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arawup /
Last active October 22, 2023 05:52
Krita Thumnailer doesn't support spaces in filename in Linux

The krita thumbnailer normally used, found online or documented doesn't make previews for file names with a space

Ex: test file.kra(won't have a preview) testfile.kra(will have a preview)

Solution Update the thumbnailer and clear cahed failed thumbnails:

Why this solution, I believe the %i and %o variables aren't being passed properly when they have spaces

I tried it without them, cleared the thumbnails .cache and it doesn't work without the quotes around those

arawup /
Last active October 22, 2023 05:32
Blender Flatpak thumbnailer fix
#we makes a symlink to the flatpak binaries
#because even if i changed the thumbnailer exec path to the flatpak;
#it will still attempt to fetch blender from usr/bin
#OS: pop os/ubuntu/debian
sudo ln ~/.local/share/flatpak/app/org.blender.Blender/current/active/files/blender/blender-thumbnailer /usr/bin
sudo ln ~/.local/share/flatpak/app/org.blender.Blender/current/active/files/blender/blender /usr/bin
echo "[Thumbnailer Entry]