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anon0mys /
Last active June 25, 2018 02:43 — forked from case-eee/
These are reflection questions for students entering backend module 4.

M4 Reflection

Fork this gist and answer these questions to reflect on your learning experiences.

What brought you to Turing?

I was getting more involved in data analysis and started trying to interact with APIs. I quickly found that I really enjoyed the problem solving, but didn't know what I needed to know.

Where do you see yourself after Turing?

I would like to find a career in software that fuels my desire to solve problems and allows me to continue learning. I also am very much looking forward to a career that pays well and offers room for continued growth.

From concepts taught in class or your personal learning, what technical concepts do you enjoy exploring most?

I am most interested with APIs and background workers. Any interface that allows for data to pass between languages/systems is fascinating.

anon0mys / eval.rb
Created January 29, 2019 05:30 — forked from dasibre/eval.rb
#Palindrome a word phrase that reads the same backwards
# write code that will return true for the following palindrome
# "A man, a plan, a canal: Panama"
module Palindrome
def self.is_palindrome(word)
normalized = word.downcase.gsub(/\W/, '')
normalized == normalized.reverse