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arsanto /
Created February 4, 2016 22:46 — forked from wvega/
Instructions to install FFMPEG from sources in CentOS 6
# Based on
# Remove ffmpeg-related packages
yum remove ffmpeg SDL alsa-lib celt enca ffmpeg-libs flac fontconfig fribidi gsm lame-libs libICE libSM libXdamage libXext libXfixes libXi libXtst libXxf86vm libass libasyncns libcdio libdc1394 libogg liboil libraw1394 librtmp libsndfile libtheora libusb1 libv4l libva libvorbis mesa-dri-drivers mesa-dri-filesystem mesa-dri1-drivers mesa-libGL mesa-private-llvm openal-soft openjpeg-libs pulseaudio-libs schroedinger speex x264-libs xvidcore
# Compile ffmpeg from sources, as explained in
yum install autoconf automake gcc gcc-c++ git libtool make nasm pkgconfig zlib-devel
arsanto / youtube-dlxffmpeg
Created February 4, 2016 22:49 — forked from aerouk/youtube-dlxffmpeg
youtube-dl x ffmpeg installer [centos]
# youtube-dl & ffmpeg installer script
# by aerouk
# youtube-dl
sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl
# ffmpeg