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I may be slow to respond.

Anton Piskunov antonydevanchi

I may be slow to respond.
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antonydevanchi / sendmailTest.php
Created January 27, 2013 22:04
Простой скрипт для проверки корректности установки почтовика.
mail('address@mail.tld', 'Тема письма', 'Тело письма', 'From: no-reply@yourdomain.tld');
data:text/html, <style type="text/css">.e{position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;}</style><div class="e" id="editor"></div><script src="" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script><script>var e=ace.edit("editor");e.setTheme("ace/theme/monokai");e.getSession().setMode("ace/mode/ruby");</script>
For other language: Instead of `ace/mode/ruby`, Use
Markdown -> `ace/mode/markdown`
Python -> `ace/mode/python`
C/C++ -> `ace/mode/c_cpp`
Javscript -> `ace/mode/javascript`
antonydevanchi / JSON.php
Last active December 12, 2015 09:28
Recursive version CJSON for Yii
* Recursive version CJSON
* @url
* @author (anton44eg from and Anton Smile42RU Piskunov
class JSON extends CJSON
server {
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
root /home/website/web;
rewrite ^/app\.php/?(.*)$ /$1 permanent;
try_files $uri @rewriteapp;
location @rewriteapp {
antonydevanchi /
Created September 15, 2014 19:55
Simple deploy script
DEPLOY_DATE_PREFIX=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
# Generate revision number
# EN: Debian-based shells, but may works with other systems.
# RU: Debian-based скрипты, но может работать и на других системах.
# EN: Get path to folder where placed all installed PHP modules.
# RU: Получить путь до папки где лежат все установленные PHP модули.
php -i | grep extension_dir | sed -n "s/^.*=>\s*\(\S*\)$/\1/p"
# EN: Prestissimo override default Composer installer behavior and will install
all Composer dependencies in parallel. Installation time great reduced.
mds, mds_store, cpu:
mds status: mdutil -a -s -v
defaults write persistent-apps -array-add '{"tile-type"="spacer-tile";}'; killall Dock
antonydevanchi /
Created March 9, 2017 21:36 — forked from jasesmith/
Vertical file tab list in Atom

Vertical File Tabs in Atom

Add the styles to the .atom/styles.less stylesheet in Atom.

Atom Vertical File Tabs

antonydevanchi / gist:45ce8ea43832d85f3121f1102ca13e30
Last active March 14, 2017 01:21
Laravel Custom Environment and Configuration Load
| Custom Environment and Configuration Load
| First of all, we need read what exactly environment we will service.
| If near us we have .env file, than we can read it from it.
| After that we expose environment name by variable and
| ask one of $app's methods load configuration params for us.
antonydevanchi /
Created April 18, 2018 18:31 — forked from ashrithr/
Set up kerberos on Redhat/CentOS 7

Installing Kerberos on Redhat 7

This installation is going to require 2 servers one acts as kerberos KDC server and the other machine is going to be client. Lets assume the FQDN's are (here is the domain name, make a note of the domain name here):

  • Kerberos KDC Server:
  • Kerberos Client:

Important: Make sure that both systems have their hostnames properly set and both systems have the hostnames and IP addresses of both systems in