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arn-e / gist:1584078
Created January 9, 2012 17:45
Document Review and the High Cost of Civil Litigation
Document Review and the High Cost of Civil Litigation
Despite soaring discovery costs, the legal industry has by many accounts been slow to adapt to
the 21st century. Legal discovery refers to the initial phase of litigation during which the
disputing parties exchange information relevant to the case. Today, the majority of material
gathered consists of electronically stored information (ESI). ESI is an umbrella term used to
describe all electronic data, including e-mail (Outlook, Entourage, EML / RFC-2822) and e-docs
(PDF, plain text).
Traditionally, ESI has been reviewed in what is called a *linear* fashion. This means teams of
arn-e / newton_root.rb
Created September 8, 2012 06:19
Newton Root Work
def newton_root(n)
puts "\nvalue : #{n}"
guess = Math.sqrt(n)-4
puts "start : #{guess}"
for i in 1..9
guess = (n/guess + guess)/2
puts "guess #{i} : #{guess}"
puts "result : #{guess}"
return guess
arn-e / calc_fiboncci.rb
Created September 11, 2012 07:46
Newton Fibonacci
require 'benchmark'
def is_fibonacci?(i)
until b >= i
return true if b == i
arn-e / newton_fibonacci_2.rb
Created September 11, 2012 10:15
Newton Fibonacci 2
require 'benchmark'
def is_fibonacci?(i)
x, x1 = 5 * (i * i) + 4, 5 * (i * i) - 4
y, y1 = (newton_root(5 * (i * i) + 4)).to_i, (newton_root(5 * (i * i) - 4)).to_i
(y**2) == x || (y1**2) == x1 ? true : false
def newton_root(n)
if (Math.sqrt(n)).infinite?
arn-e / newton_fibonacci_updated.rb
Created September 11, 2012 10:41
Newton Fibonacci Updated
require 'benchmark'
@mod_256 = [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196, 225, 0, 33, 68, 105, 185, 228, 17, 113, 164, 217, 73, 132, 193, 65, 201, 89, 241, 145, 57, 233, 161, 97, 41, 249, 209, 177, 153, 137, 129]
def approx_root(n)
return n if n < 100
len, divisor = ((n.to_s.length - 3) / 2), 10
1.upto(len) {|i| divisor = divisor * 10}
return n / divisor
arn-e / solve_combinations.rb
Created September 17, 2012 15:57
class SpeedDialPermutations
def average_time(set,iterations,perm,target = get_combinations(set).sample)
avg_arr = []
for i in 0..iterations
avg_arr.push get_combinations(set).shuffle.index(target)
return ((avg_arr.inject(:+).to_f / avg_arr.size)*4)/60
arn-e / babycrypto.rb
Created September 20, 2012 00:30
class BabyCrypto
def decrypt(key, value)
((key.class == Fixnum) || (key.to_i != 0)) ? offset = {|i| i.to_i} : offset = calc_offset(key)
decrypted, off_i = [], 1
value.split('').each_with_index do |val, i|
val.ord >= 97 && val.ord <= 122 ? dist = val.ord + (offset[off_i -1] % 26) : dist = val.ord
dist > 122 && dist!= val.ord ? (decrypted.push (122 - (26 - (dist - 122))).chr) : (decrypted.push dist.chr)
off_i % (offset.length) == 0 ? off_i = 1 : off_i = off_i + 1
arn-e / char_anal1.rb
Created September 20, 2012 04:18
character analysis 1
def freq_analysis(msg)
freq,msg_arr,sum =,msg.split(''),0
msg_arr.each_with_index {|i,j| msg_arr.delete_at(j) if i == " "}.each {|i| freq[i],sum = freq[i] + 1,sum +1}
return freq.each {|a,b| freq[a] = calc_perc(b,sum)}.sort_by {|i,j| j}.reverse
arn-e / single_key.rb
Created September 20, 2012 04:29
decrypt single key
def decrypt_single_key(key,value)
offset,decrypted, off_i = key,[] , 1
value.split('').each_with_index do |val, i|
val.ord >= 97 && val.ord <= 122 ? dist = (val.ord + offset % 26) : dist = val.ord
dist > 122 && dist!= val.ord ? (decrypted.push (122 - (26 - (dist - 122))).chr) : (decrypted.push dist.chr)
return decrypted.join
arn-e / single_key_encrypt.rb
Created September 20, 2012 04:35
encrypt single key
def encrypt_single_key(key,value)
offset,encrypted, off_i = key,[] , 1
value.split('').each_with_index do |val, i|
val.ord >= 97 && val.ord <= 122 ? dist = val.ord - (offset % 26) : dist = val.ord
dist < 97 && dist != val.ord ? (encrypted.push (122 - (97 - (dist+1))).chr) : (encrypted.push dist.chr)
return encrypted.join