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Anil Wadghule anildigital

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anildigital /
Created May 12, 2012 06:19
RubyMotion update awesomeness!
anil.wadghule@Anil-Wadghule-Mac ~/Code/rubymotion/RubyMotionSamples/HelloGL[master]
jruby-1.6.7@sidekiq λ sudo motion update
Connecting to the server...
Downloading software update...
######################################################################## 100.0%
Installing software update...
Software update installed.
= RubyMotion 1.3 =
anildigital / newrelic.rb
Created April 23, 2012 19:42
Newrelic config to manually start NewRelic for war based deployment
# Set this to start newrelic for war based app
# put this in config/initializers folder
source ''
gem 'rails', '3.2.3'
# ...
platforms :jruby do
gem 'trinidad', '~> 1.3', :require => false
gem 'jruby-rack', '1.1.1', :require => false # trinidad dep
gem 'trinidad_logging_extension', :require => false
anildigital / Gemfile
Created April 17, 2012 19:24 — forked from kares/Gemfile
Less on Rails with V8 (CRuby) or Rhino (JRuby)
group :assets do
#gem 'sass-rails', '~> 3.1.4'
#gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 3.1.1'
#gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.0.3'
gem 'less', :git => 'git://', :submodules => true
gem 'less-rails', '>= 2.2.1'
gem 'less-rails-bootstrap' # optional
gem 'therubyracer', :platforms => :ruby
jruby-1.6.5 :024 > Java::OrgJrubyProf::JRubyProf.methods
=> ["running", "isRunning", "startTracing", "before", "java_send", "stopTracing", "running?", "is_running", "java_method", "is_running?", "start_tracing", "stop_tracing", "after", "inherited", "registerNatives", "register_natives", "new", "singleton_class", "java_class", "[]", "field_accessor", "field_writer", "java_class=", "field_reader", "method_added", "yaml_tag_subclasses?", "inheritable_attributes", "cattr_reader", "descendants", "class_inheritable_hash_writer", "json_creatable?", "subclasses", "class_inheritable_accessor", "class_inheritable_writer", "extlib_inheritable_reader", "class_inheritable_array", "to_yaml", "read_inheritable_attribute", "class_inheritable_array_writer", "cattr_accessor", "allocate", "duplicable?", "class_inheritable_reader", "class_attribute", "class_inheritable_hash", "superclass", "superclass_delegating_accessor", "extlib_inheritable_accessor", "write_inheritable_hash", "reset_inheritable_attributes", "write_inheritab
anildigital / possible_alternatives.txt
Created December 7, 2011 13:35
Possible alternatives
λ gem install capistrano_tomcat
ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'capistrano_tomcat' (>= 0) in any repository
ERROR: Possible alternatives: capistrano-tomcat, capistrano_colors, capistrano_kvm_git, CapistranoTrac, capistrano-boss
anildigital / application.rb
Created December 6, 2011 13:37 — forked from josevalim/application.rb
Potentially faster boot
# Please add the following lines after Bundler.require
# and before "class Application < Rails::Application"
# in your config/application.rb
# Notice this is just an experiment, don't leave those
# lines there after the experiment. Then please benchmark
# your app boot time in development before and after adding
# those lines. A simple benchmark is:
# time script/rails runner "MODEL"
anildigital / ctags
Created November 2, 2011 05:35
ctags TAGS file generation command
ctags -e -a --Ruby-kinds=-f -o TAGS -R .
anildigital / gist:1245371
Created September 27, 2011 15:26
Generate Emacs Ctags file for Ruby projects
ctags -e -a --Ruby-kinds=-f -o TAGS -R .
* Install Leiningen
* Install the swank-clojure plugin: lein plugin install swank-clojure 1.3.2
* Install clojure-mode (you can do this from git)
* Navigate to a project and do M-x clojure-jack-in