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artemii235 / my_recent_swaps
Created June 10, 2019 17:30
"result": {
"from_uuid": null,
"limit": 1,
"skipped": 0,
"swaps": [
"error_events": [
artemii235 / order status
Last active May 27, 2019 15:12
order status
"available_amount": "998",
"order": {
"base": "BEER",
"created_at": 1558969594770,
"matches": {
"3a659f0a-3c9b-4d93-83b9-3a69b39d71de": {
"connect": {
"dest_pub_key": "5a2f1c468b7083c4f7649bf68a50612ffe7c38b1d62e1ece3829ca88e7e7fd12",
"maker_order_uuid": "521bfab7-1063-4daf-a3c2-546b40a6247f",
artemii235 / KMDBTC
Created May 4, 2019 04:24
KMD/BTC swap
"result": {
"from_uuid": null,
"limit": 1,
"skipped": 0,
"swaps": [
"error_events": [
artemii235 / My swap
Created March 27, 2019 11:00
My swap status response
artemii235 / Taker on anroid
Created March 15, 2019 11:31
android 4g laptop wifi slow swap
15 10:59:57, mm2:191] BarterDEX MarketMaker UNKNOWN
RPCport.0 remoteport.-1, nanoports 47762 47772 47782
15 10:59:57, lp_native_dex:1573] showwif.0 version: UNKNOWN 2455984605
15 10:59:58, lp_native_dex:1660] lp_init] Trying to fetch the real IP from '' ...
😅 2019-03-15 17:59:58 +0700 [myipaddr] We couldn't bind on the external IP (port 47772), so NAT is likely to be present. We'll be okay though.
15 10:59:58, lp_native_dex:1739] lp_init] Listening on tcp:// (LP_mypubsock 0)
😅 2019-03-15 17:59:58 +0700 [coin BTC no-conf] Warning, coin BTC is used without a corresponding configuration.
cant open.(/root/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf)
15 11:00:00, lp_coins:906] ticker = "BTC", method = "electrum", block_count = 0
artemii235 / Maker on laptop
Created March 15, 2019 11:29
android 4g laptop wifi slow swap
15 11:00:38, mm2:188] BarterDEX MarketMaker UNKNOWN
15 11:00:38, lp_native_dex:1589] showwif.0 version: UNKNOWN 2455984605
15 11:00:38, lp_native_dex:1675] lp_init] Trying to fetch the real IP from '' ...
😅 2019-03-15 18:00:39 +0700 [myipaddr] We couldn't bind on the external IP (port 47772), so NAT is likely to be present. We'll be okay though.
15 11:00:39, lp_native_dex:1754] lp_init] Listening on tcp:// (LP_mypubsock 0)
😅 2019-03-15 18:00:39 +0700 [coin BTC no-conf] Warning, coin BTC is used without a corresponding configuration.
15 11:00:39, lp_coins:912] ticker = "BTC", method = "electrum", block_count = 0
😅 2019-03-15 18:00:39 +0700 [coin KMD no-conf] Warning, coin KMD is used without a corresponding configuration.
15 11:00:40, lp_coins:912] ticker = "KMD", method = "electrum", block_count = 0
15 11:00:40, peers:1217] initialize] netid 9999 public key 053001f139a5e91efa985b7b3cc11d2a99006664ce9b761b25905d95a842d304 preferred port 47773 drill false
./komodo-cli -ac_name=COQUI decoderawtransaction 0400008085202f8901c4950b165676e676641228c36ec845ed0b2b9e48c7ac70177d1607db14ea5d01000000006b483045022100e5f3409f95ea839bbcee6e5c0f72a80ed4819dd189987d77cb1530b62caebd6002207503518cea5f48f083d56426096ade03d3b2c191c5a4c2646ad7da785635d6f0012103851587da4e07502926555ddaa7c95adaa6b29a31b8093b4b0432b88c545f46fdffffffff02ef2a0c000000000017a9142a54ebd277859fbbc5bbf4e3fa3ae4ea629178b9879f350c00000000001976a9143a648d95e1306217485e6e8de001d19d085a69c688ac00000000000000000000000000000000000000
"txid": "2690a02b85d773f0fae9b5ee9ec96aa29c6726e2c3e70b2a60b1e06c76f05541",
"overwintered": true,
"version": 4,
"versiongroupid": "892f2085",
"locktime": 0,
"expiryheight": 0,
"vin": [
rm -rf blocks chainstate komodostate komodostate.ind notarisations db.log debug.log
root@Ubuntu-1604-xenial-64-minimal /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/SuperNET_master-BNQWGAVQ3JNPY22ZFFNOGEPEDEB7VECZKZD6L47HIZJRAS6QYXZQ # docker-compose logs seednode
Attaching to supernetmasterbnqwgavq3jnpy22zffnogepedeb7veczkzd6l47hizjras6qyxzq_seednode_1
seednode_1 | BarterDEX Marketmaker UNKNOWN
seednode_1 | RPCport.0 remoteport.-1, nanoports 47762 47772 47782
seednode_1 | showwif.0 version: UNKNOWN 2455984605
seednode_1 | >>>>>>>>> myipaddr.(tcp://*:47772) (tcp:// valid.1 pubbindaddr.tcp://*:47772 pubsock.0
seednode_1 | BTC, cant open.(/home/jenkins/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf)
seednode_1 | BTC inactive.0
seednode_1 | KMD, OOT.2 cant open.(/home/jenkins/.komodo/OOT/OOT.conf)
seednode_1 | ETH.3 cant open.(/home/jenkins/.ethereum/ethereum.conf)
root@Ubuntu-1604-xenial-64-minimal /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/SuperNET_master-BNQWGAVQ3JNPY22ZFFNOGEPEDEB7VECZKZD6L47HIZJRAS6QYXZQ # docker-compose logs clientnode
Attaching to supernetmasterbnqwgavq3jnpy22zffnogepedeb7veczkzd6l47hizjras6qyxzq_clientnode_1
clientnode_1 | BarterDEX Marketmaker UNKNOWN
clientnode_1 | RPCport.0 remoteport.-1, nanoports 47762 47772 47782
clientnode_1 | showwif.0 version: UNKNOWN 2455984605
clientnode_1 | BTC, cant open.(/home/jenkins/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf)
clientnode_1 | BTC inactive.1542268723
clientnode_1 | KMD, OOT.2 cant open.(/home/jenkins/.komodo/OOT/OOT.conf)
clientnode_1 | ETH.3 cant open.(/home/jenkins/.ethereum/ethereum.conf)
clientnode_1 | EOS.4 cant open.(/home/jenkins/.EOS/EOS.conf)