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at $00003c (line 0); called 1 times
0.000009 sec (1 ops) spent executing
201.855686 sec (455056013 ops) including child calls
at $00958a (line 9386); called 1 times
0.000073 sec (530 ops) spent executing
201.855677 sec (455056012 ops) including child calls
at $0ec377 (line 205803); called 46628 times
Code segment begins at 0x3c
2988 called functions found in profile-raw
11312 functions found in gameinfo.dbg were never called
Functions that consumed the most time (excluding children):
at $f00000c0 (line 0); called 46 times
168.621783 sec (0 ops) spent executing
168.621783 sec (0 ops) including child calls
at $27a411 (line 405967); called 2141212 times
Code segment begins at 0x3c
2790 called functions found in profile-raw
10919 functions found in gameinfo.dbg were never called
Functions that consumed the most time (excluding children):
at $f00000c0 (line 0); called 21 times
71.486042 sec (0 ops) spent executing
71.486042 sec (0 ops) including child calls
at $22592f (line 396657); called 9984765 times
Code segment begins at 0x3c
2761 called functions found in profile-raw
11505 functions found in gameinfo.dbg were never called
Functions that consumed the most time (excluding children):
at $27774f (line 405069); called 33889274 times
177.357810 sec (1911028774 ops) spent executing
270.463755 sec (2661884574 ops) including child calls
at $0027b3 (line 3169); called 396187296 times