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// 链接:
// create map
mapkey('zT', '#8Open a URL', function(){
Front.openOmnibar({type: "URLs", extra: "getAllSites"});
mapkey('<Space>', '#1Click on an Image or a button', function(){
Hints.create("img, button", Hints.dispatchMouseClick);
url: "",
## Templates for custom ##
.toArray : convert to array
java.util.Collection → $expr$.toArray(new $arrayType:guessElementType(expr)):"Object"$[0])
.toList : convert to List
ARRAY → java.util.Arrays.asList($expr$)
java.util.Collection → new java.util.ArrayList<>($expr$)
java.lang.Iterable →$expr$.spliterator(), false).collect(
java.util.Map → new ArrayList<>($expr$.entrySet())
" :actionlist可以查询所有命令
" 基本思路
" w 比如全屏、分屏
" g 跳转
" z 比如打开最近修改的文件那种了
" q 关闭标签
" e 运行/调试
" t 任务
set showmode
echo '"\e[A": history-search-backward' >> ~/.inputrc
echo '"\e[B": history-search-forward' >> ~/.inputrc
echo 'set show-all-if-ambiguous on' >> ~/.inputrc
echo 'set completion-ignore-case on' >> ~/.inputrc
echo "run ' bind -f ~/.inputrc ' to enable better history completion."