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Feeding my cravings of Open Source Contribution

Animesh Srivastava animeshsrivastava24

Feeding my cravings of Open Source Contribution
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Created by Animesh Srivastava (
Have you ever wondered about how to get your tools for management of your embedded device?
How to build and deploy your devices and provide them support and customization?
If I say yes, I have always been on a search for such a tool or method or technology.
But wait,
What if I say- "It's open source"
!!Wait, a minute. You said Open Source!!
object Story {
object Once { def upon = (x: a.type) => x }
object a { def time = (x: languages.type) => x }
object languages { def were = (x: inflexible.type) => x }
object inflexible { def along = (x: came.type) => x }
object came { def Scala = (x: inflexible.type) => x }
implicit def string(s : String) : inflexible.type = inflexible
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
Once upon a time languages were inflexible; "Then " along came Scala ". The End!"
animeshsrivastava24 / Story.scala
Created June 14, 2018 13:56 — forked from nicerobot/Story.scala
Simple Scala "DSL" example using easy to understand constructs.
object Story {
object Once { def upon = (x: a.type) => x }
object a { def time = (x: languages.type) => x }
object languages { def were = (x: inflexible.type) => x }
object inflexible { def along = (x: came.type) => x }
object came { def Scala = (x: inflexible.type) => x }
implicit def string(s : String) : inflexible.type = inflexible
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
Once upon a time languages were inflexible; "Then " along came Scala ". The End!"
animeshsrivastava24 /
Created July 4, 2017 07:39 — forked from sjqtentacles/
Converting .mat to .csv using python
import numpy as np
data ="subject.mat")
for i in data:
if '__' not in i and 'readme' not in i:
from array import array
from Tkinter import *
import cv2
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
width, height = 800, 600
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(x)
root =Tk()
lmain =Label(root)