2 types of latency (within pod Vs inter pod)

Virtual chassis are better suited for homogeneous applications like say FB

anandarajm / How ssh encryption & connection works
Last active July 14, 2020 00:24
summary of digital ocean article on SSH encryption
3 types of encryption
1. Symmetric
2. Asymmetric (private/public keys)
3. Hashes
How SSH work?
Client-Server model
1. Negoticate the encryption of the session (Diffie-Hellman algorithm)
2. Authenticate the user