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def autoDeepMap(f):
"Decorates a function of one argument to automatically deep-map over multiple or iterable arguments"
def mapped(*args):
if len(args) != 1:
return [mapped(x) for x in args]
elif getattr(args[0], '__iter__', False):
return [mapped(x) for x in args[0]]
return f(args[0])
return mapped
var loc;
(function locdef() {
function findParam(name) {
return new RegExp(name + '=([^&#]*)');
loc = {
updateParam : function updateParam(name, val) {
var l = location.href,
s = name + '=' + val;
Brainwashing, by Scott Adams
Mar 19, 2009
Suppose you hire a plumber to fix a leak. You pay him for his work and he leaves. A year later he
calls back and asks if you would consider giving him additional money because you continue to get
benefits from the repairs. In addition, he argues, you could help subsidize future customers that
would otherwise not be able to pay for his services. Would that seem appropriate?
Now imagine he calls back every few months for the rest of your life, asking the same frickin'
question every time. Would you be okay with that practice?
All around, no flowers in bloom
Nor maple leaves in glare,
A solitary fisherman's hut alone
On the twilight shore
Of this autumn eve.
by Fujiwara no Teika (1162-1241)
translation by Toshihiko and Toyo Izutsu
def validate(schema):
def validator(validatee):
for x in schema:
isValid = schema[x]
if type(validatee[x]) == isValid: continue
elif type(isValid) != type and hasattr(isValid, '__call__'):
if isValid(validatee[x]): continue
return False
return True
return validator
from functools import wraps
def predecoration(decoration=None, has_params=False):
"Decorates a function as a pre-decorator"
def metadecorator(decoration):
"Takes a decoration to pre-apply to a func"
def cap_args(*dec_args, **dec_kwds):
"Captures decorator arguments"
def decorator_with_args(func):
from functools import wraps, partial
from inspect import getargspec
def _param_update(old_params, new_params):
args, kwds = old_params
if type(new_params) == tuple:
if len(new_params) == 2 and type(new_params[0]) == tuple and type(new_params[1]) == dict:
args = new_params[0]
>>> x = {}
>>> x['x'] = x
>>> x
{'x': {...}}
from functools import wraps, partial
from inspect import getargspec
def _param_update(old_params, new_params):
args, kwargs = old_params
if type(new_params) == tuple:
if len(new_params) == 2 and type(new_params[0]) == tuple and type(new_params[1]) == dict:
args = new_params[0]
mapping = lambda d: lambda x: d.get(x, x)