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Jim Wrubel apangeajwrubel

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apangeajwrubel / gist:4953849
Created February 14, 2013 16:11
our unicorn config
rails_env = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || 'production'
preload_app true
# number of workers - makes sure this matches memory config
worker_processes Integer(ENV['UNICORN_WORKERS'] || 2)
# restart workers if request takes too long
timeout Integer(ENV['UNICORN_TIMEOUT'] || 25)
# Only allow reasonable backlog of requests per worker
module.exports = {
pivotal: {
sprintly: {
apangeajwrubel / gist:4025370
Created November 6, 2012 15:21
Triathletes make great developers

My name is Jim Wrubel - I'm the Chief Technical Officer at Think Through Math, one of Highgroove's clients. In my spare time (such as it is) I'm a long-course triathlete and marathoner. Recently we partnered with Highgroove to rebuild our core e-learning platform. During the process I realized that there are a lot of similarities between training for an endurance event like triathlon and launching a major web initiative.

###The work you put in during the build determines your success in the event. If you haven't put in the time, no amount of last-minute workouts or coding will make up for it. This is something developers know instinctively - unfortunately it's not common knowledge among managers. Also, in product launches and major races, you usually have a specific date that is set in stone. But if you haven't done the work in the months leading up to the event, be prepared for a rough day. Coincidentally, training for an Ironman and developing a significant web app both take about the same amount of effor