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andreasvc /
Created September 27, 2013 11:09
Generate image with plot & rating for each movie in a directory. Useful for media players etc. Each directory in the current path is treated as the name of a movie, and data for it is obtained from IMDB (through an unofficial API). A PNG file is created with a plot summary using Python Imaging and stored in that directory as 'info.png'.
""" Generate image with plot & rating for each movie in a directory. """
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import re
import sys
import glob
import json
import time
import urllib
import textwrap
andreasvc /
Created October 22, 2013 10:10
Run a set of XPath queries on a corpus of parse trees and compute precision and recall with respect to a set of hand-picked sentences.
""" Run a set of XPath queries on a corpus of parse trees and compute precision
and recall with respect to a set of hand-picked sentences. """
from __future__ import print_function
import io
import os
import glob
import nltk
import alpinocorpus
andreasvc / tiger2.2singleparent.diff
Created November 2, 2013 23:48
The TigerXML versions of the Tiger corpus contain a few nodes with multiple <edge> elements for a single node. The following is a patch against version 2.2 of the Tiger corpus that removes such edges to follow the v2.1 export version of the corpus. Since the export version does not contain these edges as secondary edges, they are probably spurious.
--- tiger_release_aug07.corrected.16012013.xml 2013-01-16 16:35:23.000000000 +0100
+++ tiger_2.2a.xml 2013-11-03 00:02:12.890306125 +0100
@@ -3097934,7 +3097934,6 @@
<nt id="s46234_505" cat="PP">
<edge label="AC" idref="s46234_24" />
<edge label="NK" idref="s46234_25" />
- <edge label="CJ" idref="s46234_135" />
<nt id="s46234_506" cat="PP">
<edge label="AC" idref="s46234_30" />
andreasvc /
Created November 10, 2013 15:25
Classify rows from CSV files with SVM with leave-one-out cross-validation; labels taken from first column, of the form 'label_description'.
""" Classify rows from CSV files with SVM with leave-one-out cross-validation;
labels taken from first column, of the form 'label_description'. """
import sys
import pandas
from sklearn import svm, cross_validation, preprocessing
data = pandas.read_csv(sys.argv[1])
xdata = data.as_matrix(data.columns[1:])
#xdata = preprocessing.scale(xdata) # normalize data => mean of 0, stddev of 1
ylabels = [a.split('_')[0] for a in data.icol(0)]
ytarget = preprocessing.LabelEncoder().fit(ylabels).transform(ylabels)
andreasvc /
Created November 11, 2013 14:18
A simple multiprocessing example with process pools, shared data and per-process initialization.
""" A simple multiprocessing example with process pools, shared data and
per-process initialization. """
import multiprocessing
# global read-only data can be shared by each process
DATA = 11
def initworker(a):
""" Initialize data specific to each process. """
andreasvc /
Last active May 28, 2019 07:29
Tiger & Lassy train-dev-test splits

Tiger & Lassy train-dev-test splits

These scripts produce the train-dev-test splits for the Tiger & Lassy treebanks used in my 2013 IWPT paper. The Tiger treebank version 2.1 was used, namely tiger_release_aug07.export. The Lassy treebank was version 1.1, or lassy-r19749. The reason for not just taking the last 20% for the development & test set is to ensure a balanced distribution of sentences, which otherwise would have an uneven distribution of length & topics.

andreasvc /
Last active October 20, 2021 17:57
Apply PCA to a CSV file and plot its datapoints (one per line).Usage: <csv_file>
"""Apply PCA to a CSV file and plot its datapoints (one per line).
The first column should be a category (determines the color of each datapoint),
the second a label (shown alongside each datapoint)."""
import sys
import pandas
import pylab as pl
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
andreasvc /
Last active February 11, 2018 06:02
Review of Learning Cython Programming, by Philip Herron

Learning Cython Programming

by Philip Herron

Birmingham: Packt Publishing, 2013, available in print and as ebook; this review is based on the PDF, 110 pp.

Reviewed by
Andreas van Cranenburgh
University of Amsterdam

andreasvc /
Last active May 23, 2020 16:39
Extract metadata from Project Gutenberg RDF catalog into a Python dict.
"""Extract metadata from Project Gutenberg RDF catalog into a Python dict.
Based on
>>> md = readmetadata()
>>> md[123]
{'LCC': {'PS'},
'author': u'Burroughs, Edgar Rice',
'authoryearofbirth': 1875,
'authoryearofdeath': 1950,
andreasvc / gmanevert.user.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
GreaseMonkey script: vertical split for Gmane 'news' interface.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Gmane vertical frames
// @namespace
// @include*
// @include*
// @version 1
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// The default GMane 'news' view has horizontal panes which wastes lots of screen space;