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angelachin /
Last active March 8, 2018 22:17
Exploring Istio on Minikube

install required tools

brew install kubectl
brew cask install minikube

boot local kubernetes cluster

angelachin /
Last active March 2, 2018 00:46
A guide to getting started on the spike for Envoy load-balancing

To get started

Link here

  1. Clone the envoy repo into workspace. git clone

  2. cd into the configs directory and modify the Dockerfile so that it has the following

# This configuration will build a Docker container containing
# an Envoy proxy that routes to Google.

Doc here with exact same stuff:

Goal: Configure BOSH-deployed copilot to send config over MCP to a Pilot deployed on a CFCR cluster and use the Istio Ingressgateway (Envoy) route to cf apps.


  1. Deploy latest CF deployment
  2. Deploy CFCR cluster (don’t forget to run the apply-specs errand!) and deploy istio with a 1.1-snapshot.3 or greater (and change all the images to pull release-1.1-latest-daily)
  3. Create a secret to host the cert, key, and ca needed for pilot to communicate with copilot over mutual TLS. This can be done by running the following: