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A foobar mobile skin (.fbskin) is created using the foobar mobile skin compiler (windows only), which compiles multiple skins and images into a single file.
A single skin will contain 8 skins, skins are resolution independent, the 8 skins are needed to accurately cater to the various aspect ratios needed for the various devices, each skin contains:
TITLE title KMS_Activation for Windows 10
Rd "%WinDir%\system32\test_permissions" >NUL 2>NUL
Md "%WinDir%\System32\test_permissions" 2>NUL||(Echo 请使用右键管理员身份运行!&&Pause >nul&&Exit)
Rd "%WinDir%\System32\test_permissions" 2>NUL
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
::set KMS_Sev=
::set KMS_Sev=