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from __future__ import division
from PIL import Image, ImageColor
import re
color_map = { '10':'A', '11':'B', '12':'C', '13':'D', '14':'E', '15':'F' }
def get_parts(number):
parts = re.match("^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)", str(number))
return (,
from __future__ import division
from PIL import Image, ImageColor
import re
color_map = { '10':'A', '11':'B', '12':'C', '13':'D', '14':'E', '15':'F' }
def get_parts(number):
parts = re.match("^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)", str(number))
return (,
from __future__ import with_statement
import inspect
class Test(object):
def __init__(self, name): = name
def __enter__(self):
return self
pattern_punctuation = re.compile('(\!|\.|\?|\;|\,|\:|\&|\_|\{|\}|\[|\]|\~|\:|\-|\;|\$|\(|\))')
pattern_numbers = re.compile('[0-9]')
pattern_plurals = re.compile('\'s$')
pattern_possesives = re.compile('s\'$')
pattern_quotations = re.compile('(\'|\")')
pattern_word = re.compile('[a-z]+')
def tokenize_word(word):
before = word
word = word.lower()
class Thing(object):
def __init__(self):
self.__missing_method_name = None # Hack!
def __getattribute__(self, name):
return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
def __getattr__(self, name):
self.__missing_method_name = name # Could also be a property
return getattr(self, '__methodmissing__')
class Stacker(object):
""" A minimal calculator that only supports addition/multipliction. """
def __init__(self):
self.s = []
self.ops = {
'+' : lambda: self.s.append(self.s.pop() + self.s.pop()),
'*' : lambda: self.s.append(self.s.pop() * self.s.pop())
import sets
import string
whitespace = sets.ImmutableSet(string.whitespace)
def qs(test_string, abbreviation, offset=None):
offset = offset or 0
if len(abbreviation) == 0: return 0.9
if len(abbreviation) > len(test_string): return 0.0
total_pages = 68;
full_document_path = "~/Project/Assets/catalog.pdf";
full_output_path = "~/Project/Assets/jpg/";
function open_document(page) {
FileReference = new File(full_document_path);
PDFOpenOptions = new PDFOpenOptions(); = page;
PDFOpenOptions.resolution = 72;, PDFOpenOptions);
anandkunal /
Created March 8, 2010 07:38
I whipped up this quick recipe using the Python Imaging Library. It's nothing fancy, but it gets the job done. Hacking this script to scoop/compare images in a directory is rather trivial.
import Image
def is_the_same(base, test_image):
for i in range(len(base)):
if (base[i] - test_image[i]) != 0:
return False
return True
base ='base.png').getdata()
bad ='bad.png').getdata()
anandkunal / gist:324963
Created March 8, 2010 07:24
ColdFusion Tagging Library
<cfset tags_list = " CaMELCaSE comma, 'singlequoted' <b>bold</b> ""doublequoted"" double double this should be over the limit now " />
<cfset amount = 10 />
<cfset length = 20 />
<pre><cfset tags_list = trim(tags_list) />
<cfset tags_list = lcase(tags_list) />
<cfset tags_struct = structnew() />