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appel / ubuntu-terminal-padding.txt
Last active October 25, 2023 11:20 — forked from sketchbuch/ubuntu-terminal-padding.txt
Add padding to Gnome Terminal
Add padding to Gnome Terminal
$ sudo nano .config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css
Add the following to gtk.css and restart Terminal:
vte-terminal {
appel / docker-compose.yml
Created August 13, 2023 10:35 — forked from Webreaper/docker-compose.yml
Sample Docker-compose file which shows how to set up Sonarr, Radarr, Prowlarr, Lidarr, QBittorrent and a VPN container so that all all traffic from the containers is routed through the VPN. Also includes Plex and get_iplayer containers, which are not routed through the VPN.
# Docker compose to set up containers for all services you need:
# Sonarr, Radarr, Lidarr, Qbittorrent
# Non-VPN
# Plex, get_iplayer
# Before running docker-compose, you should pre-create all of the following folders.
# Folders for Docker State:
# /volume1/dockerdata. - root where this docker-compose.yml should live
# /volume1/dockerdata/plex - Plex config and DB
# /volume1/dockerdata/sonarr - Sonarr config and DB
appel /
Last active October 5, 2023 16:22 — forked from abobija/
LAMP stack on WSL2 (Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS) - Apache, MySQL, PHP

LAMP stack on WSL2 (Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS) - Apache, MySQL, PHP


sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade 
sudo apt install -y apache2

Install single PHP version

appel / index.html
Created August 2, 2021 19:43 — forked from jsanta/index.html
PWA index.html file for Android and iOS copy & paste enabled
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Ionic App</title>
<base href="/" />
appel / bookmarklet.html
Created August 23, 2020 11:37 — forked from codepunkt/bookmarklet.html
Toggle Style-Elements
<a href="javascript:(function(d,g,a,b,c,e,f,h,n,t,u,w,x){f=function(e,o,k){for(k in o)e.setAttribute(k,o[k])};c=function(e){return d.createElement(e)};n=function(s){return d.createTextNode(s)};a=function(e,c,k){for(k in c)e.appendChild(c[k])};w=c(g);h=c(g);t=n('Toggle Style-Elements');u=c('ul');b=d.querySelector('body');x='position:fixed;top:0;right:0;z-index:99999;margin:0;padding:0;background:#f4fff4;color:#99ad85;font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;border:1px solid #bada55;border-top-width:0;border-right-width:0;border-bottom-left-radius:10px;';e=d.getElementById('tcss');if(b&&e)f(e,{style:x+('none'?'':'display:none')});else if(b){f(w,{id:'tcss',style:x});f(h,{style:'font:20px Georgia,serif;padding:10px;margin:0;background:#dae7da;color:#693'});f(u,{style:'margin:0;padding:10px;list-style-type:disc'});f(u,{style:'margin:0;padding:10px;list-style-type:disc;'});a(b,[w]);a(w,[h,u]);a(h,[t]);[],i,l,m,y,z){y='margin:0 0 0 20px;padding:0;cursor:point
appel / notepad2-solarized.ini
Created August 9, 2019 16:39 — forked from gene-pavlovsky/notepad2-solarized.ini
Solarized Dark and Light color schemes for Notepad2-mod
[Default Text]
FileNameExtensions=txt; text; wtx; log; asc; doc; diz; nfo
Default Style=font:Consolas; size:11; fore:#93a1a1; back:#002b36
Margins and Line Numbers=size:-1; fore:#657b83; back:#073642
Matching Braces=size:+1; bold; fore:#dc322f; back:#073642
Matching Braces Error=size:+1; underline; fore:#dc322f; back:#073642
Control Characters (Font)=size:-1
Indentation Guide (Color)=fore:#073642
Selected Text (Colors)=eolfilled; fore:#eee8d5; back:#586e75
Whitespace (Colors, Size 0-5)=fore:#d33682
appel / background-scroll.js
Last active April 5, 2019 20:22 — forked from cheh/background-scroll.js
Slow down background image scroll speed
var body = document.body,
doc = document.documentElement,
hAlign = 'center',
divideBy = 4;
{ = hAlign + " " + (0 - (Math.max(doc.scrollTop, body.scrollTop) / divideBy)) + "px";
appel / address-lookup.js
Last active May 3, 2018 14:57 — forked from luk3thomas/address-lookup.js
jQuery address lookup
;(function($, google, window, document, undefined){
var pluginName = "addressLookup",
defaults = {
"namespace": "al" ,
"input": "#address-lookup"
function Plugin(element, options) {
this.element = element;
$.fn.scrollLock=function(){return $(this).on("DOMMouseScroll mousewheel",function(h){var g=$(this),f=this.scrollTop,d=this.scrollHeight,b=g.height(),i=h.originalEvent.wheelDelta,a=i>0,c=function(){h.stopPropagation();h.preventDefault();h.returnValue=false;return false};if(!a&&-i>d-b-f){g.scrollTop(d);return c()}else{if(a&&i>f){g.scrollTop(0);return c()}}})};$.fn.scrollRelease=function(){return $(this).off("DOMMouseScroll mousewheel")};