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Andrew J. Stone andrewjstone

  • Oxide Computer Company
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andrewjstone / mongo_replica_test.js
Created June 3, 2011 21:50
Connect to mongodb with replica sets using native driver and allow testing of failover via web interface
var mongo = require('mongodb'),
Server = mongo.Server,
ReplSetServers = mongo.ReplSetServers,
http = require('http'),
inspect = require('util').inspect
var replSet = new ReplSetServers([
new Server('', 27017, {auto_reconnect: true}),
new Server('', 27017, {auto_reconnect: true}),
andrewjstone / safeErrors.js
Created October 13, 2011 00:44
node-mongodb-native improper behavior with w:2 for insert and findAndModify
// Run this with 'nodeunit safeErrors.js'
// Create a replica set with only 1 replica up and do an insert with w:2 and findAndModify
// with w:2. Note that the insert returns right away successfully, even though the data
// was not replicated. The findAndModify has different behavior. It actually times out
// but still returns success!
var mongo = require('mongodb'),
Db = mongo.Db,
Server = mongo.Server,
$publisher_color: null;
$accent_color: null;
$publisher_title_font: "'Georgia'";
$title_font: "'Georgia'";
$publisher_body_font: null;
$body_font: null;
$arrow: url(
andrewjstone / voterid.txt
Created September 4, 2012 19:01
Voter ID and disenfranchisement
In the US, IDs are not mandatory. Many citizens find the idea of mandatory ID to be privacy invading and un-american, a reminder of 'papers please' in Nazi Germany. However, driver's licenses are still required, and most people have them. These tend to act as defacto IDs. The only people that don't have them though, are senior citizens who don't drive and the poor. As these voters tend to lean toward the democratic party, every 2 years the republicans try to force them to purchase IDs. These ID's cost 35-60 dollars usually, and as that is cost prohibitive for people on public assistance and with fixed incomes, it makes it more likely for these poor and elderly citizens to just not vote instead. This is often seen as a tactic for voter disenfranchisement as the instances of actual voter fraud in the US are virtually nil.
2013-08-26 10:05:29.177 [error] <0.7715.62> gen_server <0.7715.62> terminated with reason: no function clause matching riak_cs_gc:handle_mark_as_pending_delete({error,timeout}, <<"test2">>, <<"2275987">>, [<<144,103,177,250,193,223,72,216,179,253,161,153,159,180,89,122>>,<<121,78,81,65,235,165,72,94,...>>], <0.234.0>) line 176
2013-08-26 10:05:29.177 [error] <0.7715.62> CRASH REPORT Process <0.7715.62> with 0 neighbours exited with reason: no function clause matching riak_cs_gc:handle_mark_as_pending_delete({error,timeout}, <<"test2">>, <<"2275987">>, [<<144,103,177,250,193,223,72,216,179,253,161,153,159,180,89,122>>,<<121,78,81,65,235,165,72,94,...>>], <0.234.0>) line 176 in gen_server:terminate/6 line 747
2013-08-26 10:06:22.608 [error] <0.14733.61> gen_fsm riak_cs_gc_d in state idle terminated with reason: {timeout,{gen_server,call,[<0.8040.62>,{req,{rpbindexreq,<<"riak-cs-gc">>,<<"$key">>,range,undefined,<<"0">>,<<"1377536722">>,undefined,false,undefined,undefined,undefined},infinity},60000]}}