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apaap /
Last active November 7, 2019 09:58
Simulator for ECA rules 18, 90, and 150
class LCA:
"""Simulate the Linear CA (XOR CA rule) known as Rule 90 on a circular grid
Usage: l = LCA(width) OR l = LCA(width, rule)
where width is an integer > 1 and rule is one of [18, 90, 150]"""
maxbuf = 8
def __init__(self, width, rule=90):
if rule == 18:
self.stepfun = LCA.step18
apaap /
Last active November 4, 2019 05:16
c/98 spaceship generator for Omosso
# c/98 spaceship generator
# Usage: python [<start> [<stop>]]
# where <start> is the starting value and <stop> is the final value for the
# phase of the LHS (default is 0 <= phase < 196)
# Example usage with apgluxe:
# $ cd apgmera
# $ ./ --rule b2k3acijr4ijqy6i7cs2aek3ijnqr4it5n --symmetry stdin_c98_pairs
# $ mv apgluxe apgluxe-stdin_c98_pairs
apaap /
Last active December 9, 2019 08:51
Filter glider collisions and output in format used by
# Read in unsorted glider collisions lines from all files on command line
# Output sorted collisions to first file in format
# Collisions are in a modified version of Shinjuku's component format:
# - single line containing apgcode of output constellation, followed by
# - multiple lines containing components producing that constellation with
# the out_apgcode omitted
# Input files can be in either format
# For Python3 print function
apaap /
Last active December 9, 2019 08:46
Generate 4G collisions which result in constellations of stationary objects (p1, p2, p3, or p6)
"""Generate a batch of 4 glider collisions and report those which result
in stable constellations. Converts collisions to Shinjuku's gliderset format
and outputs comp lines. This version generates a subset of 4G collisions for
use with v2.0
$ python > <compfile>.sjk
Based on popseq.c by Chris Cain
Includes a (slightly modified) version of shinjuku/ and the
apaap / 4Gconstellations.cpp
Last active October 12, 2019 16:06
Generate 4G collisions which result in constellations of stationary objects (p1, p2, p3, or p6)
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include "LifeAPI.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int pops[16], allpops[256];
char s[1024], line[1024];
s[0] = 0;
apaap /
Created October 10, 2019 08:29
# Python script for Golly to count active cells within the envelope of a moving pattern
# Count active cells within the envelope of a moving pattern
import golly as g
import numpy as np
r = g.getrect()
if not r:
g.exit('No pattern')
patt = g.getcells(r)
apaap /
Last active August 9, 2019 08:40 — forked from vyznev/
Generate Logic Life Search (LLS) input grid for finding spaceships and oscillators, with additional features not yet supported natively by LSS (like strobing background and gradually moving search area).
import re
import sys
import argparse
def fail(msg):
sys.stderr.write(sys.argv[0] + ": " + msg + "\n")
apaap /
Last active July 31, 2019 06:09
A rudimentary sss pattern viewer for Golly
# v0.3
# Golly Python script to peview patterns in sss format
# Author: Arie Paap
import re
import time
from timeit import default_timer as timer
import golly as g
# Check if pattern is in view and shift view / resize if necessary
apaap / README.txt
Last active October 10, 2019 09:28
Random state distribution rule
# Random State Distribution
A rule generator for Golly to create a random state distributor rule
The rule is intended to convert a two state random soup pattern into an n-state random soup. The rule has (n+1)-states where the additional state is state 1. All state 1 cells will become cells with state 2 -> n after the first generation, with the resulting state being dependent on the neighbourhood configuration of the cell.
This could potentially be used with apgsearch to generate multi-state soups in rules where 2-sate soups don't show the full dynamics of the rule.
This project contains three separate files:
A Golly Python script to generate a rule file (can be run from clipboard).