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Arunas Skirius arukompas

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arukompas /
Created June 22, 2019 10:20
A bash script to switch PHP versions on your local MacOS development with Apache or Laravel Valet
# Creator: Phil Cook
# Modified: Andy Miller
# Modified: Arunas Skirius
brew_prefix=$(brew --prefix | sed 's#/#\\\/#g')
brew_array=("5.5","5.6","7.0","7.1","7.2", "7.3")
php_array=("php@5.5" "php@5.6" "php@7.0" "php@7.1" "php@7.2" "php@7.3")
valet_support_php_version_array=("php@5.5" "php@5.6" "php@7.0" "php@7.1" "php@7.2" "php@7.3")
arukompas / .bashrc
Last active March 31, 2019 11:49
Git aliases
# Display the status of the current branch
alias gs="git status"
# Display a list of branches on your local machine
alias gb="git branch"
# Add all files to the staging area
alias ga="git add ."
# Commit staged files with a message
arukompas / .bashrc
Created March 31, 2019 11:38
Laravel/NodeJS aliases
# Install Composer and Node packages. Replace "npm" with "yarn" if you're using Yarn
alias install="composer install && npm install"
# Just an even shorter alias to "install" above
alias i="install"
# I call it "Build Resources" - br. Install packages, run the migrations and build the frontend resources
alias br="install && php artisan migrate && npm run dev"
# "Build Resources & Watch" - brw. Same as above, but also watch for file changes