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Anthony Clark anthonyclarka2

  • Nexient
  • Ann Arbor, MI
View GitHub Profile
anthonyclarka2 / iterm2_solarized_colours
Created August 8, 2017 19:02
Solarized tab colours in iterm2
# Solarized colours
function tab_sol_yellow { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 181 137 0; }
function tab_sol_orange { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 203 75 22; }
function tab_sol_red { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 220 50 47; }
function tab_sol_magenta { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 211 54 130; }
function tab_sol_violet { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 108 113 196; }
function tab_sol_blue { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 38 139 210; }
function tab_sol_cyan { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 42 161 152; }
function tab_sol_green { set_iterm_title "$1"; tab_color 133 153 0; }
anthonyclarka2 / styles.less
Last active August 3, 2018 19:27
atom stylesheet with customized tree view and tab view
// Atom styles.less
// anthonyclarka2 AT G MAIL
// 2018-08-03
// Atom theme used is Solarized Light
@import "ui-variables";
@import "syntax-variables";
// does exactly what the package name suggests:
@import "packages/red-wavy-underline/styles/red-wavy-underline";
anthonyclarka2 /
Created August 14, 2017 17:06
Borg backup script with exit code checking and status push to Zabbix
# Enhanced backup script
# Sends messages to Zabbix based on exit code of borg executable
# anthonyclark AT G MAIL
# Shellcheck will still kvetch at you if notices are enabled
# This script will not work AS-IS but is only provided as such
# This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
anthonyclarka2 / Vagrantfile
Created August 28, 2017 16:13
Vagrantfile that sets up multiple CentOS 7 VMs and connects them all to a single host-only network
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# Vagrantfile to create a CentOS 7 master and 3 nodes
# These VMs can be useful for prototyping new systems such
# as monitoring, mail, configuration management, load balancing
# etc etc.
# You will need a Puppet directory structure inside the
anthonyclarka2 /
Created August 29, 2017 16:50
BitBar script to pretty-print the Unix Epoch time, comma separated
# <bitbar.title>Pretty Epoch Time</bitbar.title>
# <bitbar.version>v1.0</bitbar.version>
# <>Anthony Clark</>
# <>anthonyclarka2</>
# <bitbar.desc>Displays epoch (unix) time separated by commas.</bitbar.desc>
# <bitbar.image></bitbar.image>
EPOCH=$(/bin/date +%s | /usr/local/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin/sed ':a;s/\B[0-9]\{3\}\>/,&/;ta')
anthonyclarka2 /
Created August 30, 2017 19:19
from a remote server, rsync only files newer than a date
# Modified by anthonyclarka2 AT GMAIL 2017-08-30.
# Comments, criticism welcome.
# exclude file has basic wildcards like *i386* or *debug*
# I have not tested this with anything other than rsync daemons, YMMV
# Remember the slash at the end of the destination
anthonyclarka2 /
Created October 4, 2017 18:12
install the JDK from a local mirror somewhere
#!/bin/bash -e
anthonyclarka2 / sysctl.conf
Last active October 17, 2017 17:19 — forked from dayreiner/sysctl.conf
A decent base to start tuning off of for centos 7 apache and mariadb systems
# Other links:
# MariaDB Tuning
vm.swappiness = 1
# Creates a simple dokuwiki page, listing Borg backups from a text file
# File has one entry per line: " Thu, 2017-08-31 02:55:03"
# Runs in cron early every morning: > dokuwikipage.txt
HOST_NAME=$(basename -s .txt "${BACKUP_LIST}")
echo "====== ${HOST_NAME} Backup List ======"
# Scans the list of hosts and checks that
# DNS has a forward and reverse record for them
# Then compares the wiki host name with the PTR host name
# Generates a simple dokuwiki table
# runs in cron early every morning:
# /data/wiki/data/pages/it/hostlist.txt > /data/wiki/data/pages/it/dnscheckresults.txt
# data is in a table, example:
# | [[]] | A test server, managed by XYZ corp | contact this person in case of emergency |