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bdarnell /
Created July 9, 2011 20:41
Demonstration of sharing file descriptors across processes
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""This is a demonstration of sharing file descriptors across processes.
It uses Tornado (need a recent post-2.0 version from github) and the
multiprocessing module (from python 2.6+). To run it, start one copy
of and one or more copies of (in different
terminals, or backgrounded, etc). Fetch http://localhost:8000 and
you'll see the requests getting answered by different processes (it's
normal for several requests to go to the same process under light
load, but under heavier load it tends to even out).
cuadue / cubism-websockets.html
Created September 3, 2013 17:43
Streaming data to cubism.js with websockets
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset='utf-8'>
<title>Cubism + Websockets</title>
<script language='javascript' src='d3.min.js'></script>
<script language='javascript' src='cubism.v1.js'></script>
<script language='javascript'>
/* I can never seem to remember:
Array.push() appends to the end, and returns the new length
# stop on errors and undeclared variables
set -e -u -o pipefail
err() {
echo "[$(date +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z')]: $@" >&2
arnehormann / must.go
Created September 23, 2013 10:58
usage example for reflect.MakeFunc: create panic-on-error wrappers which do not pass the error (in a comfortable but probably rather slow way)
import "reflect"
// assumption for fptr: func with error as last argument
func makeMust(fptr interface{}) {
must := func(in []reflect.Value) []reflect.Value {
if err := in[len(in)-1]; !err.IsNil() {
return in[:len(in)-1]
minikomi / persona.go
Last active December 11, 2015 06:59
mozilla persona test
package main
import (