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In order to create this mod, first use the 1.15.2 version of yarn
$ git clone && cd yarn-1.15.2
$ ./gradlew build
Next, use yarn-reverse to deobfuscate the client jar using the generated tiny mapping (official to named). The libraries necessary were taken from .gradle/minecraft in the yarn folder.
$ git clone
(note, this is just a small tool I put together myself. If you would like to use the included code from build.gradle in yarn yourself, it should also work, but it might take some extra configuration)
Next, decompile Minecraft using CFR (JD-GUI may work, but Minecraft recently has begun to target Java 1.8, so please be careful with lambdas etc.)
andrewathalye / all_tracks.txt
Last active March 19, 2022 03:45
Shadowkeep BNK/txtp correlations
KEY: . = positive identification. ! = almost there. ? = needs clarification. / = totally unidentified
NOTE: Ordered by length (since I was using it to reduce the 17000 tracks to 600 > 5 minute pieces)
To simplify things, I'll make an extract of this with _only_ . and ! items and add in all the information necessary to automate the process of producing a WAV.
This file isn't really meant to be read by humans, but rather parsed automatically.
! 03ae-1e34-1069 Accursed / Uncorrupted / Corrupted
. 038f-0edc-0239 A Thousand Wings (Action)
? 03e8-0096-0177|03ae-1fa8-0447 Forsaken-related (Abomination, Presage boss theme)
? 03e8-0122-0204 Machinist? Forsaken baron-related, action or high action.
. 038f-15da-1692 Sanctified Mind + Consecrated Mind (High Action)
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
with Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.Wide_Wide_Strings;
use Ada.Strings.UTF_Encoding.Wide_Wide_Strings;
with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
procedure Destiny_String_Example
-- Exceptions