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pprett / boston.json
Created October 1, 2012 18:28
Decision Tree Viewer (D3 and Sklearn)
{"error": 42716.2954, "samples": 506, "value": [22.532806324110698], "label": "RM <= 6.94", "type": "split", "children": [{"error": 17317.3210, "samples": 430, "value": [19.93372093023257], "label": "LSTAT <= 14.40", "type": "split", "children": [{"error": 6632.2175, "samples": 255, "value": [23.349803921568636], "label": "DIS <= 1.38", "type": "split", "children": [{"error": 390.7280, "samples": 5, "value": [45.58], "label": "CRIM <= 10.59", "type": "split", "children": [{"error": 0.0000, "samples": 4, "value": [50.0], "label": "Leaf - 4", "type": "leaf"}, {"error": 0.0000, "samples": 1, "value": [27.9], "label": "Leaf - 5", "type": "leaf"}]}, {"error": 3721.1632, "samples": 250, "value": [22.90520000000001], "label": "RM <= 6.54", "type": "split", "children": [{"error": 1636.0675, "samples": 195, "value": [21.629743589743576], "label": "LSTAT <= 7.57", "type": "split", "children": [{"error": 129.6307, "samples": 43, "value": [23.969767441860473], "label": "TAX <= 222.50", "type": "split", "children": [{"err
mlgill /
Last active July 23, 2018 04:04
Bash/Zsh functions for viewing/grepping only the input code of an IPython notebook and for clearing output cells.
# Two very basic functions for searching just the input code of an IPython notebook
# Written because I often want to search notebooks for snippets but the giant output
# of embedded encoded images makes it difficult.
# Ipython's nbconvert can be used to extract just the input, but this requires
# writing to a separate file and can be quite slow when used with large notebooks.
# Additionally, find/xargs can be used with igrep when the name of the notebook isn't known.
# icat could be used to convert an IPython notebook to a standard python file if
# the notebook does not contain whole-cell magics.
MLWave /
Created July 4, 2017 08:17
Embed test points in existing t-sne map
# Author: HJ van Veen <>
# Description: Experiment to learn a tSNE transformer for new
# test data with a multi-output GBM
# Idea first seen at
# > [...] it is not possible to embed test points in an existing
# > map [...]
# > A potential approach to deal with this would be to train
# > a multivariate regressor to predict the map location from
# > the input data.