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Created May 30, 2017 00:47
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Jupyter Magics Tutorial
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"source": "# What are magics?\n\nMagics are a way to talk to the Jupyter notebook itself and lets to interface with elements outside the kernel."
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"source": "# Some Must-Know Examples\n\nlisting magics, bash, timing, latex and HTML"
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"source": "## `lsmagic`\n\nTells you what magics you have available"
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"source": "## `!`\n\nLets you run shell commands, e.g. get the version of Pandas"
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"source": "! pip freeze | grep pandas",
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"source": "## `%time`\n\nWill time whatever you evaluate"
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"source": "%time\n\nfor i in range(0, 1000000000):\n continue",
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"source": "%%bash\nfor i in a b c;\ndo\necho $i\ndone",
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"source": "%%latex\n\\begin{align}\na = \\frac{a}{b} && b = \\frac{1}{3} && c = \\frac{1}{4} \\\\\na && b && c \\\\\n1 && 2 && 3 \\\\\n\\end{align}",
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"source": "%%HTML\n<img src=\"\" />",
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"source": "# Loading External Magics\n\nWith a quick example of R"
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"source": "%%R\nX <- runif(10)\nY <- runif(10)",
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"source": "%R plot(X, Y)",
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"source": "# Combining Magics\n\nWith a couple quick examples"
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"source": "%matplotlib inline \n\nimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt\nfrom wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS\nimport nltk\n\ndata = open(\"sfgate.html\",'r').read()\ntext = nltk.clean_html(data)\ncleaned = nltk.word_tokenize(text.lower())\nwordlist = [x for x in cleaned if (len(x)>=2 and x.isalpha())]\nwordcloud = WordCloud(stopwords=STOPWORDS, background_color='white').generate(\" \".join(wordlist))\nplt.figure(figsize=(15,10))\nplt.imshow(wordcloud)\nplt.axis('off')\",
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"source": "import numpy as np\nX = np.array([4.5, 6.3, 9.1])\nX.mean()",
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