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Andre Iskandar andreiskandar

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andreiskandar / gist:6fd07b9fdf2d2be17095c2b4abae7915
Created July 2, 2020 21:13
Kata 10 - The Great Codeville Bake-off
const chooseRecipe = function(bakeryA, bakeryB, recipes) {
for(const recipe of recipes){
const hasItemA = (bakeryA.includes(recipe.ingredients[0]) || bakeryB.includes(recipe.ingredients[0]));
const hasItemB = (bakeryA.includes(recipe.ingredients[1]) || bakeryB.includes(recipe.ingredients[1]));
if(hasItemA && hasItemB)
const PI = 3.14159 ;
const sphereVolume = function (radius) {
return 4 / 3 * PI * Math.pow(radius, 3);
// console.log(4186 < sphereVolume(10) && sphereVolume(10) < 4189);
const coneVolume = function (radius, height) {
return PI * Math.pow(radius, 2) * height / 3;
Create a function named multiplicationTable that receives a number maxValue as input
and creates a square multiplication table where maxValue is the largest value in the table.
const multiplicationTable = function(maxValue) {
let i = '';
for(let y = 1; y <= maxValue; y++){
for(let x = 1; x <= maxValue; x++){
Create a function named repeatNumbers that will return a string with each of the given
values repeated the appropriate number of times, if there are multiple sets of values
each set should be separated by a comma. If there is only one set of values then you
should omit the comma.
const repeatNumbers = function(data) {
let str = '';
For this challenge we will implement a function called checkAir(), which will check a collection of air samples.
The function will take in two arguments. The first argument is an array of strings, where each string represents
a small air sample that is either clean or dirty. The second argument is a number representing the highest
acceptable amount of dirty samples. For example, a threshold of 0.4 means that there must be less than 40% of
total samples classified as dirty for our air to be considered clean. Our function must return Polluted if there
are too many dirty air samples, or Clean if the proportion of dirty samples is below the threshold.
const checkAir = function (samples, threshold) {
andreiskandar / gist:431ae9ccb2e35f3417b4a6adbb488330
Created June 30, 2020 19:29
Finding array coordinates of a string using nested for loops
We need to write a function called whereCanIPark() that returns the coordinates of an available parking spot for the vehicle,
or returns false if there is no available spot. Our function receives an array of arrays representing parking spots,
and a string with type of the vehicle that is looking for a parking spot.
const whereCanIPark = function (spots, vehicle) {
for(let y = 0; y < spots.length; y++){
for(let x = 0; x < spots[y].length; x++){
if(vehicle === 'regular'){
andreiskandar / gist:9965281e1df7c0f2424964049da9ecb3
Created June 30, 2020 19:24
Replacing all whitespaces with '%20' from given string
Kata 5 - Percent Encoded String
In this exercise, we will be given a normal string of words and turn it into a percent-encoded string by replacing all whitespace with %20.
Percent Encoding
Take a look at the following URL, specifically the last part:
This URL will perform a google search for the term "lighthouse labs". Notice that when the string "lighthouse labs" is part of a URL, the space is replaced with %20.
andreiskandar / gist:19bf4a9b00c247c29f63d73e8f81f7ff
Created June 30, 2020 19:23
Determine instructors who have longest name in the object
In this exercise, we will be given a list of instructors and have to determine which instructor has the longest name.
const instructorWithLongestName = function(instructors) {
// Put your solution here
{name: "Samuel", course: "iOS"},
andreiskandar / gist:c4c2085eb115dc9fe763cfaa4055e07e
Created June 30, 2020 19:21
Countiny number of vowels that appear in a given string
In this exercise, we will be counting the number of vowels that appear in a given string. For this exercise, consider the following to be vowels: a, e, i, o, and u.
const numberOfVowels = function(data) {
// Put your solution here
console.log(numberOfVowels("orange")); //3
console.log(numberOfVowels("lighthouse labs")); //5
andreiskandar / gist:3b0e6789c8f83b948bf9888ec2953e99
Created June 30, 2020 19:19
Adding only the numbers in the array that match given condition
For this kata, we'll be adding only the numbers in the array which match the given condition.
const conditionalSum = function(values, condition) {
// Your code here
console.log(conditionalSum([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "even"));
console.log(conditionalSum([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "odd"));