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Alexei Baboulevitch archagon

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import sys
import operator
import os
from random import shuffle
def main(args):
if (len(args) == 2):
data = parse(args[1])
archagon / quine.m
Created June 14, 2012 19:49
My first quine.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
char* code = "#include <stdio.h>\n#include <string.h>\n\nint main(void)\n{\n char* code = \"%s\";\n\n int len = strlen(code);\n int tokenStarted = 0;\n for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)\n {\n char c = code[i];\n\n if (tokenStarted == 1)\n {\n if (c == 's')\n {\n for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)\n {\n char d = code[j];\n\n if (d == '\\n')\n {\n putchar('\\\\');\n putchar('n');\n }\n else if (d == '\\\"')\n {\n putchar('\\\\');\n putchar('\\\"');\n }\n else if (d == '\\\\')\n {\n putchar('\\\\');\n putchar('\\\\');\n }\n else\n
archagon /
Created September 28, 2012 07:03
A script that downloads videos from YouTube playlists, extracts their audio, and only downloads missing files each time it's run. Also generates an iTunes-compliant podcast xml file for private hosting purposes. Requires youtube-dl, ffmpeg, and ffprobe.
# YouTube playlist audio retreiver and iTunes-compliant podcast XML generation tool.
# This script will download each video file from the specified YouTube playlist, losslessly extract
# the audio, delete the video, and ultimately produce an iTunes-compliant podcast XML with the
# appropriate metadata, including chapter markers (if provided in the description). If you run the
# script again, only videos that haven't already been converted will be downloaded, allowing you to
# schedule the script to run as often as needed without stressing your internet connection or
# hard drive space. After generating the files and xml, you can easily host them on a local server
# in order to use them with iTunes or your favorite podcast aggregator -- but that's beyond this
# script's jurisdiction.
archagon /
Last active March 21, 2024 19:04
A quick and dirty script to download GDC Vault videos.
# GDC Vault videos can't be watched on mobile devices and this is a very sad thing indeed!
# (Note: this has changed for GDC2013, which lets you watch raw MP4 streams. Kudos!)
# This script is designed to circumvent this by downloading the lecture and slideshow
# videos which can then be re-encoded into whatever format you wish. Obviously, you
# won't be able to do this without access to the Vault. This is strictly for the
# convenience of legitimate Vault users!
# Note: this code is rather flimsy and was written as fast as possible for my own personal use.
# The code only works for the most recent GDC Vault videos, since they all use the same player
# format. If the XML format used to run the player is changed (as it has in the past), the code
archagon /
Last active October 12, 2015 22:08
Quickly converts h264 videos into an iOS-compatible format by only re-encoding the audio. (I wasn't aware of any software that did this when I first wrote the script. Recently, I discovered that MP4tools does the job quite nicely, and additionally Subler works great for retrieving metadata and converting subtitles. As a result, I'm abandoning wo…
# This script takes a video and remuxes it as an iOS-compatible video, re-encoding the audio if necessary.
# Note that the video WILL NOT be re-encoded. The script will fail if the video is not h264.
# Requires ffmpeg, ffprobe, and afconvert to be installed.
import re
import os
import sys
archagon /
Last active March 10, 2023 13:44
A quick and dirty script to convert GDC Vault videos to a pleasant mobile viewing format.
# This script continues the work of and actually combines the video and audio
# into a single video file. The underlay.png file specifies the dimensions of the video.
# Personally, I use an all-black 1024x768 rectangle for optimal iPad viewing.
# As with, code quality is crappy and quickly assembled to work for my
# nefarious purposes.
# Usage is as follows:
# [video name] [video path] [output name] [GDC name]
archagon /
Created May 13, 2013 21:14
Reusable util file. Now with custom ANSI colors!
import __main__
import os
_ansi_color_codes = {
archagon /
Last active November 20, 2018 00:14
A quick bit of code to generate PDFs from scans, using the iText open-source library.
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import com.itextpdf.text.Document;
import com.itextpdf.text.DocumentException;
import com.itextpdf.text.Image;
import com.itextpdf.text.Rectangle;
archagon /
Created June 10, 2013 11:05
A quick bit of code to generate PDFs from scans, using the iText open-source library.
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import com.itextpdf.text.Document;
import com.itextpdf.text.DocumentException;
import com.itextpdf.text.Image;
import com.itextpdf.text.Rectangle;
archagon / robocopy-backup
Last active January 22, 2024 03:38
A bunch of robocopy flags to help backup an external drive.
robocopy /b /e /xa:s /xjd /sl /a-:hs /mt /v /fp /eta /log:"D:\To\Directory\transfer.log" /tee "C:\From\Directory" "D:\To\Directory"
(Note that the paths don't have a trailing backslash.)
/b -- backup mode (there's a /zb option for restart mode, but it's a whole lot slower)
/e -- copies subdirectories (including empty directories) in addition to files
/xa:s -- exclude system files
/xjd -- exclude junction points
/sl -- copy symbolic links as links
/a-:hs -- remove hidden/system attributes from files