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{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+n"], "command": "new_window" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+w"], "command": "close_window" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+o"], "command": "prompt_open_file" },
// { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+t"], "command": "reopen_last_file" },
{ "keys": ["alt+o"], "command": "switch_file", "args": {"extensions": ["cpp", "cxx", "cc", "c", "hpp", "hxx", "h", "ipp", "inl", "m", "mm"]} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+n"], "command": "new_file" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+s"], "command": "save" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+s"], "command": "save_all" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+f4"], "command": "close_file" },
sudo apt-get install -y autoconf bison build-essential flex libelf-dev libncurses-dev libssl-dev libtool libudev-dev
sudo dnf install git bc diffutils make gcc flex bison openssl-devel elfutils-libelf-devel ncurses-devel kmod unzip
#get kernel version
uname -r
# get matching version, this is mine
# Author: Aram Grigorian <>
# By default, nginx will close upstream connections after every request.
# The upstream-keepalive module tries to remedy this by keeping a certain minimum number of
# persistent connections open at all times to upstreams. These connections are re-used for
# all requests, regardless of downstream connection source. There are options available
# for load balacing clients to the same upstreams more consistently.
# This is all designed around the reverse proxy case, which is nginxs main purpose.