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class CreateUndoMergeActions < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :undo_merge_actions do |t|
t.uuid :person_id, null: false
t.json :undo_action, array: true, default: '{}'
add_index :undo_merge_actions, :person_id
SELECT email
JSON_EXTRACT(payload, '$.commits'),
JSON_EXTRACT(payload, '$.commits'),
apa512 / flow
Last active May 16, 2016 12:19
receive query
create stream where the response will eventually be put. if synchronous,
wait for and return the response (which may be a Cursor), otherwise connect the stream to a channel and immidiately
return the channel.
send query
get next token and send the query to the server

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am apa512 on github.
  • I am apa512 ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is C5CC 47AD 98C1 5A21 BB92 62BF F409 A949 E76D 1E40

To claim this, I am signing this object:

(defn drop-while* [pred xs]
(last (reduce-r (fn [[dropped kept] x]
(if (pred x)
[(cons x dropped) kept]
[[] (concat [x] dropped kept)]))
[[] []]
(assert (= (drop-while* even? [2 4 3 6 1]) [3 6 1]))
(assert (= (drop-while* even? [3 2 1 5]) [3 2 1 5]))
(def TwitterProfileSpec
{:twitter/username (d/spec s/Str ".ProfileHeaderCard-screennameLink > span")
:twitter/id (d/spec IntStr ".ProfileNav[data-user-id]" (d/attr :data-user-id))
:images (d/spec [s/Str] ".AdaptiveMedia-singlePhoto img" (d/attr :src))
:name (d/spec s/Str "h1.ProfileHeaderCard-name > a")
:joined-at (d/spec DateTime
(some-fn (d/attr :title) (d/attr :data-original-title))
#(f/parse date-formatter %))
:photo (d/spec s/Str ".ProfileAvatar img" (d/attr :src))
(defn index-exists? [es index]
(= 200
(:status (http/head (str (:url es) "/" index)
{:throw-exceptions false}))))
(defn next-index [es]
(let [index (some->> (:index es)
(re-find #"people_v0(\d+)$")
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- |
-- Module : XMonad.Config
-- Copyright : (c) Spencer Janssen 2007
-- License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : stable

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am apa512 on github.
  • I am apa512 ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 10BF D064 E402 95A2 0825 72C1 37A0 ADE8 B57F E659

To claim this, I am signing this object:

[vagrant@archlinux my_app]$ RUBYOPT=-W0 bundle exec srb rbi hidden-definitions
Running command: hidden-definitions
Generating: sorbet/rbi/hidden-definitions/
Requiring all of your code
LoadError: cannot load such file -- google-cloud-kms
LoadError: cannot load such file -- i18n-tasks
LoadError: cannot load such file -- minitest-stub-const
LoadError: cannot load such file -- minitest-stub_any_instance
LoadError: cannot load such file -- sidekiq-batch
LoadError: cannot load such file -- sorbet