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antipole2 / Tester.js
Last active November 19, 2020 17:44
// Position, waypoint and route confidence tester
function compareWaypoints(waypoint1, waypoint2){
// compares two waypoints and displays any mismatches.
// returns true if error else false if OK
function display(attribute){
if (!displaying) printOrange("The following attributes of waypoints do not match:\n");
displaying = true;
printOrange(attribute, "\n");
// constructs route from NMEA WPL & RTE sentences
// optional simulator to synthesis NMEA data
// Updated v0.2.1 2 Sep 2020 to fix bugs when no routes and be consistent with NMEA message as object
// Updated v0.2.2 7 Sep 2020 several changes to correct when waypoints updated and to include Danish similation data
// Updated v0.2.3 9 Sep 2020 to fix when loading existing routes and there are none
// options
replaceExitingRoutes = true; // if true, any exiting OpenCPN route with the same name will be updated
testMode = true; // if true, uses simulated data rather than listening for real NMEA sentences
// Add hyperlinks to an existing waypoint with markName of 'lunch stop'
wpName = "lunch stop";
guids = OCPNgetWaypointGUIDs();
foundIt = false;
for (i = 0; i < guids.length; i++){
// look for our waypoint
lunchWaypoint = OCPNgetSingleWaypoint(guids[i]);
if (lunchWaypoint.markName == wpName){
foundIt = true;
// insert magnetic variation into RMC sentence
// corrected 22 Dec 2020 for NMEA sentence as structure
var vardegs = "";
var varEW = "";
function processNMEA(input){
if (input.OK){
sentence = input.value;
function fibonacci(n) {
function fib(n) {
if (n == 0) return 0;
if (n == 1) return 1;
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
var res = [];
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) res.push(fib(i));
return(res.join(' '));
Waypoint = require("Waypoint");
newWaypoint = new Waypoint(50.33, -1.3);
newWaypoint.markName = "Demo Waypoint";
newWaypoint.iconName = "anchor";
newWaypoint.isVisible = true;
newWaypoint.description = "Good pub close by ashore";
newWaypoint.hyperlinkList.push({description:"Pub website", link:
GUID = OCPNaddSingleWaypoint(newWaypoint);
newWaypoint.GUID = GUID;
myWaypoint = OCPNgetSingleWaypoint("137eecdd-e3e0-4eea-9d72-6cec0e500dbe");
if (!myWaypoint){
print("No waypoint with that GUID\n");
print("Waypoint name is ", myWaypoint.markName, "\n");
APRgpx = OCPNgetARPgpx(); // get Active Route Point as GPX
if (APRgpx.length > 0){
waypointPart = /<name>.*<\/name>/.exec(APRgpx);
waypointName = waypointPart[0].slice(6, -7);
print("Active waypoint is ", waypointName, "\n");
else print("No active waypoint\n");
routeGUID = "48cf3bc5-3abb-4f73-8ad2-994e796289eb";
OCPNonMessageName(handleRT, "OCPN_ROUTE_RESPONSE");
function handleRT(routeJS){
route = JSON.parse(routeJS);
try {print("RouteGUID ", routeGUID, " has the name ",, "\n");}
catch(err){print("No such route\n");}
antipole2 / sendActiveRoute.js
Last active July 23, 2020 10:03
Position constructor
// This script sends any active route out as WPT and RTE sentences so that iNavX shows the up-to-date active route.
// If the route or its waypoints are updated, iNavX will update to reflect this
Position = require("Position); // load position constructor
// here we define stuff we need outside the functions
const repeatInterval = 20; // repeat after this number of seconds
var activeWaypointName = “”; // to hold the active waypoint name, else “”
var activeRouteName = ""; // the name of the active route
var lastRoutePoint; // these two are needed to fix up RMB sentences and synthesise a BOD sentence…