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(import '(javax.swing JFrame JTextField JLabel JOptionPane JPanel JPasswordField)
'(java.awt Font Color Graphics2D))
(use '
(defn exec [session cmd]
(let [channel (.openChannel session "exec")
reader (reader (.getInputStream channel))]
(.setCommand channel cmd)
(.connect channel)
(let [rv (doall (take-while #(not (nil? %)) (repeatedly #(.readLine reader))))]
(require '[clojure.contrib.string :as s])
(def precedence {"*" 2
"/" 2
"+" 1
"-" 1})
(def ops {"+" +
"*" *
"-" -
//Changes filter: "conflicts": "function(doc, req) { if(doc._conflicts) { return true; } else { return false; }}"
var dbase = 'focus';
var ddoc = 'app';
var sys = require('sys'),
couchdb = require('node-couchdb/lib/couchdb'),
client = couchdb.createClient(5984, ''),
db = client.db(dbase),
changes = db.changesStream({filter: ddoc + '/conflicts'});
(ns sector
(:require [clj-http.client :as http])
(:use [clojure.contrib.json]))
(def couch "")
(def db (str couch "tagged/"))
(def view (str db "_design/merge/_view/tags"))
;;Just using rqc to record how many rqs are made.
(def rqc (agent 0))
var http = require('http'),
httpProxy = require('http-proxy'),
url = require('url');
var doproxy = false; //use true if we want to place this in front of another server
//could be worth it if we're sitting in front of apache instead of an evented server?
var lport = 4881;
var rport = 81;
var rhost = '';
var targetuid = 'www-data';
apage43 / ticktock.erl
Created October 5, 2011 14:23
erlang timer
-export([tick/1, tock/1, report/1]).
tick(T) ->
erlang:put({tick, T}, os:timestamp()).
tock(T) ->
erlang:put({total, T}, timer:now_diff(os:timestamp(), erlang:get({tick, T}))
+ case erlang:get({total, T}) of
f(Vals), f(Mals).
Vals = [{insert, iolist_to_binary([<<"test">>, io_lib:format("~6..0B", [X])]), {X, {X, <<1>>}, 0, 0, 5}} || X <- lists:seq(1,20000)].
Mals = [{insert, iolist_to_binary([<<"test">>, io_lib:format("~6..0B", [X*2])]), {X, {X, <<1>>}, 0, 0, 10}} || X <- lists:seq(1,20000)].
f(D), f(F), f(B).
couch_server:delete(<<"testdb">>, []).
{ok,#db{docinfo_by_id_btree = B, fd = F} = D} = couch_server:create(<<"testdb">>, []).
f(NB), f(ND).
{ok, _, NB} = btree_nif:query_modify_raw_native(D, B, Vals).
#!/usr/bin/env coffee
Couchstore = require './couchstore'
db = new Couchstore 'cstest.couch'
create = (cb) ->
docset = ((db.newdoc 'doc' + x, {testkey: 'testval' + x}) for x in [1..20])
db.save_multi docset, (err) ->
dump = (fin) ->
#!/usr/bin/env coffee
fs = require 'fs'
program = require 'commander'
tpls = {
pop: {
hdr: ""
word: (word) ->
SET POP, 0x#{word.toString(16)}\n
apage43 / cloxotest.clj
Created April 9, 2012 13:07
DCPU16 Code-generation DSL
(ns cloxo.testapp
(use [cloxo.instr :only (add-label add-blob add-code save-app)]))
(def dprintstr
;; We only add to the global namespace when we need to
'[^{:label :dprintstr} ^:export
^{:label :loop}
(SET [+ :screen I] POP)