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Anders Emil Pouplier anderslime

  • Copenhagen
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provider_id = 4
contact = Contact.find_by_name_and_provider_id("Jakob Kristensen", provider_id)
locations =
where(:provider_id => provider_id).
select {|location| location.primary_contact == contact }
anderslime / gist:7119000
Last active December 26, 2015 07:59
Do not use struct for serious objects. That also include inheritans. Why:
class Contact <, :password); end
# 1: It has a #to_a method that returns an array
# of the values of the Struct.
contact ="", "secret")
Array(contact) # => ["", "secret"]
# 2: It sets all initialization arguments to nil as default # => #<struct Contact email=nil password=nil>
### Keybase proof
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* I am anderslime ( on keybase.
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