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aprilmintacpineda /
Last active September 7, 2021 07:30
Bubble sort implementations in JS, PHP, PY, and Java with tests and performance measurement.

Fun with JS, PHP, PY, and Java

Lots of developers argue about which programming language should be used to do this and that, in reality, all their answers are hugely affected by self bias, most of the time, programmers would use something in favor of something else because of comfortability, they are simply more comfortable using whatever they chose.

All high-level programming languages are pretty much alike, they were built on top of the same concepts, there's MVC in PHP, Java, JavaScript, Python, .NET, etc., they may differ in syntax, but at their very core, they are alike. Much like humans, we differ in color, height, body size, etc., but at our very core, we're all alike, but they differ in terms of speed, like humans differ in intelligence.

So, I made a bubble sort implementation in Java, JavaScript, PHP, and Python. If you don't know the bubble sort algorithm yet and you want to know, then read the [pseudocode](

aprilmintacpineda / .eslintrc.js
Last active December 9, 2020 08:49
Code formatting
module.exports = {
env: {
browser: true,
node: true,
es6: true,
'jest/globals': true
root: true,
plugins: ['jest', 'react'],
extends: [
aprilmintacpineda / nested-fql-template.js
Created June 18, 2020 05:23 — forked from ptpaterson/nested-fql-manual.js
Template for building deeply nested FQL queries for FaunaDB
const baseQuery = q.Paginate(q.Match(q.Index(indexName), terms));
// or
// const baseQuery = q.Paginate(q.Collection(collectionName))
const expandedQuery = q.Map(baseQuery, (ref) =>
instance: q.Get(q.Var('ref'))
aprilmintacpineda /
Created May 3, 2020 09:21 — forked from HyperBrain/
Serverless Lifecycle Cheat Sheet

Serverless plugin author's cheat sheet

This cheat sheet provides a detailed overview of the exposed lifecycle events and available commands (and entrypoints) of the Serverless framework, that can be hooked by plugins (internal and external ones). The document is structured by the commands invoked by the user.

Lifecycle events are shown as the globally available outer events (all providers) and sub lifecycle events that are provider specific in the called order. Currently only the AWS provider is shown. If you have information about the other provider,

aprilmintacpineda / serverless.yml
Created April 30, 2020 12:28 — forked from DavidWells/serverless.yml
DynamoDB custom index serverless.yml example
service: service-name
name: aws
runtime: nodejs6.10
handler: handler.myfunc
aprilmintacpineda /
Created February 9, 2020 12:31 — forked from bradtraversy/
Node app deploy with nginx & SSL

Node.js Deployment

Steps to deploy a Node.js app to DigitalOcean using PM2, NGINX as a reverse proxy and an SSL from LetsEncrypt

1. Sign up for Digital Ocean

If you use the referal link below, you get $10 free (1 or 2 months)

2. Create a droplet and log in via ssh

I will be using the root user, but would suggest creating a new user

aprilmintacpineda /
Last active January 25, 2020 04:41 — forked from ygotthilf/
How to generate JWT RS256 key
# Don't add passphrase
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -m PEM -f jwt.key
openssl rsa -in jwt.key -pubout -outform PEM -out
# remove the you don't need it
rm -rf
cat jwt.key
aprilmintacpineda /
Last active November 26, 2018 04:29
JS code speed tests

Looping through elements

  • Accesses length property every loop.
  • Accesses length property only once and saves it into a constant.
  • Uses forEach method.

Removing an element of an array

aprilmintacpineda / gist:db6239d54909ff044a45ead1bd583cc0
Created June 10, 2018 03:14 — forked from rxaviers/gist:7360908
Complete list of github markdown emoji markup


:bowtie: :bowtie: 😄 :smile: 😆 :laughing:
😊 :blush: 😃 :smiley: ☺️ :relaxed:
😏 :smirk: 😍 :heart_eyes: 😘 :kissing_heart:
😚 :kissing_closed_eyes: 😳 :flushed: 😌 :relieved:
😆 :satisfied: 😁 :grin: 😉 :wink:
😜 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: 😝 :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: 😀 :grinning:
😗 :kissing: 😙 :kissing_smiling_eyes: 😛 :stuck_out_tongue:
aprilmintacpineda /
Created May 19, 2018 13:27 — forked from bradtraversy/
Basic Shell Scripting
#! /bin/bash
# echo Hello World!
# Uppercase by convention
# Letters, numbers, underscores
# echo "My name is $NAME"