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package main
import (
# This script installs and configures the Serf agent that runs on
# every node. As with the other scripts, this should probably be done with
# formal configuration management, but a shell script is simple as well.
# The SERF_ROLE environmental variable must be passed into this script
# in order to set the role of the machine. This should be either "lb" or
# "web".
def unicode_hammer(s):
if !isinstance(s, unicode):
return s
for enc in ("utf-8","utf-16", "utf-32", "latin-1"):
return s.encode(enc, "replace")
return s
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create the env
env, err := mdb.NewEnv()

Consul Consistency

As Kyle brought up, Consul at the moment has a single known case of a potential inconsistency (Could be unknown cases lurking). Currently Consul works by electing a leader, who "leases" the position for LeaderLeaseTimeout interval. At each interval, it checks that a quorum of nodes still believes it to be the leader. At the same time, if a follower does not hear from the leader within randomInterva(HeartbeatTimeout, 2 * HeartbeatTimeout), it will start a new election.

package main
import (
Prefix: fb40ef7c-9d4d-b23d-f6fc-a14777c327e7
1) Create table "kvs"
2) Create table "kvs_id_idx"
3) For insert:
a) Insert into kvs (rowid, data blob)
b) Insert into kvs_id_idx (key, rowid)
4) For delete:
a) Iterate across kvs_id_idx
b) Delete kvs where rowid matches
# [ANN] Consul 0.2 Release
We released Consul 0.1 exactly two weeks ago, and today we are releasing 0.2.
This is a very exciting release for a few reasons:
* Release of the Web UI. Consul now ships with an easy to use interface that
gives access to all the key information. We have a live demo running across
3 datacenters here:
* New read consistency modes. After feedback from the community, we introduced
# jdyer at MacBook-Pro.local in ~/Projects/consul [15:48:45]
$ dig @localhost -p 8600 _sip._udp.service.consul srv
; <<>> DiG 9.10.0-P2 <<>> @localhost -p 8600 _sip._udp.service.consul srv
; (3 servers found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 5926
;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available