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Andrzej Krzywda andrzejkrzywda

View GitHub Profile
def get_file_from_disk(self):
first_time = False
if not os.path.exists(CONFIG_DIR):
first_time = True
if not os.path.exists(DIARY_FILE):
file = open(DIARY_FILE, 'w')
first_time = True
andrzejkrzywda / gist:974275
Created May 16, 2011 11:30
cucumber vs bbq
Scenario: Artist creates an art work
Given I am a registered artist
And I follow the add new artwork link from the dashboard
When I fill the form with the artwork data
And I upload a picture
Then I should see a confirmation message telling me that the artwork was added to my collection
scenario "artist creates an art work" do
artist =
andrzejkrzywda / object_key_test.rb
Created July 14, 2011 09:53 — forked from paneq/test.rb
Which version do you prefere?
require 'test/unit'
class KeyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_key
object =
assert_equal(:submit, object_key(object))
def object.persisted?; true end
assert_equal(:update, object_key(object))
class Monopoly
constructor: (serverSide, popupsManager) ->
player = new Player(PlayerAttributes)
playerView = new PlayerView
playerController = new PlayerController(player, playerView)
class PlayerView
update: (player) ->
andrzejkrzywda / Plea.markdown
Created June 22, 2012 21:19 — forked from justinko/Plea.markdown
Am I doing it wrong?

Here is my solution, based on use-cases and AOP.

  1. you need to separate persistence from your domain
  2. you need to have a proper use-case, not a single request-class, like above.
  3. notifications are notifications (twitter, fb), they are implemented with AOP
  4. spam detection and language detection are separated (discussable) with an aspect.
  5. there is an "app" object that wraps it all together.

The first file is the original example. The second file is mine.

andrzejkrzywda / gist:3362567
Created August 15, 2012 18:57
difference in LOC between .coffee files and the generated JS files
pipboy:todomvc-coffee-boxed andrzej$ wc -l src/*
29 src/
17 src/
77 src/
44 src/
27 src/
28 src/
222 total
pipboy:todomvc-coffee-boxed andrzej$ wc -l release/toaster/*
68 release/toaster/local_storage.js
andrzejkrzywda /
Created March 2, 2013 11:22
Hexagonaljs TodoMVC example
class WebTodoApp
constructor: ->
useCase = new CompleteTasksUseCase()
window.useCase = useCase
gui = new WebGui()
localStorage = new LocalStorage("todo_app")
glue = new WebGlue(useCase, gui, localStorage)
new WebTodoApp()
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
def current_buyer
if cookies[:buyer_id].present? && (buyer = Buyer.find(cookies[:buyer_id]))
@current_buyer = buyer
@current_buyer = Buyer.create
cookies[:buyer_id] = { value:, expires: 1.week.from_now }
class Company
def initialize
@employees = []
@roles = {}
def delegate(from_employee, task, to_employee)
raise TargetEmployeerDoesntHaveTheRequiredRole if ! has_role?(to_employee, task.required_role)
andrzejkrzywda / 0_reuse_code.js
Created January 12, 2014 13:12
Here are some things you can do with Gists in GistBox.
// Use Gists to store code you would like to remember later on
console.log(window); // log the "window" object to the console